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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself

First there was the transcript. I wrote about that on 11 July (see here). Now we have the video. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe at least five minutes before the police were forced by Floyd to put him on the ground. The transcript I posted on the 11th shows clear evidence that George Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath. This video provides the visual proof. George Floyd was not killed by police. He was suffering respiratory distress caused by a Fentanyl overdose. His inability to breathe had nothing to do with the neck restraint applied by the Minneapolis police.

Now we know that the entire premise of the Black Lives Matter riots was based on a false claim of police abuse. Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. George Floyd, a criminal and drug addict, killed himself by ingesting a drug that Doctors use to shutdown a patient’s respiratory system.



  1. We said this from all along, they only give you what is negative...that’s news!!! They need to drop all the charges against the police officers now! Floyd was no damn idol to be looked up to, just another thug caught breaking the law.

  2. Do you think for one minute the luciferians care? Division hate anger thats their agenda. Destroy the nation and they expect we will fall into the arms of the satanic marxist saviors.

  3. Now that these officers have suffered for NO reason they should be given medals . This guy Floyd died from his own doings. BLM have used every excuse in the book to destroy our nation , it's time to recognize them as terrorist and destroy them by what ever means necessary to accomplish this goal . Get on it Trump!

  4. Hands Up Don't Shoot a;; over again...

  5. George Floyd could have pulled out a gun and shot himself in the head, and it still would not justify an officer kneeling on anyone's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

    Had no one been kneeling on his neck, this would all be a non issue.

    1. I’m glad you were there to get the exact time the law “enforcement “ officer restrained the turd. I have heard approximately six different times, when the fake news reports on this. Being you were there, please answer this question. Could the Lloyd or Floyd turd’s previous immediate actions have lead to him ending in that position? Oh, thought so. But instead of Ellison releasing complete and correct information on the investigation. The bad guy is rolled around town in a White horse drawn carriage. Figures. Bad decisions are followed by whatever means necessary to resolve the incident. Increase police funding now to curb this crap.

  6. Say it louder for the dumb asses in the back!!!!

  7. Most blacks will not ever admit the truth. That almost all vote democrat proves just what dishonest immoral people they are.

    1. more whites in the protests than Blacks. You know the wantabes They have to have something to do the basement is filling with water

  8. I don't give a god damn if the guy had breathing problems before the cops put him on the ground, The cops still didn't render aid and the guy was begging for aid!!!! PERIOD!!!!! The law states that when in cops care, they are responsible for your well being PERIOD!!!! How about those facts you ass cheek sucking cop lovers!!!!

  9. Floyd was at fault by taking the drugs. The police officer was at fault for kneeling in his neck for so long, and the officer had a record of aggressive behavior. George is dead the Police officer should have his badge taken away.

  10. I am not a GD rocket scientist, but when someone is having hard times breathing and you put your knee on their neck, I guess that helps them breathe better right???? wither it was the knee or not that killed him!!!! And in police care, police are responsible, and they had plenty of time to get him help, if the transcript and video are truthful, you claim well before 5 minutes of the knee on the neck he needed help, why didn't they call for help then? Why did they not administer that shot that all cops are supposed to have??? Why did the EMS just toss him on the gurney like a rag doll and not even try to do anything to him?

  11. This is still in the news? I thought we moved on to other items.

    (snicker snicker)


  12. Floyd may well have OD'd in his car if he hadn't passed bad money, which resulted in call to cops.

    Original autopsy did not show damage to his neck. An argument can be made that officer's knee was positioned to keep him from raising his head rather than exerting force to pin it down. Time will tell when the evidence gets shared in toto. The optics of the situation looked bad but we'll have to wait. The officers showed no malice toward him.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: For those keyboard warriors out there second guessing this event, you should be forced to work as a law enforcement officer for a month in the worse ghetto areas of, let’s say, Baltimore. Try dealing with strong, violent individuals who have no respect for anything or anyone and who are a danger to those around them. They do not understand consequences of their actions and therefore will react in a violent and primitive manner. Trying to take down someone like Floyd is a dangerous situation. Big, strong, on drugs, no conscience and no fear of consequences Is a seriously dangerous situation. Had he complies with his inevitable arrest, he would be out of jail by now and returned to his drug induced lifestyle until the next incident. You really have to deal with them down at the street level to appreciate what police officers have to deal with. If you are not willing to place yourself in that position or are a fearful, timid person expecting someone else to protect you, just keep your opinions to yourself.

  14. @August 6, 2020 at 9:21 AM . This is proof the officers did nothing wrong. They DID NOT kill him. And his color had nothing to do with his death, also. Those officers did NOTHING that was considered racist. He was resisting and the officers had everything they could do to restrain him. So take your cop hating shite somewhere else. We are tired of having to point everything out to you because you are too ignorant to comprehend anything.

  15. If you had to deal with their ignorance and disrespect every single day, you would be aggressive also.

  16. Wow, you must have just gotten a shiny new tin foil hat.


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