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Friday, August 07, 2020

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Caves to Black Lives Matter, Grants Felons Voting Rights

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) caved to Black Lives Matter and signed an executive order on Wednesday granting voting rights to those who have served their felony sentences.

“When someone serves their sentence and pays the price our justice system has set for their crime, they should have their right to vote restored automatically, plain and simple,” Reynolds said during a press conference on Wednesday.

Reynolds said her executive order would restore the “voting rights of some felons.” She added that her order requires Iowans to complete their sentences, and they will still require those who committed felony homicide offenses to apply for voting rights restoration individually.

“This is a cause on which so many Iowans have worked on,” she added.

The order will allow thousands of Iowans to vote in the upcoming November elections, which has significant implications for the reelection of President Donald Trump, Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-IA) reelection, and the swing congressional districts in the state.

The Des Moines Register wrote that Reynolds had resisted calls to sign an executive order granting voting rights to felons.



  1. ahhhh


  2. Typical woman non-leader. You, idiots, need to quit voting for females!

    Typical weak White Coward just like you idiots that keep voting for RINO's like Lockdown Larry and Carl Anderton!! Weak White Cowards support Socialists like Jake Day!

  3. Democrats have unleashed mayhem in the form of tens of thousands of hardened criminals released into our communities under the false claim of COVID exposure in prison.

    This is exactly what corrupt Communist regimes do, like Castro in Cuba.

    Democrats are not your friend. Do not vote Democrat.

  4. Why shouldn't they vote? Somebody has a joint in their pocket and gets charged with a felony 40 years ago?

    1. You dont get charged with a felony for a joint moron!! Murderer's should not be allowed period...

  5. These women have shown that it takes a man with backbone to govern. This is not a babysitting job as they must have thought when they chose to run for office.

    1. History has proven that women can govern and have a backbone. Queen Elizabeth I was one bad-ass b**ch who did not bow down to Parliament and marry so she could have a man to help her rule. Isabella of Castile, Katherine the Great, and Catherine de'Medici were all fierce no nonsense women who ruled their countries. They all had their good and bad sides but they definitely had balls!
      I DO NOT agree with this POLITICIAN allowing felons to vote, but do not make it an issue about her gender. I also believe that women can rule but it needs to be the right women who are elected based on their merit and ability to do a job not just because of their gender. Elections have turned from a process where people are elected based on their qualifications to a popularity contest reminiscent of student officer elections in high school or an affirmative action vote. That is how Obama got elected as well as AOC, Omar, and the rest of the squad. Even Trump got elected more because of popularity than qualifications; I voted for him simply because I couldn't stand Hillary and I liked his "screw you" attitude.
      Women can govern effectively if the gender card is taken out of the equation along with any other "minority" markers. When election results are announced it should be simply Jane Doe wins instead of Jane Doe--the first biracial, latino, muslim, transgender, lesbian wins. Make this about qualifications not markers.

  6. Feelings again... wow.

  7. Where are the Senate Republicans?? Where is the RNC?? WHAT COWARDS THEY ARE.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I highly suggest that all of you read recent articles by Fred Reed. His comments are totally dead center regarding the serious deterioration of our country.


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