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Friday, August 07, 2020

As COVID-19 Tanks the Economy, Eviction Moratoriums Expire

It’s the beginning of the month, rent is due, the $600 in federal unemployment relief has lapsed and Congress seems far from agreeing on another coronavirus aid package. Meanwhile, the federal moratorium on evictions has ended, and similar mandates in many cities and states have expired or soon will.

This week, as pressure mounts on localities and protesters draw attention to a #CancelRent movement, President Donald Trump announced that he is considering a federal ban on evictions, which he said are “a big deal.”

“A lot of people are going to be evicted,” Trump said at a news briefing this week. “But I’m going to stop it because I’ll do it myself if I have to. I have a lot of powers with respect to executive orders and we’re looking at that very seriously right now.”

Also this week, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat, pushed back against efforts from housing advocates to reinstate his state’s eviction ban, which expired in June. An executive order, he told reporters, would just cause more problems. But he asked the courts to stay evictions through September.

And this week, Nevada lawmakers passed legislation that would allow courts to pause evictions for up to 30 days so tenants and landlords can work out an agreement. The state’s moratorium is slated to expire on Aug. 31. Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak is expected to sign the legislation, according to the Las Vegas Sun.

In 24 of the 43 states and Washington, D.C., that enacted eviction moratoriums, the measures have expired, according to data compiled by Eviction Lab, a Princeton University research project, and Emily Benfer, a law professor at Wake Forest University School of Law.



  1. So what happened to being RESPONSIBLE? I missed the memo telling me that I didn't have to pay bills during Covid-19! Unemployed people got a $600 a week BONUS, didn't pay their responsibilities, and its perfectly okay? Now you are demanding another BONUS for still not being EMPLOYED! Will you actually pay your bills with the money this time? Bet those CELL PHONE BILLS got paid! Oh and the Internet bills too!

    1. Internet will not because schools have partnered with Comcast for free wifi and $10 a month Internet service. . .which can probably be paid for if the k8ds have free/reduced lunch.

  2. And this could be over already, except for the dumbocrats playing politics


  3. People that were collecting unemployment and getting the additional $600 per week made more than me as I continued to work thru the pandemic. I still paid my health insurance, taxes and rent on time. With the $600 weekly is $2400 per montb. More than I who is probably paying for all their other subsidies. . Free healthcare, Cash Assistance, and food stamps. Where is the additional for ALL workers who have continued non stop to working during tbis pandemic?
    Let's see how many of those collecting go back to working.

  4. So those receiving an additional 600.00 a week are now wondering what to do next. Unemployment benefits are to tie you over while looking for another job. Not vacation time. Pelosi is responsible for the additional funds because she wants to destroy the economy.

  5. Now I can not keep quiet any longer about this stimulus and unemployment. It includes a $600 weekly increase for up to four months, on top of state benefits. In a 4 week month that is $2400 per month extra for 4 months with their regular unemployment. Then there is a one time payment of $1200 stimulus per person. For a family of four that would be $3600. If you have more than 2 children then it is an extra $600 per child. So for 4 months in addition to their regular unemployment a family of four people receive $3300.00 per month unearned income. Then if I understand landlords can not evict their tenants during this crisis. So a lot of these people thinks that means they do not have to pay their rent so they don’t. Now that means their rent has not been paid for four months. They were given more than enough money to pay their bills and eat for those four months with this FREE money they got. My question is WHO IS GOING TO BAIL THEM OUT WHEN THAT LANDLORD STARTS EVICTION PROCESS ON THEM because they elected to go on a shopping spree with that FREE money that you seen in the stores with their carts loaded with TV’s etc. , WANTS NOT NEEDS????


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