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Sunday, August 02, 2020

Virtual Learning In Wicomico County


  1. Makes sense, given the current state of technology. BUT who is paying for all those iPhones, itablets, and wi-fi connections??

  2. Good Luck with virtual when everyone doesn't have access.

    Numbers rising and the worst ever Quarterly Economic report just came out with a 33% decline the last 3 months.

    HELLO McFly????

    1. Don’t try to sell that to me. Every “poor” family have the best of phones and you can bet the same with their provider in residence along with equipment.

    2. 9:12...it takes real effort to sound that stupid. Despite the challenge, you made the investment. Congrats.

  3. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. The Wicomico County Schools did a horrible job when they were virtual in the Spring - here we go with another semester of lost learning for our children!!! And all because the majority of the teachers don't want to return to the classroom. Shame on the WBOE.

    1. The teachers were never asked this came from a higher level

    2. Lol... Yeah right. Didn't like 80% of the Union vote to not return...

    3. 9:18..another idiot heard from.

  4. What do you expect from the worst school district in MD? People wake up and get your kids out of that school district.

    1. Somerset County is the worst

    2. Nope. Dorchester County just above Baltimore City! Dorchester had a group of 5 first grade black boys jump a 1st grade white girl and they did nothing about it. Didn't even tell the parents of the girl. They found out what happened when the girl came home from school. The boys lost one week of recess! The girl had to get checked out at the hospital for internal bleeding. When she returned to school they tried to start up with her again for getting them into trouble! It was on FB about a year or two ago.

    3. Why did the parents send her back into that classroom? Sounds fake to me.

  5. Through AT LEAST January 29th. This is utterly ridiculous. Might as well scrap the entire year. Real learning won't be happening. Congratulations liberals, you got your wish. Now what the heck are working parents supposed to do? And don't say raise our kids- we do that by working.

  6. I told ya. Hogan will close all schools with in two weeks. Btw cdc said this not necessary kids should return to school. Science?

  7. So what I'm understanding is that the Board of Education will not be begging for any funding this year, because they have a surplus now since the facilities have not been used, and most of the staff are collecting unemployment!

  8. Guess what is going to happen?? Student test scores will soar. Proving the teachers, teacher's Union, and school board are complete FAILURE. That we don't need them or want them. Then the money we save to not have to fund these fraudulent entities.

  9. Since there is no in classroom instruction, I want a refund on my property taxes this year, since more that fifty percent of my property taxes go towards the Board of Education, I think it is only fair that I should get at the very least a fifty percent reduction in my taxes.

  10. Best time to 'regroup and re-think' your situation and HOME School your children for a Great Education vs. Indoctrination...do it now before it's too late...

    1. What do you think is used for most homeschooling now? It's also virtual learning...duh!
      Also...have many who cry indoctrination actually take the time to look at what their children learn? If you disagree with what is taught speak up the moment you disagree. Do your part as parents instead of just bitching about everything.
      At least be honest with yourself about how often you sit down as a family and ask your child about what they learned at school that day. How many of you even talk to your kids anymore?

    2. @1140- your an ass. Parents can choose whatever style of teaching they want when they home school. You don't know what your talking about. Your slightly attacking another commenter stating that home school is better than public school. Homeschooling is much more difficult for parents than traditional public school. Based on your comment and the factofact youdyou really read or listen just decide someone is wrong makes me think your one of our great (not) teachers.

  11. Total waste of time. I have talked to no less then 10 teachers, several assistant principals and one principal who all said virtual learning does NOT work. These individuals come from good schools, lower performing schools and various grades and levels of teaching. Any honest teacher or administrator is going to tell you this.

    1. Gee.....do you think your "research" might be just a tad bit biased? Idiot

    2. @10:24 You have better "research" I assume? Please enlighten us all as to how effective distance learning is for 7 year olds whose parents are working all day.

  12. Need answers for what parents who are both essential are supposed to do with kids too young to stay home by themselves?

    1. I asked the same question and was literally told "figure it out" by a teacher union representative.

    2. Get a babysitter?

    3. Omg the nerve. Someone told someone to figure their problems out their self. JeeZ.

  13. The first semester ends on 11/10. The election is on the 3rd. It will all be over then. School closings, lockdowns, masks, everything.

