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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Veepstakes Derailed: Joe Biden's VP Rollout Has Devolved Into a Total Train Wreck

Former Vice President Joe Biden emerged from the bunker to say he would announce his running mate in the first week in August. Now, that’s been delayed after what appears to be quite a disastrous rollout. For starters, we got a glimpse into his top picks. California Sen. Kamala Harris appears to have been his choice. Politico published a piece noting as such, with a quote from Biden as to why he picked Harris to be on the ticket with him. The publication quickly scrubbed the article, but the Internet is forever. An editor’s note was issued, but it didn’t address the quote from Biden. Was it fake? And then, an AP photo captured Biden’s notes, which contained talking points about Harris during the Wilmington presser last Tuesday. In all, this is quite a nightmare (via NY Post):

Joe Biden is not expected to pick a running mate until at least Aug. 10. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee had previously said he expected to name someone to the job by the first of the month.

The late in the game decision will put the announcement just one week before the Democratic convention that will officially designate the pair as the party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees.

Biden, 77, would become the oldest person ever elected president if he triumphs in November and many believe he would only serve one term. That combination of factors has injected particular urgency into the veepstakes as whoever is selected would become an instant 2024 frontrunner and potentially shape the party for years beyond.

In March, Biden promised to choose a woman for the job and since then may names have risen and fallen. Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Karen Bass, and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice are among the current finalists.



  1. If he becomes the next president it won't be because he was elected. No explanation needed

  2. Michelle Obama should be his VP

  3. Is there anyone that cares. The dude has been sucking out of the government trough (OPM) before most of the public was born. Not counting what he has stole since the beginning. We’ve never heard his name all those years as much as now. That even includes when he carried the VP in front of it. The reason he was in the background is obvious. He never did or accomplish anything to make the news except a clip showing Joey smelling little girls or streaking in a pool while in the presence of agents that protect him. Protect him from why?? He is like O’Malley, nobody knows him at a airport. Sooo, forget the chit head. He will never see the inside of our White House. Trump/Pence SOON !

  4. The only thing he'll actually be picking is his nose. Wait for it, he probably has a booger story he thinks people would like to hear.

  5. Can anyone at all see Kamala Harris or Susan Rice as President??? That is who will be the President because the Top Democrats are going to throw Joe Biden under the bus and use his health as an excuse for getting rid of him. Kamala Harris who slept with her married man in order to get to the top. In my language she is a ho!!! Susan Rice a big liar especially trying to covr up the Bengazi murders.


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