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Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Carl Anderton's Diploma

Hi Joe:

No matter if Carl Anderton has a GED or not, the digital version that he referenced in his video has some red flags that need to be explained. The requirements for the Executive position is not the issue. People think the degree is fake, even though his achievement may be real. If he produces a genuine Maryland diploma in the end, that's great. Until then, he has some explaining to do. It is hard to believe that Maryland would produce such a crappy document. If you Google search "Fake Maryland High School Diplomas" you will see many like it. 


  1. Even if he produces a real one - the fact that he tried to pass this one off as real provides sufficient evidence of fraudulent intent to further his personal career.

    Just like the turds birth certificate after accepting foreign student aid...

    We don't want him!

  2. Not one more term in any Political Office for this Buffoon!!

  3. He shouldn't be considered. He is too close with Fake Day...I have heard them referred to as butt buddies

  4. Anderton isn't qualified. He is not considered smart in Annapolis - which is saying a lot given the company!

  5. Just wondering why his middle name is not recorded on this paper. My College & HS Diplomas have my middle name included.

  6. 11:08 so, being to close is cause to be disqualified for this position. And just who are the people that you would like for Mr. Anderton to be friends with in order to be in this position?

  7. I graduated in the early 72 and mine looks like the top version.

    1. Same here. Graduated in 92 found mine last night it looks like the top one. Guess our state made some horrid diplomas.

    2. Mine looks like the top one as well, so much for the "expert"

  8. I'm sick of education playing a role in politics.The ability to do the job is all I care about.

  9. Local politics suck. Whoever is anointed by the area's real estate/landlord/property investor/insurance/banking Cabal goes to the top of the heap. $$ from them is unlimited, as they contribute not to candidates directly, but without limit to a Political Action Committee (PAC) out of Chicago and Baltimore, two of the most corruptly Democrat run cities in the nation.
    John and Jane Q. Public run for local office and raise $4000 each by going door to door and sending out campaign donation requests, while the candidates chosen by the PAC get whatever is required, easily doubling or quadrupling the grassroots candidates. This unbridled cash influx means radio, TV, newspaper and other media advertising far out of the reach of any of those not blessed by the PAC dollar recipients.

  10. Anderton is just another big Fraud! Hw would not even win back his position in Delmar if it were available!

  11. Go back to school Anderton and learn something this time!

  12. I bet he was born in Kenya too!

  13. just call the high school see if he actually graduated or if he later got a GED.....The concern is this, we have politicians who blatantly lie.... Anderton has lied numerous times... If he is ling about The Diploma that should end his appointment to County Executive we do not need another liar in office.

  14. Hahaha. You crybabies had a doctor to help you shorebillies get your head out of your ass. Now you are complaining about a GED?? THIS IS EXACTLY WHATS WRONG WITH WICOMICO COUNTY. You all are too stupid to know what you want. Had a doctor. Ended up with a H.S. DROPOUT. BRILLIANT!!

    1. How does being a doctor make you a good leader ?

  15. I’m tired of people with high school diplomas thinking they deserve the same salary and job considerations as people with college degrees. If you want better positions and better pay, you earn it. I didn’t go to college and earn two degrees to take orders from someone with a GED. He should have never been in politics with a GED in the first place. Not everyone is academic and I know this, but when your dealing with budgets, grants, laws, zoning etc..a GED shouldn’t even be considered for the position.

    1. They are proving everyday that college degrees do not mean anything. So glad you have 2 degrees. I have an associates from A Community College and make well into the 6 figures.

  16. This goes MUCH DEEPER than the fake diploma. Anyone with one working brain cell can SEE that 'document' is a FAKE...just like Anderton is and THAT folks is the whole of it...HE'S a FAKE.

    He's another one that is just looking to pad his OWN pockets at the expense of others. He actually is worthless as a 'delegate'...forget having him taking part of decision making for the County. All you folks patting him on the back are clueless...the County does NOT need a 'you scratch my back...'

    Just as the dolt Mayor could only be voted on by City residents...lets make the County Executive position be voted on by JUST those residents that live in the County - OUTSIDE City limits.

    I can only hope the County Council does NOT even entertain this FAKE and LIAR for such a position.

  17. Does anyone have a 1992 MD diploma they could share for comparison? That would be helpful.

    1. Transgender @ Salisbury UniversityAugust 31, 2020 at 1:13 PM


      holy cow..... your old !!!!