    1. Nope, first TERM ends in November. The first SEMESTER ends January 29th. They declared this for half the year. Brilliant Donna Hanlin and her brilliant Board.

  14. For teachers only: Fall Bridge teams are now forming. Membership payments may be deducted directly from your paychecks.

  15. good close them forever. waste of money! hanlan briggs they'll get paid! sack all those teachers. dont need em anymore! refund my property taxes! teachers union got what they wanted! no more jobs! case closed. yea!

  16. Dear School Board.....

    Since our children are going to school virtually now here's a list of supplies REQUIRED for the year/semester:

    - 2 BINDERS
    - 40 PENCILS

    1. This is the best comment ever. Lol

  17. Might work if the schooling were based on “virtual reality” games where the student does not have to think. However, even most college grads do not have the maturity required to “learn” something without being taught face2face..

  18. Schools-closed
    Liquor stores-open

    I think Hogan owes us a clarification of the term "essential."

    1. Humpty Dumpty Hogans essentials are food

  19. I don't know what Worcester County is doing yet. They at least have put a survey online for parents and staff to vote on instead of just the union members. Lou Taylor cares enough about the input from parents.

    1. They are online too? Did you think they would risk the liability? Come on.

    2. They are not returning either.

    3. Worcester is the same as all the others. They send out the survey to make it look good, then do what they damn well please.

  20. @11:34 Wicomico County also had a survey but the school board didn't listen to the parents!

    1. Not sure I agree with this. The survey was split in 3. Full on school, hybrid school or no school. It you take the numbers it was about a 1/3 for each. If you add online school plus hybrid it far out numbers school full time. Plus when the kids get covid first thing parents will do is sue the school. The school system is already bogged down with rediclous lawsuits. It is a major liabilitay issue too.

    2. @12:05 Sorry but you are absolutely wrong. Going back full time was NOT a selectable option on ANY survey from the BOE or Union.

    3. Yes it was. There were 3 options and one was full time. If not, why is the person saying the board didn't listen. Come on now. Let's be truth tellers.

    4. Because it wouldn't be allowed until Stage 3 under Gov. Hogan's plan. That's why it wasn't offered as a survey option.

    5. 2:21. 3 options. Every other day. Every other week. And online only. Come on now. Let’s get all the info before we accuse people of lying.

    6. Full time school was not an option on the parent poll.

  21. Hogan wasting more money which will never be recovered for the tax payer.

    Give me back my TAXES I PAID FOR EDUCATION, since the schools will be closed. NO education offices should be open from Annapolis down to custodians. So they don't need my tax dollars for expenses.

  22. we all know that there is a large segment of the population that will not do anything "required" for online learning and NOTHING will happen to those parents or children. They will be passed along and eventually become society's problem.

    1. This already happens. The school passes kids that can't even read. This is just exposing more issues and puts the lights on the parents who are not parenting. How does it feel now?

  23. "Lots of Alcohol and medical Marijuana"

    Interesting how:

    - one is legal, the other is not.

    - one is manufactured by big business, the other comes straight from a seed planted in the earth

    - and both are possible necessities (in a sense) during these times of pretty much lockdown. The past 5 months and what, until the end of January (as it pertains to schools - grade and colleges)


    1. What’s your point.....?

    2. What's the point of asking someone what's the point. I think they are just saying. Your a grouch.

  24. I'm all for the virtual learning from home for first semester. No way snot-nosed kids are going to keep from infecting each other.

    But, we're lucky my wife's work has already confirmed work from home thru Jan 2nd. I feel for those with daycare issues.

  25. 6 months and the BOE hasn’t planned for all possibilities? Many specifics still up in the air.

  26. I am a school teacher and support this idea 100 %

    1. Of course you do...you'd rather not really do your job. Scared of the virus? How many times have you gone to Walmart or a restaurant. Those workers can be exposed but not you? Selfish AF.

