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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The NBA’s Definition Of Racism Is Racist

According to critical race theory, which the NBA has endorsed hook, line, and sinker, racism against white people is impossible.

The National Basketball Association hates racism. They are very clear about this. In the playoffs being played in the bubble in Orlando, “Black Lives Matter” is emblazoned not just on the shirts players wear but on the court itself.

So when the Los Angeles Clippers’ Montrezl Harrell clearly called Dallas Maverick Luka Doncic a “bitch ass white boy” during a recent game, it should be obvious what the NBA reaction would be: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.



  1. We don't watch these racist, u American, unpatriotic sports any longer...

  2. When BLM is painted under NHL ice, that'll be the last straw.

  3. NBA = a bunch of Racist Black players who are spoiled rotton & made
    Rich by the stupid Whites in America , & they are Not Grateful for any
    of it !!!

    All sports has Too many Black players & few Whites (Tokens) & this is
    Discrimination !!! Esp Football & Basketball & Baseball !!! FACT

    They won't get any of my money & could care less about their games !!!

  4. This is why I gave up on professional sports when these political BS situations began.

    I now support my local youth groups sports.

  5. F the NBA and blm. They are racist over paid uneducated thugs..

  6. Yes the NBA and NFL players make millions each year. However, they have no common sense about how to manage their finances. Multi million dollar mansions, multiple million dollar cars and Rolex watches soon cause them to be in debt.
    The money is gone and so are all the people who hung around them as long as there was money to be had. Then there are all the child support bills to the multiple women who figured they might end up rich be getting pregnant be the ‘pro’ athlete.

  7. White people hate it when they get a dose of their own medicine. I’m sure more salty comments will come as a result of this one. Just know, I’m sitting back and laughing at how mad y’all are. Karma is a bitch ain’t it??It’s God’s will. Black people are God’s chosen people that whites treated like animals for hundreds of years propping yourselves as better than *them*. You can cry, threaten all you want, God is wiping y’all out with viruses and wars. And your women are having half black babies. In another 100 years, white people will be the minority back in caves.

  8. Is he not a white boy?

  9. 12:44, I always can get on here and find amusement. Thank you for the laugh of the day because you are one hilarious POS racist!

  10. Stop going to their games and stop watching them on TV. You'll live without watching those sports. They cannot even be called sports anymore.

  11. 12:44

    So when the whites are all back in caves, who will do the work?

    Your race will starve and kill each other off in no time at all.

    1. Whites made sure we learned survival techniques. Its called slavery. That seed has been planted. Let you tell it we ll just multiply and eat. Boop!

  12. The Blacks WHo cry Racist ARE the Racists !!! Not the Whites !!!

  13. 12:44 Unless of course some pandemic outbreak occurs and you happen to be particularly susceptible to it.


    Tell me, if God loves you so much why on earth are you in the perpetual misery that you are? I mean if he is capable of inflicting this punishment on whites then surely he must be capable of freeing you from your own?

    Or maybe you have things backwards.

    Statistically speaking I'm going to live far longer than you and in that same statistic it's going to be another that looks like you that kills you. If God is controlling all of this I have to wonder how you came to the conclusion it's whites dealing with his wrath and not you?

    Oh by the way, you can cancel the notion most whites are taking the vaccine for COVID so that means you guys have to as well you die from it easier. I'd wager you'll find sterilization was a side effect of it. Who knows? You like surprises?

    You can scream, you can wild out, you can threaten, but we're all armed to the teeth and even if fields of you lie dead it isn't happening.


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