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Friday, August 07, 2020

Sally Yates Testifies that Joe Biden Was at Oval Office Meeting on Michael Flynn

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Q. Yates testified on Wednesday at the Senate Judiciary Committee that former Vice President Joe Biden was at a January 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office where Michael Flynn was discussed.

Yates testified that she had not known about Flynn’s conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Yislyak until that meeting, and that the purpose had not been to discuss whether to investigate Flynn, or merely whether to withhold information from him for counterintelligence reasons. Flynn was the incoming National Security Advisor at the time.

Notes taken at the time by then-FBI agent Peter Strzok, and released in June, indicated that Biden suggested Flynn could be investigated for violating the Logan Act, which prevents private citizens from conducting U.S. foreign policy.

Yates said she did not remember all of the details of the January 5 meeting, which was first described by then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice in an email memorandum that she sent to herself as the Obama administration ended.

She confirmed that Biden was there, but could not confirm whether he had brought up the Logan Act. “I don’t remember the Vice President saying much of anything,” she said. She said no formal decision had been made about investigating Flynn for violating the rarely-enforced Logan Act, though she said that she had been skeptical about the idea at the time.

Other important points in Yates’s testimony included:



  1. Mentally challenged Vote DemocratsAugust 8, 2020 at 5:24 AM

    Joe Bidens 2020 Democrat Motto

    No Law
    No Order
    No border

  2. Thought we had known that all along.

  3. Susan Rice. Big trouble for the United States. She is a liar. Tows the Communist line with Valerie Jarrett.

  4. Obama hired sally yates because she is all bark and no bite. She is obsessed with titles and power. Clearly they ignored her and did what they wanted knowing she would never rock the boat as long as her name was on the door she was happy. She actually said I didn’t agree with Trumps policy so we tried to jail them for it.

  5. Agree with 8:04 AM; Susan Rice would be bad news. She is smart and calculating and would stoop at nothing. She is a bald faced liar and would denigrate the U.S.

  6. Question is, did he know he was there?


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