    2. I’m sure you do because essentially this is the best of all outcomes for you and the worst of outcomes for single moms and for families with two working parents. You still get paid your full salary with all benefits and won’t need to either quit your job or pay someone to come in and supervise your children...most people don’t have that kinda. of money just laying around. They made arrangements for the last couple of months of school with no notice, and in the summer because they budget for summer camps and daycare all year long. They have bills and mortgages to pay just like you. You get to stay in the comfort of your own home and if you have children they will be at least partially supervised with an adult in the home even though a part of your day will be spent teaching students online. I am by no means down playing that teaching online and taking care of your own school age kids instruction won’t be challenging for you but your response lacks compassion for anyone else in the community that has to work outside of their home or is the sole provider for their family and doesn’t have financial resources or family support. So maybe since you have a college degree and you educate children for a living you could show support for what you believe is the right decision and also show compassion for the difficulty and complexity that the situation has on your students and their families.

      Honestly, the first mistake was how this was rolled out to the community by the superintendent. When you have bad news to deliver to an entire community how you deliver it matters. And secondly, there are some really great teachers in our schools but the superintendent should have instructed them to stand down from posting their thoughts on Facebook and other social media platforms. Becoming combative with frustrated parents will solve nothing. Parents are upset, they have a right to be upset, they have just had a bomb dropped on them, their kids lives are shattered by the news, and school isn’t likely the only problem on parents plate. Some of the criticism is misguided but I think teachers putting out blanket statements is not helpful. Honestly if the decision went any other way I know that some of the same teachers I have seen posting on Facebook over the last few days would have been on there slamming the decision to return to school. You will never make everyone happy but letting parents have some time to vent and accept some pretty devastating news for their kids and their families and allowing time for them to figure some things out would be a better path then rubbing salt in a wound.

    3. 6:18 - you could always go to school to become a teacher and then all of your problems would be solved.

    4. Thanks for the advice, I already have one professional degree as an accountant. Just because I am not impacted by the decisions that are made doesn't mean I don’t have compassion for students and families In this community that I know will be.

    5. Like I said 11:56 , we all make choices. Choose kids and your choices change. Become a teacher and all of your problems disappear! Poof! ( add snoopy sound effect laughing)

  27. 9:05: The better question is, why do we need to keep paying all of those taxes for schools and the school system when they are not home? they shouldn't have a electric bill, water bill or food bill since no one is in the school... And since most of the parents are teaching kids not the teacher, they don't need the big budget anymore...

    1. You are being silly. The buildings still have to be operating. You know better then this. There are plenty of people inside the school. In fact many teachers will be in the school teaching your child online. So there are still payments due. Mortgage, electric etc. Parents are not teaching the kids. That is funny. If parents actually taught their kids our society would be a better place. You are just mad because you actually have to be a parent now. Should have been from jump. The teachers are literally babysitting animals. Be a parent. Work with the teacher. The world can be a better place.

    2. Well they still let the blacks have their community get togethers. Then they have church in some of the schools on Sunday. We pay for that.

    3. 5:13- the facilities are rented for church services. The rental fees account for staff (building service manager or custodian) along with a modest amount to account for some utility use. All schools have forms that are filled out and submitted to the facilities department.

    4. 9:30 you're full of it. Rented my ass. Let's see any documentation from the so called facilities department. It's all a scam. What religion needs a public school classroom for church??

  28. The education budget from the federal government should go directly to parents

  29. Worcester is not returning

  30. It's going to be interesting to see the effect of school closures and Covid precautions on pregnancy numbers in the middle and high school population.

  31. so do the parents get the teachers share of pay for doing their job? no, you expect us to pay them to sit around on their lazy asses and still get paid?
    I say f u!

    1. Wow! Pay you to be a parent. Well imagine that, lol!! I say F U!! Do your job honey 😘

    2. We pay teachers to teach. As parents, we are not just sitting our children in front of a computer for virtual learning. We are researching and engaged to make sure are children are learning. We are still paying outrageous taxes to support a school system that’s delivering way less than 100%. I have cut back on work (meaning less income) in order to be directly involved. If I end up home schooling because the public school in inadequate is it fair for me to be forced through taxes to support services (the public school system) when it’s failed to meet the educational needs of my child?

  32. Where are all the intelligent people? I have not heard anyone talk about getting the A/C heating systems rebalanced to create a negative air flow.

    This is the way the TB virus was controlled and the same thing can be done in schools.

