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Sunday, August 02, 2020

Governor Hogan PURPOSELY Destroying ALL Businesses In The State Of Maryland

I don't care who you are, we have absolutely struggled to no end to rebuild my business. We have experienced so many ups and downs over the past six months, financially and mentally. 

Even with all the challenges we have faced we had a RECORD weekend last weekend. We have the best disinfectant money can buy and we have religiously scrubbed down our surfaces and followed every rule and guideline assuring we and our customers are in a very safe and clean environment. 

Today Governor Hogan announced the wearing of masks indoors and outdoors. So you have to wear a mask in a pool? When it's 105 degrees outside you have to wear a mask? Finally, 

  • Employment Information (Percentage of Interviewed Cases):
    • Health care – 25%
    • Other - Non-public Facing – 23%
    • Other - Public Facing – 13%
    • Restaurant/Food Service – 12%
    You can't be serious!

Bars/restaurants are of the lowest risks. Why, because we're following the rules!

Governor Hogan does NOT want President Trump and those who support him rebuild this economy. He's no Republican, he's a piece of sh!t! RECORD numbers! I've waited over a yeah and a half to hit these kind of numbers and I'm confident other bars/restaurants are experiencing the same. WE THE PEOPLE want to get out. We want to enjoy our lives. Hogan wants us sheltered, depressed, broke and most important he wants us DEPENDENT on the new socialist America. 

While I do NOT support these radicals destroying our cities and monuments, something has to give. We need our President to step in and save all of us. When you tie up hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars into a business and one jackass changes the rules on the lowest percentage of risky businesses, something has to give. 

What say you now people. I will swing my doors this weekend and we will follow the rules. We will remain open till 2 AM, unlike most other bars closing at 9 and 10 PM. The virus is NOT stronger after 10 PM, duh! We will have a band this weekend and guess what, even though Bike Week is cancelled I will still host Bike Week and we will have bands. If you enjoy frozen drinks, come see Dawn. She makes the best you've ever had!


  1. After his recent attacks on the President and supporting Biden yeah that is safe to say

  2. He is obviously campaigning for something bigger. He is everywhere all of a sudden. He is bashing Trump like Romney. He couldn't help Baltimore after 2 terms. He still thinks his cancer battle makes him an undeniable hero. I can't state one accomplishment off the top of my head. At least I can see the results of Shaffer's highway aesthetics initiative, almost 30 years later. It cost some raises, but it benefited me and still does. Hogan, and so many Maryland Governors before him, have done no service to the people they govern. It must be greed and corruption.

  3. He's getting tax dollars now from the beach. What until after labor day! He'll probably shut us down tight again.

  4. Unless you are a politician, government employee, healthcare worker or food producer you will have no job, no income and no hope.

    If people have no income they can't pay rent or mortgage. Landlords can't pay their mortgage, taxes and overhead. They can't pay for upkeep so HVAC, construction and related fields will collapse. Everything is related...except for politicians.

    1. Don't worry they will not be taxes coming in either. So Govn't jobs will be hot hard too. Eventually.

    2. Sorry for the typo. Govn't jobs will be lost too. It's all gonna come crashing down. Look at how much the casino brings in for education. Look at that loss. Poor Wicomico. Our raining day fund is gone. But we have a Christmas tree, a wrapped parking garage a newly wrapped drunk kart to take the kids from the college to downtown. With no spending decline in sight. We are in so much trouble.

    3. Not only Government jobs but Social security and social security disability, 401 plans destroyed, health care - no money for insurance premiums and the list goes on. Hatred is a terrible thing and I just can't get my head around why Democrats hate so much - even to destroy our Country.

  5. He is a true Trump hater.These masks are very danger to people's health.Vote Trump 2020.

  6. Keep paying those taxes you patriot.

    1. We moved out of Maryland due to high taxes and cost of living. Gave up my home because I was just working to pay for it. I was living comfortably but that was not enough because I realized I was paying for my neighbors mortgage, rent, food, medical and they were not working - welfare. Governor Hogan kept asking for more from taxpayers not to forget about the City, county taxes. Insane. I now live in Florida where they immediately give you $25,000 per person off your taxes. Electricity is dirt cheap. It was hard giving up my home and friends but I didn't see Hogan or any other politican changing Maryland. Vote Hogan out - Diffently RINO and Trump hster

  7. I've said many times and I'll say it again...Hogan is one of the WORST Gov. Ever...As a Never Trumper, he's not too bright and his non-business life experience hurts all businesses...someone is paying him but I haven't figured that one out yet.

