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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Letter Declining County Executive Appointment

Rene Desmarais 5527 Abbey Lane Salisbury, MD 21801 August 24, 2020 

Dear County Council President Dodd and the County Council: 

Thank you for the opportunity to become the next Wicomico County Executive. Although it would be a privilege to lead our great county, I must respectfully decline to accept the appointment. I wish you the best in your future selection. 

Rene Desmarais


  1. Typical WICOMICO COUNTY. All the kitchen bitches spewing here say. Not knowing what the hell they are talking about. The doctor is smarter than all of you. He got the hell out before you fool's ruin yet another professional reputation. Now you tell me how different WICOMICO COUNTY is different than the City of SHITSBURY??

  2. I don't blame him on bit. He would have had endure the same horrible treatment that President Trump has. He is not in the click and one of the good ole boys, but he is by far, the smartest on of them all!

    1. 7:29
      To Be One, Ask One

      Freemasonry: Judaism for Goy

  3. Dr. Rene Desmarais did the right move resigning his appointment to become the next Wicomico County Executive. He saw what was up ahead and averted disaster by bailing out, Good for him! It is now time to announce that the Wicomico County Executive Office be placed on a Special Election ballot to be removed immediately! Time to call for a Special Election right now! Power to the People!

  4. I can't say I blame him - it was what Spock would say - 'A logical decision' given the set of facts that lie before him. First off $85,000 is not enough given the job entails implementing a 140 - 150 million dollar budget. It's time to put the job up for a special election.

    1. local Salisbury residentAugust 25, 2020 at 11:05 PM

      I've been saying that for years

    2. A job that should require a little more than a GED at that

  5. This goes to show you all the problems between executive office and coucil was not all Culver. They still can not get their act together.

  6. I'm hoping we can vote all the clowns out in the next election. The Dr. should have stayed!

  7. I recently moved here to take a job with one of the main employers here in town and I have to say I am shocked / dismayed/ appalled by our local politics.

    I’m not a rigid partisan. I am right of center but not far right enough for the knuckleheads on here that would instantly refer to me as a RINO because I give props and respect for the good things Jake Day has done and I can get along with Jake, Julia, Mike, and the developers that are taking huge risks to bring downtown back to life.

    We need the county exec - county council - city politicians and business community to get along and work collaboratively- we need to put an end to the dysfunction

    A warning to you far right extremists on here: there is no future in extreme right or left politics- you are about to see the AOC and Ilhan Omar extreme radical left get crushed. This goes for national level and local level.

    Some of you so called conservative Republicans on here are embarrassing. You give the party a bad name.

    I hunk they need to reopen the search, improve the search process (someone posted on here a great description in the “interviews at civic center “ article ) and find a fresh face with no baggage.

    If Anderton gets it, it will be shameful. I don’t know Ennis or anything about her . It was the drama surrounding her and the council that has drawn me in to learning more about my new home and how it’s governed since I don’t live within city limits

  8. Don't come here with your crap 10:37! If it was so great where you came from why don't you just go back. You like everyone else wants to come here and make it like the place you came from. No thank you!

    1. Hahaha. He's realized what many have shortly after arrival. Nothing but whiney, backstabbing, BAPTIST, shorebillies. Had a doctor ended up with a DROPOUT. BRILLIANT.

    2. 😆😆🤣 ok - whatever you duck dynasty backwoods redneck shorebilly

    3. 2:10 you a BAPTIST too?? Lol

  9. Hey newbie sucks today be u! Huh?

    1. Nope
      Not all
      I’m amused by the tomfoolery
      Almost as comical as watching the mayor that you all hate absolutely mop the floor with his republican opponent in the debate

  10. John Psota for County Executive!! He can burn candles at both ends since he is making $122,000 a year along with his State Police pension at $50.000! Not a bad payday but time for him to pay up!!

    1. Do a little research before you spew out falsehoods. State police Sargeant retirement isn't 50,000 a year with 25 years. Second psota isn't going to take a 40,000 dollar a year paycut to be executive. His current job has 120 per and the executive is only 80-85 per I believe. It's sad because someone like John would be good because Cannon and his cronies can't manipulate him

    2. These Baptist shorebillies never do research. Like someone else posted. Had a doctor. Spewed their lies. Ended up with a H.S.DROPOUT. You can't make this up. Must be some inbred going on around here. EVERYTIME they get a professional to teach these fool's something and help make their lives better. They ruin it for themselves. EVERY single time. It's been going on since 2009. Pathetic.