    This tells you how intelligent the Educational leaders / Politians and maintenance personnel are. Why are these people getting these outlandish salaries by being stupid?

  33. @6:18 Your article was well written however this is the bottom line:
    -there is a deadly virus
    -we cannot be too safe
    -they are trying to keep your children and staff safe and healthy until this mess gets much better
    -the teachers are all working very hard to do the best they can to do the best at virtual teaching
    -you feel the parents can blow off steam but the teachers are suppose to sit back and take very nasty and untrue accusations and not reply?
    -Bottom line is THERE IS A PANDEMIC! The parents that are doing the bitching just don't know what to do with THEIR children. They need to understand when you have children, you have to take responsibility for them in any circumstances. Schools are NOT your babysitter!.
    -Under normal circumstances, we feed these children breakfast, lunch and in many cases dinner in after school programs! The cafe folks have been working and providing food to the children ever since it closed and all summer, as well as babysitting and teaching those that stay in the classroom and there to learn. (Many roam the halls and don't even bring a pencil to school.)
    -Please understand, everyone wants things to be back to normal but until then......it is YOUR job to take care of your children and cooperated with the teachers to give your child the best learning situation possible under Pandemic circumstances!

    1. There was a question somewhere in all that so I’ll answer it. YES I do believe you should not respond to parents comments unless they are specifically directed at you as an individual. If it is an individual attack against you, I’m pretty sure there’s a process for you to discuss that with the superintendent. Why? Because you get paid not to. It is your job. Like any professional that goes to work has to handle situations that arise professionally in and out of work,so should you. I was really trying to provide advice that when you have already “won” what you think is right why would you continue to stoke the fire? And I really didn’t want to go there with the tax thing but the part where you said parents need to take care of their own children, well they do, They go to work and they pay taxes and those taxes pay for their kids to be educated as well as the facilities and your salary and benefits. Without those parents who work in other facets in the community, where would the funds come from for schools? Not once did I say whether I agreed with the decision or not but that it was complex and that some compassion would be a better approach. Lumping all parents who disagree with the decision into the same category as if you have the sole responsibility to feed and care for all of the children in the county, is not true and you are insulting the very parents that are your biggest supporters. Also I am aware that there is a pandemic, but thanks for informing me.

    2. Well guess what. There's no school now so stop whining and condoning whines about raising the kids. Shit happens. Roll with it or be stuck.

  34. What about lunches fpr kids

  35. When an official entity offers something "robust", you know it's baloney time.

  36. We The People will start demanding a tax rebate, those who can will start teaching small groups of kids and charter schools will start to flourish. Teachers who follow the Union path will soon find themselves out of work. Americans are smart, creative and will find a way.
    If the government delays opening too long they run the risk.

    1. 7:58
      No we won’t
      We are sheep
      Myself included

  37. I am a parent of several children in the Worcester County school system. I have my own business and am able and willing to educate them at home, the only reason they went to public school was for activities and socialization which I now see was very stupid. I filled out the on-line survey they issued just days before making the announcement that they will be instituting a phase approach, beginning with distance learning; obviously they never intended to actually seek parent input. I am sure the surveys merely served to fulfill a grant requirement of some kind. On behalf of parents who do need to work and single parent households I wrote to the Board how unworkable their plan is. As for me and my household, we are not returning- I will start homeschooling.

    The final straw that no one else has picked up on as far as I have seen: I read the entire Worcester County "Responsible Return" plan on the Board of Ed website AND all links to guideline materials used to formulate the plan. Under the "Operations and Safety" section of the Worcester plan, here is their discipline plan I copied and pasted from the website:

    "Disciplinary Considerations
    • Avoid punitive/exclusionary discipline unless absolutely necessary
    • Implement culturally responsive, restorative practices
    • View student behavior through trauma-informed lens
    • Anticipate higher levels of resistance and defiance as demands increase"

    My interpretation of the above is there will be virtually no discipline as the "trauma of the pandemic and racism" referenced under the same Operation and Safety guidelines under "Social and Emotional Support" Phase 1 in their plan justifies students to act out at will, much as we have seen in the rioting in our cities. No thanks- bye.