  18. 11:58 I would say being a moron should be a disqualifier for the position. Carl has that covered in aces. I could honestly care less who his friends are or who he associates with. His general stupidity is enough for me to consider him a poor candidate.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 12:45
      Do not take the Lord’s Name in vain!

      It is Jesus Christ.

    2. 12:45 Aww looky. A lefty that can’t have a conversation. Just name calling. Mom called. Your lunch is ready. All set up in the basement for you. 🙄

  20. The top one looks like Obummers birth certificate.


  21. I'll accept that he has a GED. In order to avoid hurt feelings and bump up self-esteem Maryland grants GED achievers a generic Maryland High School Diploma. It's a flat out recognition that most employers and others consider it to be less than a regular HS diploma. And it is.

    The GED process is different. There are several core areas and a timed standardized test is administered for each one. The student must pass all sections to get the GED. They can retake any failed sections later on another attempt.

    Anderton was clearly well on the way to failing out, or being thrown out, of HS when he was advised to give the GED a shot. He obviously had been attending some classes in order to play sports, and some information had lodged in his brain so he passed.

    Not all students are a good match for standard issue schooling, and by his video that's true of him. So he was able to leave school before graduation but with GED in hand.

    The question remains: What has he done since then until getting the Delmar job? He hasn't addressed that and nobody else has weighed in on his career or accomplishments. He's been an unserious clown as a Delegate, and his endorsement of a Dem for 'bury mayor makes him a RINO. That may wash with the Dems on Council but it should be persona non grata for Republican council members.

    Anderton in a position of more responsibility is not a good answer. We have much better alternatives.

  22. Do a FOIA on it.

  23. The problem is that SCUMBAG CANNON.

  24. If nothing else, Q taught us to scrutinize information. Well done patriot.

  25. 12:45 Is your vocabulary so small that you must use the Lord's name in vain? You must not even have a GED!!!

  26. That is not a diploma. Anyone who looks at should see that.

    1. Stevie Wonder can see it’s fake

    2. My dad had an 9th grade education. Started Lejeune Home Improvements in 1963,Then sold real estate in 1993..long and foster.got tired of the real estate game,went to auction school in N.C.Became a successful Auctioneer. It's just a piece of paper,if the guy is good.what's the problem?

    3. Mine looks like his, does that mean mines fake as well, or does it mean you really dont know what your talking about.

  27. Really People ? Maybe check his birth certificate too.


  28. I would vote for Carl Anderton...He might not have college degree but he has common since and truly cares about the people in this community. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. College degree.

  29. 3:51 PM, it's not about his credentials. It's about integrity and honesty. If he is dishonest about this, what else would he be dishonest with in such a position? Nobody wants a counterfeiting fraud to run this county. We have enough feces lining downtown Main Street as it is.

  30. Of course, the GOP Central Committee knew this and withheld it from the public when he ran for Delegate and put his name in the hat for County Executive. Falsifying a document like a High School diploma is a very dishonest act and serious offense. Presenting it to a Wicomico County Council is fraudulent. Now we need and investigation into this entire process. We need to determine who was involved in misrepresenting Carl Anderton as a high school graduate. Secondly, we need to expose those who forced Rene Desmarais to resign by the use of threats and extortion. The GOP Central Committee will be investigated by the Republican National Committee for fraud or by the Department of Justice.

  31. I don't know about Anderton's birth certificate but according to a Public Record still 'open' he hasn't paid a $70 fine (I think it was in 2011) for not stopping at the scales...shows SUSPENSION Failure to comply.

    Wonder what this one was from 2007?
    Delmar Police Dept Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge 111, et al vs Delmar Mayor And Commissioners, et al

  32. Issued by the Department of Labor. It’s supposedly a GED but looks bad.
    This is no different than what George Floyd was doing. Uttering, forgery.

  33. Delegate Horseshack does not have a high school diploma! Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!!

  34. The question is not the level of education but the level of honesty. Submitting fraudulent documents as part of an employment application can never be allowed or rewarded.

  35. It's funny how Shawn Bradley ended up with the prostitution change and Carl was just white washed out of the report.

  36. Out of the gate, a liar.

  37. Funny how Carl's cousin/best bud was just sworn into the Wicomico Republican Central Committee just a few weeks ago. Neither one of them have any sense.