    1. You aren't smart enough to figure that out, most trumpers aren't

    2. it's fun to watch you blind trumpers cry about everything on here.

    3. Amen....yet many people think he is so great.

    4. Too many citizen complaints to work the roadJuly 29, 2020 at 7:57 PM

      How dare you say that

      all those fat ass-- Road Reject State Police guarding Hogan

    5. 7:43. It seems you just hate Trump and Trump supporters. I get it. I hate Biden. I can't stand to look at that person. I believe it is because like you he never discusses the issues and never gives a solution. It is always Trump didn't do this or Trump is not a leader - just like you. Now I would consider you an intelligent person if you would take a stand on issues but it seems your pea brain can only register hate. I do not like Biden because he doesn't have a clue what the real world is all about. He is a career politician on the take like most. It is always "what's in it for me". Not you the American. Trump build a better economy and life for Americans - I'm sure you have benefited from the good economy or are you in the basement like Biden waiting for the first of the month for your welfare addition to your debt card.
      Next time you have a comment please address specifics.

    6. UMMMMMMM. Three comments in as many minutes bashing Trump supporters. I guess you're not as intelligent that it's from the same SU FAG.

    7. 7:08 - walmart is paying him

    8. Hogan is the 2nd worst. Let's not not forget his predecessor socialist democrat Marty "RainTax Man" O'Malley. Now, Hogan when he started as a republican wasn't so bad, but then Trump became president and Larry suffered immediate TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome and it's really showing his true colors lately.

  8. You should have spent your money to make a place people actually want to visit.

    1. I spent plenty. It doesn't work. Just ask those on Fruitland who have lose not only money but their homes. It is going to get worse if Biden and Bernie get in.

  9. Have to agree 100% with your description of GroundHogan. He surely is no where near the conservative republican that he lead me to believe he was. You described him perfectly when you describe him as feces.

  10. Humpty Dumpty will have a big fall

  11. We gotta get Hogan out of there. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing - a great deceiver.

  12. Maryland will go dumbocrap during the election anyway. So, it really doesn't matter how bad he treats us.

    1. Why is that - MD going Democrat. Does the prison in Princess Anne, the getto in Baltimore, the gangs in PG county dictate the Democrat vote? I guess that's how it works - Democrats support low life for votes.

  13. Proven by science that these mask do not stop the spread of this virus. The only mask that stops 90% of this virus is a respirator not a piece of material / cloth. Has Hogan ordered a massive amount of mask from Korea so he and his wife can get another huge kick back?

    Hogan believes in turning Maryland into a NAZI GERMANY is away of winning something politically that has been promised by the communist Democrats? Hogan needs to be challenged on these unconstitutional rules he is attempting to apply.

    Hogan, aka HITLER, has turned MD into a communist State

    Yes I will put my name on the lawsuit but there is no MD Lawyer who has the balls to file it.

    1. I agree. The virus thing is a joke. Just ask Herman Cain.

    2. Didn't McCain have other medical issues - cancer heart?

  14. Move out its what im doing. Im sick of hogan humping the leg of every left democratic libtarded infraction that cones along..no spine from this BAFFON Hogan is a democratic. Taxation without representation in MD!! im done..

  15. Sweden had no lock down and have some of the lowest numbers in the world. And
    their economy is booming selling products and services to locked down countries.

    1. We are not even close to compare able to Sweden. No poverty. They actually listen. Way less people. This is apples to oranges.

    2. Sweden has no blacks to drag them down

  16. Where are all my oath keepers at? This is tyranny and will be responded to as such. Hey hogan, kiss my non wearing mask ass! Try to keep my in fear like the rest of you and it won’t work. I’m not afraid of my fellow Americans or a friggin virus. Stay free.

    1. Oath Keepers is literally a white supremacist group, nazi retard. Fuck off.

    2. Free speech - just take it like you do from Democrats.

  17. Called his office today and this republican unloaded on the fat Lyon bastard pos rino!

  18. I can't believe I am going to say this. I will wear the mask everywhere including the pool and beach if Hogan will just not shut business down. If he shuts down business again, I'm done. I will lose everything I have. I'm guessing alot of people in my boat too.