  38. Teachers need a pay cut
    Parents need to be paid as teachers
    Many may lose their job to do this ridiculous thing
    Let the children go to school

    1. Parents do not need paid as teachers. That's like saying parents should be paid for watching their kids. Come on people.
      Wonder how stupid all these teachers are going to look when the local and state government realizes we don't need them anymore. We will never go back to they way things were if kids don't go back to school.

  39. Your comment is insulting 7:54, We DO OUR JOB and now we have to do the teachers as well. You know damn right well that people are working shifts and two jobs to support their family and got hit first with no childcare, next with no school.

    Unless you live under a rock you should also know that there is not enough hours in the day with the way lives are structured. We pay TAXES for education, and salaries and the actual overhead involved with running a school. Maybe if we got that money back we would have more time to "DO OUR JOBS" at home like we have to at work !

  40. So much for sports scholarships. Cdc recommends for schools to open. Governors use different science must be the same for climate crisis and we have 8 years and 10 months left.

  41. The BOE will need all their money to acquire a SuperSized computer server to handle all the communication on-line, as well as new programming and a capable staff of programmers/technicians. This is a BIG undertaking.

  42. Kids in the projects will have a great experience.

  43. Learning doesn't exist in wicomico county. Just a bunch of teacher's pushing GAY, transgender, and social justice bullshit. Look at the test scores in wicomico county?? EMBARRASSING. I think the teachers should go back to school and let the students stay home and learn from anybody else.

    1. Thanks to the teachers union... public schools need to end

  44. If you want to band together as parents and have a unified voice, I recommend you follow on FB and join the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition delmarvaptc.org. It's free and we will work together to fight for what's right. The abuse of the school system and exploitation of our children has gone on far too long.

  45. Relatives to Susan Asshole OlsenAugust 3, 2020 at 1:42 AM

    My question is

    do I need to wear my mask during online classes ?

  46. Anonymous said...
    Learning doesn't exist in wicomico county. Just a bunch of teacher's pushing GAY, transgender, and social justice bullshit. Look at the test scores in wicomico county?? EMBARRASSING. I think the teachers should go back to school and let the students stay home and learn from anybody else.

    August 2, 2020 at 4:07 PM

    You are 100% correct. It is so disgusting and disrespectful to the normal students that have to wear the same color cap and gown because a few mentally deranged Fruit Loops want to pretend they are the other sex. Now the normal kids have to wear the color cap and gown of the opposite sex. Why is it that Libtards always have to cower to a small minority instead of saying tough $hit!

  47. Anonymous said...
    If you want to band together as parents and have a unified voice, I recommend you follow on FB and join the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition delmarvaptc.org. It's free and we will work together to fight for what's right. The abuse of the school system and exploitation of our children has gone on far too long.

    August 2, 2020 at 5:39 PM

    I will consider joining if you make it a top priority for Wicomico County Public Schools to go back to wearing opposite cap and gowns for the graduating seniors.

    I think it is so disgusting and disrespectful to the normal students that have to wear the same color cap and gown because a few mentally deranged Fruit Loops want to pretend they are the other sex. Now the normal kids have to wear the color cap and gown of the opposite sex. Why is it that Libtards always have to cower to a small minority instead of saying tough $hit!

  48. Anonymous said...
    If you want to band together as parents and have a unified voice, I recommend you follow on FB and join the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition delmarvaptc.org. It's free and we will work together to fight for what's right. The abuse of the school system and exploitation of our children has gone on far too long.

    August 2, 2020 at 5:39 PM

    Hi Nicole!

  49. Anonymous said...
    There was a question somewhere in all that so I’ll answer it. YES I do believe you should not respond to parents comments unless they are specifically directed at you as an individual. If it is an individual attack against you, I’m pretty sure there’s a process for you to discuss that with the superintendent. Why? Because you get paid not to. It is your job. Like any professional that goes to work has to handle situations that arise professionally in and out of work,so should you. I was really trying to provide advice that when you have already “won” what you think is right why would you continue to stoke the fire? And I really didn’t want to go there with the tax thing but the part where you said parents need to take care of their own children, well they do, They go to work and they pay taxes and those taxes pay for their kids to be educated as well as the facilities and your salary and benefits. Without those parents who work in other facets in the community, where would the funds come from for schools? Not once did I say whether I agreed with the decision or not but that it was complex and that some compassion would be a better approach. Lumping all parents who disagree with the decision into the same category as if you have the sole responsibility to feed and care for all of the children in the county, is not true and you are insulting the very parents that are your biggest supporters. Also I am aware that there is a pandemic, but thanks for informing me.