  38. The irony of you lot espousing rhetoric about a high school diploma and what a GED is while you cowards sit here jobless and on the government dole scared to avoid a direct order is amusing to say the least. Not only is the diploma absolutely worthless, so are most of the college degrees you may have.

  39. Larry Dodd is a he-man woman hater and a racist. Look at all the chit he has put on Facebook over the years. I know some of you have those screenshots, maybe they need to surface!

    1. What’s wrong with being racist

  40. AnonymousAugust 26, 2020 at 7:54 PM
    It's funny how Shawn Bradley ended up with the prostitution change and Carl was just white washed out of the report.

    Shawn Bradley is a grown man responsible for his own actions. Carl was not with him. Stop spewing your lies!

  41. Carl Anderton voted FOR our now in force Maryland RED FLAG LAW which has already killed one person.

    No, I don't want him running OUR County.

  42. oh lookie we have a document expert on hand. BWAAAAA BWAAAAA

  43. AnonymousAugust 26, 2020 at 7:54 PM
    It's funny how Shawn Bradley ended up with the prostitution change and Carl was just white washed out of the report.

    Shawn Bradley is a grown man responsible for his own actions. Carl was not with him. Stop spewing your lies!


    Uh, and you know this, how?

  44. Anyone that saw his video should realize he has no place in local politics he needs mental help he has real issues. He in no way should be considered for the position of Wicomico County Executive or any position for the county or City Council. Move on Anderton you shot yourself in both feet trying to get the sympathy votes you thought would flood in. The Good doctor would have been a good choice, Wayne King should be given the opportunity he has the business experience and ability to lead and work well for our community, he would represent us well.

  45. For everyone screaminh GED you do realize that homeschooled children get either a made up diploma or they can get a GED. You can go to a community College get an associate degree and then transfer to a 4yr university as a junior and get a bachelor degree. I personally don't like the gentleman but GED actually means nothing now.

  46. Be patient everyone. The real diploma is on it's way. Just don't hold your breath....

  47. You want the truth well you might not be able to handle the truth! Mike Dunn,Jake Day and Carl Anderton have all been intimate with each other! In other words they are bonafide Cocksuckers People! Open your eyes!

  48. Cornbread has got the backing of all the Jake day koolaid drinkers. They called and harassed and threatened demaris, which is why he dropped out. Cornbread, thru a friend? Started a gofund me. These are the lengths jake and Carl's friends go thru to get what they want

  49. It’s also the signature of the CURRENT Secretary of Labor (why?). I’d say it’s a current record confirming past GED.

  50. Because a high school diploma means you’re a scholar? Hahaha

  51. I urge the CC to reject Anderton. Clearly he has public support issues. Also integrity issues.

  52. My family is going to vote against our councilman if he insists changes his vote to Anderton. We need backbone. Rejected once, should be rejected again.

  53. It/s clearly Michelle, but the racism is abundant

    1. And your poor spelling reflects your thinking. Try again.

  54. Here are members of the Greater Salisbury Committee that are owned by Mike Dunn and they allow him to do as he pleases. Mike Dunn is using his email database to encourage these idiots to support Carl Anderton.
    It would be in everyone's best interest to boycott these businesses until they get rid of Mike Dunn. Contact everyone you know on this list and demand they fire Mike Dunn or your will discontinue doing business with them. **Please note that Councilman Bill McCain is a member of the Greater Salisbury Committee. This is a major conflict.

    Cato Gas & Oil

    Value Carpet One

    Delmarva Power

    Allen & Allen

    Long Badger & Sheller LLP

    Salisbury Independent

    Alarm Engineering

    Chesapeake Utilities

    Bank of Delmarva

    Long & Foster

    Hudson Health Services

    Eastern Shore Distributing Co.

    Coastal Hospice

    Lower Shore Clinic


    K & L Microwave

    Peninsula Alternative Health

    Perdue Farms, Inc.

    Hebron Savings Bank

    Delmarva Veteran Builders


    Edward Jones Financial Advisors

    Toroid Corporation of Maryland

    Pro Coat, LLC.

