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Friday, August 07, 2020

Teachers and their unions have been anything but heroes amid COVID-19

No other group has shown as much contempt for its own work during the coronavirus crisis as teachers.

Their unions are actively fighting to keep kids out of classrooms and to limit remote instruction, lest it require too much time and attention from people who are supposed to be wholly devoted to educating our children.

This has been a wrenching time in the labor market, with tens of millions thrown out of work — and also an inspiring one. Workers whom many of us would never have thought of as essential — grocery clerks, delivery guys, meat-packing workers — have kept absolutely necessary parts of the economy ­operating while most of their fellow Americans stayed home.

Doctors, health workers, cops and firefighters have all put their lives on the line.

It isn’t correct to say that all these people have done their jobs uncomplainingly — many have worried, understandably, about their safety and wanted more protections. But all have shown up. All have been there, during the horrific spring outbreak, during a brief respite and during the current summer resurgence.

Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge our debt to them is a thoughtless ingrate.



  1. If ya can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen!

  2. Now more then ever is our chance to take back this failed bloated wasteful facet of government. DEMAND SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW. DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION

    1. 5:19 Now that’s something we can agree on!

  3. Teachers Union like most unions have become "power" trips. Unions were needed before civil rights enforcements but are just a "political" tool in today's world. I can understand teachers concerns about returning to the classroom but to demand "defund police" etc is taking it too far.
    Teachers should be concerned about funds for school supplies, classroom size, respect from parents and students not whether the police should be defunded.
    I say get back to work. America's health crises was worse with the Swine flue than Covid-19 under Obama's administration. It is an election year and the Democrats are out to destroy America because they lost to Trump - a non career politician. Teachers you need to focus on teaching or get another job.

  4. I don't get how jamming over 30 kids in a classroom with a teacher sounds ok when we can't even go to the movies. Can you imagine all the Kids being sent in sick. Anyone who is employeed in day care or education knows what I'm talking about. The kid who shows up drugged up on Motrin to cover the fever. Then when it wears off, you have to call the parents. If bars and restaurants are so dangerous. How come schools are ok? Many schools are open in the south and having issues. Working at walmart is not the same thing at all. I think kids should be remote. I homeschool mine so no, I am not a teacher. But I would not send my kids to school right now. I just don't understand the scenario of covid. If someone is positive the school will close and be deep cleaned each time. What a mess. What is wrong with remote learning just to be sure we open back up safely.

  5. So in all seriousness, what can be done about this? Anything? I couldn't possibly agree more, schools need to open. So what do we as a community do to get the districts to reverse their decisions and get the ultra-liberal unions to actually represent the best interest of EDUCATION?

    1. Virtual Learning works. Have the classroom empty except for the teacher (who should be there 8-5). They can teach virtually and the parents can hire babysitters. Teachers aren’t babysitters. If they can babysit but not teach fire them.

    2. Parents pay taxes for their kids to be in school. Sorry but most people don't have an extra $125-$175 a week laying around PER KID to cover daycare or private school. Our taxes include a safe environment for our children to be in WHILE WE WORK.

  6. time to defund these commie institutions!

  7. 6:00, this is a false pretense. The virus and all the actions taking place to “combat” it are theatrics. The teachers unions, like all unions, are socialist in nature and are in lockstep with the DNC. The whole scenario is analogous to removing coins from circulation. If you remove coins, you can’t provide change, and cash is suddenly useless. You take away schools, you keep parents at home, and the economy crashes. You keep it crashed and the virus going through November, then the postal union can be in charge of handling mail in ballots. Naturally there will be a fiasco and lawsuits and the election will be dragged out until the 12th amendment is enacted, and the House of Representatives decides the presidency. This was never about a virus. Ever. The left will burn America to the ground if it means they can be king of the ashes.

    1. I'm sorry but you are wrong. There is a virus. It has been used as a weapon, in my opinion. But it is real and it is serious. People are starting to have some major issues. This virus is causing heart disease in 20 yr olds. You won't build up immunity and can get it again. People are developing neurological problems, kidney issues, scars on their lungs. The virus is real and is dangerous. Now I can agree it is being used to destroy the economy. I talked with a nurse today and she is scared about covid. Not actually getting it but the damages it is causing. She is seeing it on the daily. She is not one to lie for some agenda. If you get it a second time then what? A study was just released like 75% of people average age of 45 have heart damage. A lot of the people didn't even know until testing was done. Being 25 and being told your heart is that of a sixty year old is worrisome to me. I have spoken to many teachers and they are worried. Not just about them but the kids. The custodians, the lunch ladies. Kids stay home all the time alone. Unless they are younger. There is zero way I would send my child to school. Rumor is the private schools in town are reopening. And all the DRs. Kids have been pulled out. I'm afraid the right wing will lose alot of credibility if we don't understand covid is real and is serious and is causing serious damage. I agree business should be open and people have a choice to visit said business or not. I am not so sure opening schools right now is smart. There are enough opened in the South struggling. Let them test the waters and we can go from there. Schools are like a cruise ship. Literally a petri dish.

  8. This is an example with what happens without a national way ahead.

    The administration wanted a national way ahead - but the 50+ governors (remember there are US territories) probably in their telecon meetings with the administration said NO.

    Administration said fine - have at it.

    50+ governors with different ways (and beliefs) that funnels down to the counties/cities/towns.

    Of course this is a mess AND the administration will let all know when they will need to come in a fix it. At what cost? Time!

    Sad when politics (we know which side) continue to get in the way of doing the right thing.

    TRUMP 2020!

  9. Just for the record, it has been a very long time when there were 30 or more students in a school classroom. Usually 20- 22 now days and that is with an aide.
    The teachers are using the virus as their “George Floyd”.

  10. Long before this virus. They have been an EMBARRASSMENT for decades. Look at our education system after 40 years?? What a decline in academics. What a decline in teacher's. They teach Gay, transgender and sex education. They don't teach math, English, grammar, and Civics. Teacher's should be made to take an examination every two years. Like the students they teach?? Only half would pass to qualify. This motto fits today's teacher's.

    Those that can?? DO!!

    Those that can't?? TEACH!!

  11. Unfortunately many people who really never wanted or care about their kids are pissed. It's like there goes the free babysitter

    1. They shouldn't be procreating anyway but that's an entirely different subject. You want welfare? Get fixed. Boom, half the economic issues are solved.

  12. Exactly 10:48 and I know many teachers who teach in titled schools and because of the high chronic absenteeism rate most days less then 10 students. They've told me they've had days where they only have had one student!

  13. As a teacher, I am looking forward to teaching this fall. I’ll be able to do my job and not have to deal with rude and foul language, threatening behavior, being assaulted, and thrown under the bus by administration when I uphold school rules and policy, only to have a parent show up and make a stink. Can I say it again? I can’t wait to go back!

    1. You're either incredibly lazy or don't have kids or both. You don't like the real job? Find a new one. It's not about you, it's about what is best for the kids and the country.

    2. I hear that ... teachers are stuck between unruly ignorant students that will go from highschool to prison and an idiotic school board that has to bend to the will of the feds

    3. 3:56 - I absolutely love my job, but I don’t love when parents allow their children to become monsters and expect a teacher to put up with their social ills. Tell you what smarty pants, come to any school and do an observation of what the “real world” dumps out on our doorsteps and then get back to me.

  14. Anyone who thinks a teacher can make 25 kids wear masks all day lives in a dream world. Maybe teachers know what is going to happen. Parents should try it with their own few kids and see how many hours they can enforce a mask policy at home.

  15. Larry Dodd got the endorsement of the Teachers Unions, ask yourself why they would give that to him?


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