    July 31, 2020 at 12:19 PM

    Thanks, Nicole. Your thought provoking posts on this blog are always informative.

  50. Anonymous said...
    Makes sense, given the current state of technology. BUT who is paying for all those iPhones, itablets, and wi-fi connections??

    July 30, 2020 at 9:05 AM

    Makes sense? Really? Who is going to pay the parent's salaries why they have to stay home from work and watch these kids. It's not their job to educate their own children. That's Why TF we pay taxes you dumb Jack A$$! Did it ever occur to you that our economy is tanking because of this COVID nightmare!

    1. This is exactly why kids behave as animals. It is your job to educate your kids. School is a tool. It is impossible for one teacher to teach each kid to read. The fact parents are not engaged with their kids is why they are out on the streets screaming for socialism with their purple hair. Most parents are so disengaged they don't even have any clue what kind of endoctranation your kids are getting or lack of true education.

    2. I have never read such a stupid comment. It's not your job to educate your children. What the f@!k is wrong with you. YES it is your job. Public schools are only an option for education you dumbass. It's something to use to educate your kids.
      We are all just domed. I can't even stand the stupidity anymore let alone the rest

  51. Relatives to Susan Asshole Olsen said...
    My question is

    do I need to wear my mask during online classes ?

    August 3, 2020 at 1:42 AM

    Yeah, Susan Olsen is an A$$hole, you got that right!

  52. Anonymous said...
    We pay teachers to teach. As parents, we are not just sitting our children in front of a computer for virtual learning. We are researching and engaged to make sure are children are learning. We are still paying outrageous taxes to support a school system that’s delivering way less than 100%. I have cut back on work (meaning less income) in order to be directly involved. If I end up home schooling because the public school in inadequate is it fair for me to be forced through taxes to support services (the public school system) when it’s failed to meet the educational needs of my child?

    August 2, 2020 at 10:21 AM

    I agree, we as citizens need to demand a tax rebate from the public schools. We are paying for programs and services that we aren't recieving.

  53. I have a question. Are the custodians and cafeteria staff still on the payroll? Have they been paid all this time when they haven't been cleaning schools or preparing food?

    Does anyone know how much money that is costing taxpayers?

    1. Actually schools have been preparing food. They hand out food weekly to kids that need it. (You can argue if that's right or not)

  54. Anonymous said...
    If you want to band together as parents and have a unified voice, I recommend you follow on FB and join the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition delmarvaptc.org. It's free and we will work together to fight for what's right. The abuse of the school system and exploitation of our children has gone on far too long.

    August 2, 2020 at 5:39 PM

    No thanks. Unless it's a private group I am not going to "Like" the page. If it was a private group I would consider it. I can't afford to be doxed by the mentally insane Liberals.

  55. Let's see if I've got this right. Students don't want to go to school, teachers don't want to teach. Well, I guess they can all go to Hollywood and become actors and actresses. BLM people don't believe in education as represented by their actions. Caveman mentality rules. Maybe the bigots are right. I pray not.

    1. It is a pandemic. No one is saying teachers don't want to teach. Teachers have been training in new technology to be able to teach online. There are even options where you students can live interact with you. The school are trying hard to figure out a solution. But risking death should not be one of them. Before we judge what is going to happen. How about we see what actually happens. The schools get paid per kid. Pretty sure they don't want to lose any money. Now as far as kids not wanting to learn, that's an entirely different conversation.

    2. What about kids in rural areas? We have no internet and no cell phone signal. Do you people even consider this? How is my child going to interact with the teacher? It is a joke. Defund the public school system.

    3. Risking death. Jesus. We risk death every day.

      We better run and shutter all the pharmacy and liquor stores then. Get rid of all the beef and sugar too.