    Piedmont Airlines



    LWRC International

    Avery Hall Insurance

    TGM Group, LLC

    Sysco Eastern Maryland

    Gillis Gilkerson

    Gillis Gilkerson

    Credit Plus

    United Way

    Dove Pointe

    Harkins Company


    The Insurance Market

    Snowden Lane Partners

    Delmarby, Inc.

    Chesapeake Health Care

    John D. Hynes & Associates, Inc.


    Bay Area Center for Independent Living

    Kim & Associates

    Independent Newsmedia

    Layton's Chance Vineyard & Winery


    W.R. McCain & Associates

    Shore United Bank

    Minuteman Press

    SVN Miller Commercial Real Estate



    PKS & Company, PA

    Becker Morgan

    Shore Distributors


    First Shore Federal


    Perdue Farms

    Allen & Shariff

    Bank of America

    Provident State Bank

    State Farm Insurance

    Robertson & Robertson

    ISG International

    Whiting-Turner Contracting

    M & T Bank

    Vantage Point Solutions Group

    JOHN SEIPP, Esq.

    Chesapeake Shipbuilding

    Pilot Financial Advisors

    AWB Engineers



    Area Executive

    Vice President
    Taylor Oil Company

    Executive Director
    Wicomico Public Libraries


    Regional Vice President
    Allen & Shariff

    Quality Staffing Services

    Davis, Bowen & Friedel

    CAP Management

    Wilgus Insurance

    George, Miles & Buhr, LLC

    Pepsi Bottling Ventures

    Affordable Business Systems

    Vernon Powell Shoe Company

  55. Anonymous said...
    Even if he produces a real one - the fact that he tried to pass this one off as real provides sufficient evidence of fraudulent intent to further his personal career.

    Just like the turds birth certificate after accepting foreign student aid...

    We don't want him!

    August 26, 2020 at 11:06 AM

    I agree with you 100%. This is a fake diploma and proves Carl Anderton is desperate and a fraud. The individual who printed this for Carl Anderton should be locked up. Anderton is a FRAUD.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Not one more term in any Political Office for this Buffoon!!

    August 26, 2020 at 11:06 AM

    I don't think this Buffoon could win a countywide election as the County Executive. The only support he has is in the Salisbury area which is nothing but Democrats. The people outside of Salisbury are smarter than that and won't vote for him.

  57. Anonymous said...
    He shouldn't be considered. He is too close with Fake Day...I have heard them referred to as butt buddies

    August 26, 2020 at 11:08 AM

    You've got that right. We don't need Carl Anderton giving more of Wicomico County to Jake Day and the City of Salisbury.

  58. Anonymous said...
    Anderton isn't qualified. He is not considered smart in Annapolis - which is saying a lot given the company!

    August 26, 2020 at 11:28 AM

    Not only is he not qualified, he is not smart enough and none of his "friends" in Annapolis even like him.

  59. Carl Anderton has already promised these people jobs when he got appointed as the County Executive.

    Jobs promised by Carl Anderton once he was appointed:

    Rene Desmarais - County Health Commissioner
    Bunky Luffman - Chief of Staff
    Mike Dunn - Director of Administration
    Nate Sansom - IT Director
    Jackie Welfonder Davis - Local Management Board Director
    Kendal Krach - Executive Office Associate
    Cousin Jimmy Parsons was promised a job in the Executives Office.

  60. Anonymous said...
    Just wondering why his middle name is not recorded on this paper. My College & HS Diplomas have my middle name included.

    August 26, 2020 at 11:49 AM

    Excellent point. But the got the Jr. on there. Carl is nearly 50 years old and that idiot will never get a college degree. He posted something from the University of Maryland saying he is a "Fellow." It is not even worth the paper it is printed on.

  61. Anonymous said...
    11:08 so, being to close is cause to be disqualified for this position. And just who are the people that you would like for Mr. Anderton to be friends with in order to be in this position?

    August 26, 2020 at 11:58 AM

    Are you a F'n IDIOT!! Yes, being to close to Jake Day is a problem.

  62. @August 31, 2020 at 5:23 PM

    So I see Randy Day and Chris Eccleston are listed as members of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

    So that answers why they were both at the meeting last Thursday night giving the 4 good council members Hell.

    Those idiots are being used by Mike Dunn and they are too stupid to understand it.

  63. Anonymous said...
    I'm sick of education playing a role in politics.The ability to do the job is all I care about.

    August 26, 2020 at 12:18 PM

    Usually when people make comments like this it's because they are the uneducated one.