    1. Those that will trade freedom for safety deserve neither. Learn to protect yourself.

  19. You dont need to wear a mask in a pool. Its right in the mandate

  20. On an ignored side note .... all you Middle aged women dying your hair blue purple or green it doesn’t look good

    1. If you listen to CDC dying your hair causes cancer - so be prepared - no hair dye is next.

    2. Bawhahahaha 😂 so true

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I have a trust fund and I’m very successful with multiple homes and a massive amount of property. That is where I’m going.

    1. Hogan relative are you? No doubt. Got to love those trust funds. If this country goes to socialism you won't be allowed to keep your trust fund or your properties. It is called sharing your wealth with others. Really it is basically called giving it to the Dictator Biden and he will divide your assets with others or keep it for his family - you know a trust fund. Vote Trump and you can remain secure and happpy. Trump 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲😝

    2. I bet you have small registered hands too Bye Bye

  23. Poultry companies hiring, restaurants looking, there is some construction work, Pepsi hiring, Aldi is hiring and for younger folks fast food is hiring!! Hasn’t all dried up.....YET! Some say I’m not doing that job....they ain’t hungry yet...taking the free hand outs from the government!

    1. They’re SU grads waiting for management positions.

    2. What do you have against SU? Did they turn down your retarded ass?

  24. Ignore him. Simple. Don't comply with mandates as he is not a coronated king and can not mandate law into thin air.

  25. @848 You have no one to blame but your own go along to get along complacency and cowardice.

  26. Hogan needs a mask made out of a plastic bag or Saran Wrap!

    1. That would be dangerous.

    2. 😂😂😂😂No really! Dangerous! Joking right!

  27. I feel they same as mentioned by another commenter. I will wear a mask if the Government will just reopen America. It is not called giving up your freedom. It is getting your life back. You can deal with the face mask issue after the election because all of this will go away after the election. If Biden wins there will be no more virsus. If Trump wins Democrats will start a civil war .

  28. 9:28, That's as of today. But as bad and dumb as Hogan is we may have to tomorrow.

  29. What I’m not understanding is, if masks work, why aren’t we fully open? If they don’t, then why are we wearing them? Can’t have it both ways!

  30. Spare us the BS and just change parties Larry cause you are a traitor. Man up you rat.

  31. Hogan is simply doing the bidding of the communist that want to take over the power and protect themselves from prosecution. Even those not paying attention can see how destructive the democrat party will be to the Country, more so than ever before....yet he supports them instead of whats best. Hogan must do his part in pushing fear and fake danger to force the mail-in ballets, this is their only chance left to fraudulently steal the election. Hogan dosent care one bit about the citizens, only himself and the great things the communist party has promised him.

  32. It's all a crock

  33. 8:37 Sweden was one of the worst hit developed countries you idiot.

  34. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!
    hogan can kiss my ass! he's a nobody!

    1. "Well you know the rest" an o'biden quote from not long ago.

  35. In a little over four months our world, constitutional rights and liberty have been turned upside down. It is understood that any virus, including this one can result in one’s death. However, do we really need to continue to destroy businesses and infringe upon people’s rights that is becoming nothing less than tyrannical behavior on the part of our government because of it. Hogan is a prime example of tyrannical and autocratic behavior.

    We the people should be thinking of civil disobedience or preparing ourselves to strongly oppose such government behavior and dictates.

  36. Hogan (et al) are getting their marching orders from the globalists bankers (Davis Group) who owns the Central Banks. These are not his decisions.

    This is a Psyop against the People.
    Wake up folks

  37. 8:37 - it appears you are incorrect:

    "The Swedish approach was to largely allow businesses to remain open. And at first, it seemed to work, with a death count nowhere near what it was in countries such as Italy, Spain, and the U.K. But even as Sweden was being hailed as a model, its cases were steadily rising, and its death rate now exceeds that of the U.S. Sweden also did not seem to stave off the economic damage it was aiming to avoid."


    1. 9:44
      You are correct.
      Once the low incidence rate was identified in Sweden the military released more virus in the Country.

      One way or another, they WILL have communism.

  38. If hogan cared even a slight amount about anyone he'd be handing out HCQ instead of promoting unhealthy lifestyles like mask, quarantining, destroying immune systems, destroying the economy and peoples mental and physical health.

