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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Did You Know The City of Salisbury Is Still Closed

That's right, when you elect children and they hire people who have no experience they will go to every extreme to do absolutely nothing while the taxpayers foot the bill. 

The City of Salisbury GOB has been shut down literally for months. What a bunch of pansy asses that everyone else has to go to work but these kids/children are hiding in their Biden basements because this virus is going to kill each and every one of them. 

Grow the hell up Salisbury and get back to work. 


  1. Are the employees still collecting paychecks?

    1. I'm sure they are. They must not be totally closed because their changing street signs to BLM and erecting lynching memorials lol its just like a lefty democrats, stay home and suck off the system and let the hard working people foot the bill. We need some Republicans to take over.

    2. they ate teaching our thugs to do nothing and collect a check like their mommas. Kick their asses out

  2. Then when it's all over. Watch the crybaby city workers cry because they have to go back to work. Typical SALISBURY. Cry when you have to work. Cry when your boss makes you do your job. Isn't that right Corey?? The Goodyear blimp at the pump station. Always whining when someone gets a raise or promotion because unlike you. They actually work.

  3. Yes I noticed. It is absolutely crazy. I guess they are still getting paid.

  4. They don't want to work. Same as the teachers. In NJ they told the teachers that they have to go the empty school and then into an empty classroom and teach virtually from the classroom to the kids at home. They are rejecting that idea because they say they are still not safe from the virus because of the antiquated HVAC systems in the schools. Now the virus is airborne? These liberals will do anything to get out of work. And what they think will hurt Trump.

  5. Oh well, keep on being the good slaves you are!!!! When AI and digital currency comes and starts tracking 100% of your life for 100% of the rest of your life and kids and grand kids have no freedoms, then you will care but it will be to late per usual and kiss humanity good by, along with your selflessness, becasue most of you will be dead, so hows all that for you!!! Slaves...

  6. Maybe they "caught it" from the State of Maryland. You can forget any service
    from DMV or DNR.

  7. Think about this...maybe they are still closed to allow the employees to "travel" You know from protest site to protest site. How many more liberal run cities are still closed? Maybe that was all part of this covid bs. Close things down so people can protest and still get paid. People on unemployment are making more than people that are working. Where is the help for the WORKING people during this "crisis"

  8. May be the best thing that has happened. You see were many businesses and companies are selling their high rise building because productivity is better with them working from home virtually, zooming instead of glooming behind a office desk in town. Let the county have their building back and refund the dollar.

  9. 5 months they have been shut.

  10. Cdc states when doing contact tracing DO NOT consider if the person was wearing a mask or not ?? Huh WHAT? This is because cdc doesn’t know if wearing a mask effects the numbers one way or the other. I got sick reading this. Released out of CDC Atlanta Georgia office.

  11. Maybe , just maybe we can do without the majority of these children , wouldn't you say so . If we can do without them for so long it's obvious we don't need these kids.

  12. Are they truly closed, or just closed to the public? Can you clarify?

  13. Jake shut it down and hauled ass out of here when the riots started

  14. Permits seem to move faster through the system since it’s been closed.

    1. City employees are teleworking if possible and reporting to their office at the GOB if not. The GOB is open to appointment only for City and County business.

    2. The county is open with no appointments necessary. It is the city that is not there.

  15. Unable to pay City bill over the phone as previously--no one there to take the info. Just a recording saying office is closed.

  16. 12:29
    DMV is still open. Most things you can do online or the kiosk just inside the door. Other things you have to make an appointment for. I had to get my license renewed and was there yesterday. It took a while a few weeks to actually get a schedule appointment but once I got there, checked in and they took my temperature.....I was in and out in about 20 minutes. It used to take forever to do anything there before covid.

  17. No different than the Count Heff Apartment. They’ve been getting paid since March

  18. Only closed to public access without an appointment! Excellent idea!

  19. New normal folks. Embrace the suck.

  20. 1:12 PM You may have something there. Paid protesters and we’re paying for them? If that is ever proven, you can guarantee there will be “Tea Parties” all over the country. And they’ll be done right by the Right.

  21. No reason for this...except for the people to goof off. Keep your mask on...stay in your office and do your work. Employees home and Kitzow messing around across the street at his other job. Many people including me coming in to pay their bills and no one there to take our money....guess they don't need it

  22. They are not "truly" closed. I have received 2 water bills & my city tax bill since Covid. And yes they are cashing my checks!

  23. Only entity doing it right . The county has been clueless since day one .

  24. Yea because if you ask Julia Glanz covid is worse than Satan himself. I've never met anyone who is more scared of the flu in my life. But she is a super liberal Democrat who thinks covid is an automatic death sentence. Keeping the masters happy I guess.

  25. No difference than the Civic Center.Numerous inflated salaries and nothing to do for the last 6 months.How much longer will the council let this go on Larry?

  26. You are full of it! I am a contractor who has been doing work inside the GOB for weeks now. I can tell you, I have seen every office, with people WORKING every day!

  27. May as well close !!! It is a corrupt govt just like the county !!!

  28. Northwest Woodsman: Did anyone notice that they were closed. The more government is closed, the less interference we have in our lives. Let them stay closed and encourage responsible and qualified citizens to step up and volunteer to keep the community functioning.

  29. Northwest Woodsman: It truly amazes me that there are still people who believe the politically motivated hype over this Whu Flu farce. Although, I am seeing more and more people challenging authority by not wearing masks except where specifically required. I have to laugh when I see someone running or riding a bicycle out in the rural countryside and wearing their masks like dutiful Marxist useful idiots.

    1. Some wore them before this Chinese virus due to allergies. I thought they were nuts on rider movers until I became older and it kicked in on me. No all, just saying.

  30. The Salvation Army at the Oak Street location has done the same thing. They keep the Thrift Store open because they want the $ but the seniors who exercised there, had other activities such as dance, crafts, bingo, meetings, trips and just a place to gather and being with others was taken away March 12th this year. The only difference being the Pickleball Players have been allowed to stay and play since July. And the food drives they have are still done. But I can guarantee you that when they need bell ringers for the Christmas Holiday they will call the remaining seniors back or January when dues are ready the members phones will be ringing. This is the worst the seniors have been treated and it's not all the pandemic excuse when some seniors are allowed and others are not. If Captain Matthew Trantham and Christine Trantham are there in the viable future there will be no more Salvation Army at the Oak Street location. I'll bet money this post doesn't make the blog!!!!!

  31. Kid Rock! Get to work and stop nipping behind the door!

  32. Not essential.... proves we don’t need full time employees or mayor

  33. the city of salisbury is run by democrats.... if you pay your property tax via phone there is some there to take your payment information, if you try to pay your water bill, they request you pay it via mail....trash fees went up but no more curb side recycling, just like a democrat collect fees reduce services ....


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