    You are too stupid to understand we are talking about a fake and fraudulent document, not their education. Speaking of ability, Anderton doesn't have the ability to do the job as county executive.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I graduated in the early 72 and mine looks like the top version.

    August 26, 2020 at 12:15 PM

    Carl Anderton didn't graduate.... Pay Attention!

  65. Anonymous said...
    just call the high school see if he actually graduated or if he later got a GED.....The concern is this, we have politicians who blatantly lie.... Anderton has lied numerous times... If he is ling about The Diploma that should end his appointment to County Executive we do not need another liar in office.

    August 26, 2020 at 12:27 PM

    You are right. Carl Anderton was caught in a bald face lie producing this false document at the last moment.

  66. This should be enough to disqualify Carl Anderton, found right here on SBYNews.com

    Sunday, March 08, 2015
    Carl Anderton Supports Tax Relief For Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury Taxpayers!

    At last, Wicomico County's resident delegate in the General Assembly is actively pushing legislation to include the County among those that must provide a property tax "differential" – a lower rate, resulting in a reduced tax bill – for property in municipalities that provide services such as police/law enforcement and road construction and maintenance/snow removal in the town limits, thereby relieving the County from doing so. It's fundamental fairness because the county tax applies to property in the towns, but the owners don't receive the same County benefits as taxpayers who live elsewhere.

    To quote Mr. Anderton, "It's something that's very simple [and] we just have to make it happen." But that’s not how his predecessor and the former County Executive saw it.

    During his first term as Wicomico County Executive, Rick Pollitt initially seemed to support the tax differential, as he did when he was Fruitland's town manager. The County together with Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury commissioned a study by an independent consultant to determine an appropriate amount. But before it was completed, Pollitt flip-flopped. Although the consultant reported that property owners in each town should get relief from the County's property taxes, Pollitt objected to that. His notion that they deserve no tax relief because only the County funds the school system is just plain nonsense – the taxpayers in those towns provide part of those funds just like the others do.

    In fact, most of the Maryland counties that have incorporated towns – 18 of 21, including many that are not required to do so – provide tax relief for property located in at least some of the towns. Besides Wicomico County, only Worcester and Queen Anne’s don't. Talbot County, which has the same tax revenue cap as Wicomico County provides a substantial reduction in the property tax on property in Easton – equal to $161 per capita in fiscal year 2014 according to a recent study by the State of Maryland.

    It seems that Norm Conway opposed legislation that would require the county to provide appropriate tax relief to property owners in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury. For whatever reason he did nothing. Now, as his successor, Mr. Anderton wants to make that happen. The proposed legislation would apply to all towns if they show that they are entitled to tax relief, which is certainly the case in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury and may also be the case in some others.

  67. At last, Wicomico County's resident delegate in the General Assembly is actively pushing legislation to include the County among those that must provide a property tax "differential" – a lower rate, resulting in a reduced tax bill – for property in municipalities that provide services such as police/law enforcement and road construction and maintenance/snow removal in the town limits, thereby relieving the County from doing so. It's fundamental fairness because the county tax applies to property in the towns, but the owners don't receive the same County benefits as taxpayers who live elsewhere.

    To quote Mr. Anderton, "It's something that's very simple [and] we just have to make it happen." But that’s not how his predecessor and the former County Executive saw it.

    During his first term as Wicomico County Executive, Rick Pollitt initially seemed to support the tax differential, as he did when he was Fruitland's town manager. The County together with Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury commissioned a study by an independent consultant to determine an appropriate amount. But before it was completed, Pollitt flip-flopped. Although the consultant reported that property owners in each town should get relief from the County's property taxes, Pollitt objected to that. His notion that they deserve no tax relief because only the County funds the school system is just plain nonsense – the taxpayers in those towns provide part of those funds just like the others do.

    In fact, most of the Maryland counties that have incorporated towns – 18 of 21, including many that are not required to do so – provide tax relief for property located in at least some of the towns. Besides Wicomico County, only Worcester and Queen Anne’s don't. Talbot County, which has the same tax revenue cap as Wicomico County provides a substantial reduction in the property tax on property in Easton – equal to $161 per capita in fiscal year 2014 according to a recent study by the State of Maryland.

