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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

MSNBC Producer Quits, Says Network ‘Stokes National Division,’ Amplifies ‘Fringe Voices’ To Pump Up Ratings

An MSNBC producer penned an explosive resignation letter on Monday, calling the liberal cable network a “cancer” that is “stoking national division” by amplifying “fringe voices.”

Ariana Pekary, who worked as a producer on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” said July 24 was her last day on the job after seven years with the network.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do next exactly but I simply couldn’t stay there anymore,” Ariana Pekary wrote on her personal website. “My colleagues are very smart people with good intentions. The problem is the job itself. It forces skilled journalists to make bad decisions on a daily basis.”

“It’s possible that I’m more sensitive to the editorial process due to my background in public radio, where no decision I ever witnessed was predicated on how a topic or guest would ‘rate,’” she continued. “The longer I was at MSNBC, the more I saw such choices — it’s practically baked in to the editorial process – and those decisions affect news content every day. Likewise, it’s taboo to discuss how the ratings scheme distorts content, or it’s simply taken for granted, because everyone in the commercial broadcast news industry is doing the exact same thing.



  1. I have doubts these so called "journalists" are FORCED to be as divisive and Uber liberal, but it's nice to have one expose on of their own.

  2. Similar story about Fox News in the New York times and on Politico from 2018, Adam Housley and Ralph Peters leaves Fox news for similar reasons.

    I think this is just a product of for profit news entertainment, it really doesn't matter which network it is. Real journalism is expensive. Talking heads spouting rhetoric without doing actual journalism is less expensive, and strokes confirmation biases to keep eyeballs on ads.

    Then, tout that your network shows you what the others wont... thus creating a loyal tribe that keeps coming back to view your not news entertainment.

    This is a product of the for profit business news model. Keep eyeballs on ads. That is all that matters. OH, also, do what the advertisers say, and never report badly about them.
    I know that NPR gets a bad rap with a lot of people, but the only way to get any sort of real journalism is to not have journalists and news reporters beholden to profits. They have to be laser focused on getting in the field and getting actual news. Not being tied to advertising dollars allows them to better do that, and it is a mistake to take tax money away from them. The only organization that I can think of that comes close to that sort of model is NPR.

  3. It’s telling how the news is delivered everyday using the same words on every network. As if it’s their marching orders!

    1. Most are owned by one or two corporations. We have rules against monopolies for a reason. I feel like no one gets it or cares as long as the apple phone continues to work. People are so dumb. Such a lack of education. It's a train wreck that won't be stopped.

  4. News entertainment - absolutely.

    Good comments 735.

  5. She said cable news as a whole is a cancer that sews division, not specifically MSNBC.


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