  39. When Hogan leaves you get A real democrat with Peter Franchot.
    Hogan is doing what's right.The virus is real, and getting worse in MD. He has to stop and try to get it slowed down again.
    Doing nothing could kill alot more people. Dieing alone in the hospital on a ventilator isn't real appealing.

  40. 9:44 Your source is 15 days old. When dealing with a novel virus 15 days is an eternity. We must use up to date sources if we want to post accurate info. Anyway Sweden's death rate is approximately a quarter more then the US. This is excellent news for them since their medical care is far far below the standard of what is offered in the US though if you do have money in Sweden you can get private medical care.
    The news info and statistics show Sweden's curve was flattened at a much faster pace then the US. Deaths are now one or 2 a day and admittance to ICU's few. Meanwhile the number of persons with antibodies is dramatically increasing in Sweden.

  41. New today-"Covid-19 cases were dropping BEFORE lockdowns were introduced because encouraging people to stay at home curbed outbreaks, claims study of 25 of the worst-hit counties in the US
    John Hopkins University researchers in Baltimore, Maryland, looked at 25 counties worst-hit by the virus
    Results of the study showed social distancing 'strongly reduced Covid case growth' before lockdowns
    Scientists say results show less strict measures - as opposed to lockdowns - can keep epidemic under control"

  42. My two cousins in rural central Sweden say it’s pretty bad now..:but they have a solid healthcare system that makes our shitty for profit system at least give people a fighting chance. At least bin Sweden losing your job doesn’t mean you lose your health insurance

  43. 12:58

    Don't listen to the fake news. Herman Cain had cancer. Look it up!

    People that undergo Chemo Therapy have compromised immunity systems.

    I prey for Cain's family and understand that the annual Flu could have done the same thing.

  44. Hogan is a pandering closet liberal thinking about being president now thats funny.

  45. We are now officially under Marshall law. Plain-and-simplw our constitutional rights have been disolved.

  46. Hogan is a democrat claiming to be republican,he is just like that useless Mitt Romney and Susan Collins.

  47. Help me understand the end goal of Hogan's "intentional " destruction of Maryland businesses? How does any state program get funded without tax dollars. Is he secretly trying to bankrupt the state? If so, to what end? Your argument holds no logic.

    1. Big government higher taxes dummy. Take a look at ALL COMMUNIST countries that did it. Now I understand reading is hard but you can watch it on YouTube. Good luck moron.

    2. you're a moron

    3. 1:48pm. Anytime you want to have this dialog I person, name the time and place and I'll be there for the dance. Pack a lunch smartass.

  48. If you don’t follow the rules you’ll end up in a re training camp.

  49. biden cant become president because he forgot how to get to washington

  50. Sweden has proven all the so called experts wrong

  51. 1014
    There is a Freemasonic Term:

    Order out of Chaos

    Firs they create chaos (destroy economy) then they provide order (communism).

    You aren't a Member of the Blue Lodge (like Donald and Hogan) so you can't understand what is happening.

  52. Herman Caine had stage 4 cancer you lugnut.

  53. Is this Hogan's last term. God I hope so.

  54. I would like to see the numbers of how many suicides in this country since this pandemic and the worst thing is it's unnecessary. They are just people who have given up and think it's the end of the world, that it will never get better. I had a friend of mine come by Sunday telling me that a mutual friend is holed up in her house with her mother she will go inside nowhere. The Church has re-opened under specific instructions but she refuses to even enter the church and instead sits in her car in the parking lot and listens to the service. The two of them only order delivery food, or pick up is all they have eaten since about February. I call a lot of seniors from church and a couple organizations. The churches are not calling seniors and neither is our local Salvation Army. I have left messages at my own church numerous times and never gotten a return call. This tactic and yes it is a tactic by the Democrats to scare people into voting for Biden (who hides in the closet) but is presidential material is going to kill more than the COVID VIRUS! Those that do survive will have no jobs, no home, and will be mental cases. Wake up and choose to live yes self distance and wear masks, wash hands often but do come to life before you are put into storage till they bury you!

  55. @12:56, The only reason Sweden can afford the healthcare system is because they live under the military protection of the United States so before you espouse your ignorant rhetoric get a clue.


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