    It seems that Norm Conway opposed legislation that would require the county to provide appropriate tax relief to property owners in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury. For whatever reason he did nothing. Now, as his successor, Mr. Anderton wants to make that happen. The proposed legislation would apply to all towns if they show that they are entitled to tax relief, which is certainly the case in Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury and may also be the case in some others.

    Salisbury News is proud to have endorsed such a candidate.


  68. August 26, 2020 at 12:45 PM
    Your comment was removed because you simply are not very bright. Neither was he.
    I bought a home he “worked” on adding an addition.
    IF someone goes to school and earns a diploma they would know you do not plumb a new 2” grey water washer drain into a 4” black water sewer main by shoving the 2” pipe a foot into the 4” pipe and wrapping it with half a roll of duct tape because when the duct tape finally rots the young family will be flushing their toilet directly under their house turning the entire crawl space into a cesspool of chunky fluid biowaste littered with used toilet paper and sanitary products causing unspeakable toxic aromas to waft into the living areas. They make a very simple pvc coupling to prevent that from happening. It costs 7.99$
    The damages and subsequent repairs cost me thousands. The EPA, the City, the waste company that pumped the underneath of the home... The Real plumbers, the structural engineer that had to crawl through liquid crap to verify the poorly laid foundation was compromised. New footers and piers and a corner of foundation, a pallet of lime, fill dirt, labor, Etc,etc... They would also know when relocating a bathroom, you do not cut off sewer vents in the attic and fill them with tar. They will eventually leak causing major damage.
    You know who you are!

    Real degrees and contractors licenses are important.

  69. @ August 31, 2020 at 8:33 PM

    I certainly hope Joe and SBYNews have changed their views on this stupid idiot who is too ignorant to know what a tax differential means to the county citizens of Wicomico who he wants to screw over.

    Carl Anderton is NO friend of Wicomico County. Carl has always been Butt Buddies with Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Funny how he never tried to build a relationship with the County Executive or the Republican County Council members except for Josh Hastings. And now all of a sudden he is Butt Buddies with Bill McCain and John Cannon. That speaks volumes.

    Say NO to Anderton!

  70. Anonymous said...
    @August 31, 2020 at 5:23 PM

    So I see Randy Day and Chris Eccleston are listed as members of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

    So that answers why they were both at the meeting last Thursday night giving the 4 good council members Hell.

    Those idiots are being used by Mike Dunn and they are too stupid to understand it.

    August 31, 2020 at 7:43 PM

    Randy Day is seen on the Youtube Video attacking the 4 council members who didn't support his "Warrior for Agriculture." What an ignorant idiot. Anderton is only a Warrior for Randy's little Homo Son who is now in Africa while is Daughter in Law is giving Blow Jobs to little schoolboys for their Adderal. Heck, Randy may be getting in on some of the action now that his boy in out of the country. Randy can give her some of his tadalafil pills.

  71. Anonymous said...
    For everyone screaminh GED you do realize that homeschooled children get either a made up diploma or they can get a GED. You can go to a community College get an associate degree and then transfer to a 4yr university as a junior and get a bachelor degree. I personally don't like the gentleman but GED actually means nothing now.

    August 28, 2020 at 3:44 PM

    Do you always have comprehension issues?? This thread and article has absolutely NOTHING to do with a GED!!!!!!!! It has everything to do with Maryland State Delegate Carl Anderton producing a fake, fraudulent document for a job interview.


  72. Anonymous said...
    Be patient everyone. The real diploma is on it's way. Just don't hold your breath....

    August 29, 2020 at 10:36 AM

    Real diploma?? He didn't get a real diploma, he dropped out of high school, Idiot!


  73. Anonymous said...
    How does being a doctor make you a good leader ?

    August 30, 2020 at 2:50 PM

    How does being an uneducated high school dropout with no real accomplishments in 50 years of life make you a good leader ?

  74. Anonymous said...
    What’s wrong with being racist

    August 30, 2020 at 2:51 PM

    I don't know. Ask every member of the Maryland Black Legislative Caucus, they know Carl Anderton is a racist with his ghetto gang size and trying to talk black when around them.