  11. Something is fishy here

  12. Anderton didn't get a GED at Crisfield or any other school in Somerset Co. I checked it within the guidelines of public notice and nothing pertaining to him was ever recorded. He lied to the citizens of Wicomico Co. and yet they want him to have the top job and be as inept as he was in the Legislature. Don't wonder why he hasn't done anything in Annapolis because he's not smart enough to lead, like Jake Day.

  13. 7:56 PM would you listen to what you are saying. "Power to the people". If you go back to the way things were you are taking power AWAY from the people. In the old system whatever the council wanted in a legislative meeting they would just turn their hats around and vote for it. Please explain your definition of power to the people. The County Executive form allows for a system of checks and balances. And someone was right in saying it looks like Mr. Culver was not the problem. The problem is some members of the council want all power returned to them so they could vote for funding for whatever they wanted. They want to go AGAINST the will of the people. Can you see the difference? Do you understand what you wrote?

  14. The only difference seen is that the Wicomico County Executive form of government needs to go like yesterday! The only other logical option would be to combine the County Administrator's office with the Executive office to make as one expediture but not have both. We do not need a County Administrator and a County Executive in this county anymore! One or the other but not both!! John Psota makes the big boy bucks now and he wears the big boy pants! Culver appointed his buddy to this position, now let's see him earn it!

  15. To 12:04 PM: $50,000 is pretty dam close to what you Make! Quit trying to pull the wool over our eyes John. Need to eliminate the Executive Office or eliminate you for milking the system! No more Administrator or Executive Office! Cannot have both! Making money on the taxpayer's backs! Sick and tired of this Quid Pro Quo crap but at least Bob Culver will not be around to take care of his Buddies anymore!

  16. Okay 12:54 PM: A State Police Sergeant retirement with 25 years experience isn't $50.000 a year. But it is $48.000 dollars a year! Close enough and research completed!!

  17. John Psota if you look up the County Executive is the acting executive. This goes to show you a County Executive is not needed at all! Do not and Never needed this worthless position! Culver certainly reinforced this statement! John is taking care of it! Rid this county of this expediture Now!

  18. Culver surely took care of his buddies at the Civic Center and that is coming to a end as we speak.This fall and winter trying to burn the candle at both ends there will get real interesting.Inquiring minds what to know?

    1. Blah blah blah blah. Nothing will change. It's the only thing that brings money to the county. It's all they have. You'll see. Keep chasing professional people away. Nothing will change.

  19. Anonymous said...
    John Psota for County Executive!! He can burn candles at both ends since he is making $122,000 a year along with his State Police pension at $50.000! Not a bad payday but time for him to pay up!!

    August 26, 2020 at 7:29 AM

    He could have applied, Why didn't he? Maybe he does not want it.

  20. I say get rid of the County Administrator position and force Psota into the Executive Office position. The County would save $37,000 dollars a year by making this move! Take it or leave it Psota would have to suck it up! He would be matching what he was making in Fruitand anyhow.

  21. John Psota just got appointed by his personal friend, Bob Culver to the County Administrator Office before his death. A pay decrease since he has only been in office less than two months would not affect him at all. John Psota will become the next County Administrator/Executive for Wicomico County, Maryland! Congratulations John for taking up this new position for the citizens of Wicomico County! You are a true Patriot for Wicomico County!!

  22. wicomico county is outstanding when it comes to wasting money - i don't think any other county in md could touch this. look no further than rec and parks.
    look at what rickards makes and then ask what he does. look at what chuck makes and then ask what he does. the answer to both is they pass off their work to anybody they can find. especially nancy the secretary. ask melvin and his gang what they are doing tomorrow - NOTHING. the supervisors at the civic center are too numerous to mention and all are paid very well. folks, there is nothing going on except some softball tournaments at the complex. we didn't need all these way overpaid employees before and WE DAMN SURE DON'T NEED EM NOW. the hot dog chef makes more than i'll ever make AND THERE ARE NO EVENTS AT THE CIVIC CENTER. WILL ANYONE EVER TAKE NOTICE OF THIS OR IS EVERYONE JUST OK WITH IT?

  23. Sounds like a former terminated R&P minion is blowing off some steam since he could not get in THE CLICK. I imagine it will not be long before numerous county positions are evaluated and then eliminated.


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