    4. One must have elite bloodline to join Hollywood

  56. Well I suppose some good may come of this
    We can start teaching them the way we learned
    Actually teach them how to add subtract and multiply without boxes.

  57. What don’t people understand about a ‘pandemic’. These are not normal times and we will never get back to normal times if everyone doesn’t take this virus seriously. Stop attending large gatherings, stop going to amusement parks, stop going to protests, rallies, the mall, bbq’s... stay you behinds home unless you need to go out for work or essentials until we can contain it and find a vaccine. Stop confusing inconvenience for oppression. This isn’t political, right vs left, black vs white, rich can poor....it doesn’t discriminate ask Herman Cain. It’s about saving lives, your and mine. Stop being cry babies and have some humanity. This is pathetic. You’re a bunch of entitled morons.

  58. 10:06:
    The kids are going to end up in groups all exposed to each other anyway with probably much less PPE and mask enforcement because our society has been structured so that the majority of households need 2 paychecks coming in so parents have to go back to work. All ready a friend of mine has been contacted by several parents asking if she would be willing to teach her kids as well as theirs. The Eastern Shore YMCA has also advertised that they will be offering a place for kids to go while distance learning is in place. So the teachers are definitely primarily concerned with themselves, not kids exposure. I'm assuming that these teachers who are so concerned for their health are sheltering at home, doing pick up groceries only and not patronizing any restaurants at all, even for pick up orders. If not, then they need to get their asses back to work. I was once in a job where I was truly concerned for my safety; guess what? I quit! The teachers just want to continue to collect salaries for doing a fraction of the work. I took a big pay cut years ago for the convenience of being able to work from home since you eliminate a lot of expenses; so should they.

    1. I teach and I agree. I am one of few that wants to go back because all the other teachers I know care much more about themselves and staying home than what's best for children and the economy.

  59. Time to lay off all the teachers and administrators. Getting full pay for near nothing.

  60. Proof that actual education takes a back seat to politics. Remember that the next time the teachers cry about how the BOE needs more money!

  61. Won't the public-school teachers look foolish as happy children attending private schools go off each day to their classrooms?

    Answer: The public-school teachers will appear foolish and lazy! And they had better not come crying for more money any time soon on the grounds that education for our children is critical!

  62. People are really fed up! The result? Donald Trump will win, despite rampant cheating by the socialist Democrats.

  63. Anonymous said...
    I have never read such a stupid comment. It's not your job to educate your children. What the f@!k is wrong with you. YES it is your job. Public schools are only an option for education you dumbass. It's something to use to educate your kids.
    We are all just domed. I can't even stand the stupidity anymore let alone the rest

    August 3, 2020 at 3:02 PM

    No, Jack A$$ Libtard, it's your job to teach our kids, that is what wey PAY you to do!! This is exactly why you clowns what to get paid another semester to stay home and do absolutely NOTHING!! Idiot POS Millennials.

    See folks, this is what is in our Public Schools and we trust them with our kids.

    Yes we are all doomed because of school employees like you. Your grammar is HORRIBLE by the way!

    1. I'm not a teacher you dumbass. I'm just disgusted people cry about raising and teaching their own kids in times in pandamonium. I home schooled my kids cuz because schools suck. As judgmental as you are I would think your a teacher.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What don’t people understand about a ‘pandemic’. These are not normal times and we will never get back to normal times if everyone doesn’t take this virus seriously. Stop attending large gatherings, stop going to amusement parks, stop going to protests, rallies, the mall, bbq’s... stay you behinds home unless you need to go out for work or essentials until we can contain it and find a vaccine. Stop confusing inconvenience for oppression. This isn’t political, right vs left, black vs white, rich can poor....it doesn’t discriminate ask Herman Cain. It’s about saving lives, your and mine. Stop being cry babies and have some humanity. This is pathetic. You’re a bunch of entitled morons.

    August 3, 2020 at 11:58 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You Fkn Libtards are too stupid to understand that the common flue kills more people every sinkgl day. But let's not let facts get in the way.

  65. Are the BOE school bus drivers going to be paid not to drive the buses this year?
    They must own 50+ buses!
    Who made the decision BOE should be in the transportation bisoness?
    Probably Mr Ford who is now retired
    No accountability folks!


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