  75. Anonymous said...
    Cornbread has got the backing of all the Jake day koolaid drinkers. They called and harassed and threatened demaris, which is why he dropped out. Cornbread, thru a friend? Started a gofund me. These are the lengths jake and Carl's friends go thru to get what they want

    August 30, 2020 at 2:53 PM

    Cornbread has been seen meeting with Mike Dunn, Chris Eccleston, Brad Gillis, Blair Carey, Randy Day and a few others from the GSC to talk strategy. They want him as the Wicomico County Executive bad so that he can throw out some sweet deals to them. All this at the taxpayers expense, of course.

  76. You all so know who Chris Eccleston is, don't you? Chris Eccelston, President and CEO of Delmarva Veteran Builders. You know that clown that has that big ugly Army truck with Delmarva Veteran Builders on the side of it. That same ugly Army truck that Eccleston let Jake Day borrow so he could put Jake Day for Mare signs all over it and drive Jake through some Parades. Yeah, the same guy that gets all the sweet construction deals from Jake Day the City of Salisbury and the taxpayers. What is despicable is that Chris Eccleston is using the name "Veteran" Builders to tug at the heartstrings of Patriots thinking he is a special veteran. He is a corrupt piece of $hit just like Jake and Randy Day and Mike Dunn.

    Well this same Chris Eccleston had done some construction jobs in Wicomico County for the county government and Delmarva Veteran Builders literally screw those projects up. Screwed them up so bad that the county taxpayers had to pay twice to get the work done right a second time.

    Chris Eccleston and Delmarva Veteran Builders' work was so shotty that County Executive Culver banned Delmarva Veteran Builders from doing work for the Wicomico County government again. That is the reason that Chris Eccleston is trying his best to get Carl Anderton appointed as the county executive because he needs the county's business to get rich off of them.

    The last project Chris Eccleston did for Wicomico County was the Election's Board building renovations on Snow Hill Road. Delmarva Veteran Builders screwed that up so bad that the county had to hire another contractor to come in and do it right. That is the project that got Chris Eccleston banned from doing county government work.

  77. Here is a very fair question for Delegate Carl Anderton and his supporters.

    Delegate Anderton, How many of your state Delegate and Senator friends have endorsed you or support you for the appointment of Wicomico County Executive? It's a fair question and deserves an answer.

    Delegate Anderton, if none of your Delegate and Senator friends have not endorsed or supported you please explain what?

    This is a fair question for Delegate Anderton, John Cannon, Bill McCain, Mike Dunn, Jake Day and a few Republican Central Committee members who have outspokenly supported Mr. Anderton. They seem to demand an explanation why Mr. Anderton wasn't chosen. Please explain why there are no Delegates or Senators that have come out in public and support Mr. Anderton.

  78. Anonymous said...
    You all so know who Chris Eccleston is, don't you? Chris Eccelston, President and CEO of Delmarva Veteran Builders. You know that clown that has that big ugly Army truck with Delmarva Veteran Builders on the side of it. That same ugly Army truck that Eccleston let Jake Day borrow so he could put Jake Day for Mare signs all over it and drive Jake through some Parades. Yeah, the same guy that gets all the sweet construction deals from Jake Day the City of Salisbury and the taxpayers. What is despicable is that Chris Eccleston is using the name "Veteran" Builders to tug at the heartstrings of Patriots thinking he is a special veteran. He is a corrupt piece of $hit just like Jake and Randy Day and Mike Dunn.

    Well this same Chris Eccleston had done some construction jobs in Wicomico County for the county government and Delmarva Veteran Builders literally screw those projects up. Screwed them up so bad that the county taxpayers had to pay twice to get the work done right a second time.

    Chris Eccleston and Delmarva Veteran Builders' work was so shotty that County Executive Culver banned Delmarva Veteran Builders from doing work for the Wicomico County government again. That is the reason that Chris Eccleston is trying his best to get Carl Anderton appointed as the county executive because he needs the county's business to get rich off of them.

    The last project Chris Eccleston did for Wicomico County was the Election's Board building renovations on Snow Hill Road. Delmarva Veteran Builders screwed that up so bad that the county had to hire another contractor to come in and do it right. That is the project that got Chris Eccleston banned from doing county government work.

    September 1, 2020 at 3:16 AM

    WOW!! We didn't know that! Thanks for the explanation! Chris Eccleston has always given me the creeps and now I know why. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  79. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    How does being a doctor make you a good leader ?

    August 30, 2020 at 2:50 PM

    How does being an uneducated high school dropout with no real accomplishments in 50 years of life make you a good leader ?

    September 1, 2020 at 3:00 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Best comeback of the day!

  80. In the Court of Public Opinion Carl Anderton and his few followers LOSE!

  81. Did anyone notice that the signature is from the CURRENT Secretary of Labor?

    Why and how did Cornbread get a Current GED from 1992 with the current Secretary of Labor signing it?? The current Secretary of Labor took the position in 2019, not 1992.

    Looks like Cornbread, Bunky Luffman and Mike Dunn have some explaining to do!

  82. Carl Anderton is the idiot! I’m really proud the County Council made the right decision, Anderton the joke!!!

    Wasted those minutes of my life watching that video that I will never get back!

  83. Has anyone noticed that the Republican Central Committee members crying the most about the Republican Doctor, Rene Desmarais, getting the appointment over Anderton are the same ones that supported and endorsed the Liberal Socialist Jake Day for mayor over the Republican candidate!

  84. If I was attacked like Dr. Desmarais, and accused of being unfaithful to my spouse, I'd consider walking away too. I have known this man for decades and the amount of corrupt and mean spirited people in our community is disgraceful. I know he would probably walk away than to put his family through a living hell. You so-called leaders of our community should be ashamed of yourselves. Mike Dunn, Bill Chambers, Jake Day, Randy Day, Bill McCain, John Cannon, Josh Hastings, Brad Gillis... Shame on you low life scumbags!

  85. Carl Anderton is a friend and supporter of the Socialist Dan O'Hare and other Progressives like Ron Pagano, Jared Schablein and Jake Burdett. Any idiot that would support Dan O'Hare needs their head examined. He is an absolute drunkard and admitted suffering from some forms of mental illness. He is about nothing more than government entitlement and I open borders. As far as Anderton, he's a sellout and is in bed with all the local "thieves" ripping off Wicomico County. Are you sure that is who you want as your County Executive?

  86. I talked to one of my council representatives and I was told that Bill Chambers, who calls himself the President and CEO of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, sent an email to some of the council members and threatening them with comments like "Welcome to the political suicide club."

    Now check this out. I am also told that Bill Chambers, President and CEO of the SACC hired his own wife for a gravy high paying job at the Chamber.

    I find this extremely disturbing that a paid employee of the Chamber of Commerce is allowed to get away with this type of harassment by its members. Not only is he interfering in politics he is practicing nepotism which are both illegal.

    Bill Chambers should be fired immediately and I won't be doing any business with its member businesses until he is gone! This is your warning.

  87. Slumlord Michael Weisner said... I cannot believe Carl was not selected as our next county executive. He is clearly the most qualified for that position of those that applied.


    So, Mikey!! Please tell us what makes Cornbread "clearly the most qualified?" We'll wait!

  88. Kathleen McLain said... If you missed the live stream this morning (SBY Independent), you can catch it on the Independent's website. The business community has seriously critiqued the process that led to the decision and asked the Council to reconsider. I fully support that.


    "The business community has seriously critiqued the process that led to the decision and asked the Council to reconsider."
    Uh... What business community?? You mean Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers and their few dummies that can't think for themselves?? It's obvious you can't think for yourself either, Karen. Time to stay out of politics since you are totally clueless.

    Bye Karen!

  89. Did anyone see Joey Gilkerson at the council meeting begging for them to pick Carl Anderton? Why did he do that?

  90. Anonymous said...
    If I was attacked like Dr. Desmarais, and accused of being unfaithful to my spouse, I'd consider walking away too. I have known this man for decades and the amount of corrupt and mean spirited people in our community is disgraceful. I know he would probably walk away than to put his family through a living hell. You so-called leaders of our community should be ashamed of yourselves. Mike Dunn, Bill Chambers, Jake Day, Randy Day, Bill McCain, John Cannon, Josh Hastings, Brad Gillis... Shame on you low life scumbags!

    September 1, 2020 at 1:55 PM

    I couldn't agree more. The actions of Randy Day are very disrespectful and obvious that Daddy is towing the rope for his son with his jacked-up teeth. How's Liz doing, Randy?

    If Jim and Chris Perdue don't fire this loser I am done with their business as well. Hello Tyson!

  91. Any update on the status Mr. Anderton? The diploma that you promised that was on its way as stated in your video should have been here by now. Please give the public an update.


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