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Saturday, August 01, 2020

“One of the Sleaziest and Most Dishonest Figures in History of American Politics” – Tucker Carlson Goes Off on Obama After He Compares US Police to Racist Democrat Bull Connor

Former President Barack Obama delivered the eulogy at Congressman John Lewis’s funeral on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia.

Classless Obama used John Lewis’s funeral for political purposes, attacked Trump and pushed mail-in voting.

Barack Obama also compared the police in America to racist Alabama Democrat Bull Connor.

Tucker Carlson: Now, Barack Obama, one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics used George Floyd’s death at a funeral to attack the police. Here’s what he said.

Barack Obama: Bull Connor may be gone. But today we witness with our own eyes police officers kneeling on the necks of black Americans.

Tucker Carlson: Bull Connor! The country fallen apart riven by racial strife and tribalism, and one of the most respected people in the whole country decides to pour gasoline on that and compare the police to Bull Connor? As if America and Minneapolis is like Birmingham, Alabama in 1963? It’s insane. It’s wreckless!



  1. What this Country needs is more Bull Connors so crap like O'Bama never gets a foothold in politics. The World is a better place without vermin like him.

    1. Why does NASCAR driver bubba wallace have a white girlfriend if he is really trying to help the negro race. Having bi-racial children actually dilutes the race. SMH

  2. Obama is a Marxist who wants a Chinese style government... if they succeed they will kill ethnic races

    1. Trump’s Russian style government would probably be better. Plus Trump would have the advantage of learning from his friend Vladimir.

  3. That would be 'reckless', not "wreckless". There IS a wreck, and that's what Obama left us.

  4. I'm tellin you...watch that Tucker...there is something very fishy about this numbnut. A CNN prodigy that must be kept an eye on.

    Bill Hemmer is fine - Tucker Carlson.....hmmmm...

    1. No one can dispute anything Tucker says, fact. So you 918, keep an eye on him and listen to what he says. You might learn something.

  5. If you look at history that being the 8 year term Obama served. He never produced his birth certificate but pushed for Trump to produce tax records. The reason and it is history recent history is Obama's father was a Hussein that is not American , and was a known family of American haters. Obama during the campaign referred to his grand mother a white woman to gain white votes, and stated over and over how she was the love of his life. Did you ever hear him speak of her ever again after he became president? His best friend and a visitor to the White House 63 times when he was there is Al Sharpton a race baiter and someone who has never paid taxes but has lived and made tons of money off deceased young blacks involved in crime and killed in the pursuit of those crimes. Obama who just used another funeral for his own purpose not to address the service and who is was for but to bash the President and get support for the Democrats. Can you not see who this racist is finally he is not what he stated when he ran for office. He and his spouse had no $ and now have billons they made making deals with our enemies and selling this country out for $$$$$. Go back in this time the COVA Virus has afforded you to put your feet up and read the 8 years with Obama and see if you find something besides "Obama Care".

  6. Ol Barry can't let a opportunity go to waste. He continues to live up to being the great divider. Probably the greatest this country has seen!

  7. Bama feels the heat lol. He knows when Trump wins his legacy of race wars and destruction will come crashing down

  8. Obama was a Manchurian President groomed and placed there by the CIA...nothing about him was real. Much of this has already been exposed and much more will be forthcoming...Many won't believe it because they are brainwashed and don't know it. Obama nearly destroyed America and her citizens; the true Patriots, but we got a reprieve in President Trump and we better make the best of it while we can...Obama was/is evil, corrupt, deceptive, divisive, destructive and never to be trusted...

  9. I am expecting to see Tucker has committed suicide by a bullet to the back of the head...??

  10. Barry Sorteo was groomed from High School to become POTUS and help destroy the America.

    His mother and grandmother both worked for CIA in Indonesia.
    Barry's childhood friend there was little Timmy Geithner, who grew up there because his father ran Chase Bank assets for CIA in that Country.

    Barry is a homosexual and hiding that fact was a control mechanism for intelligence.
    They always had that on the guy so he did exactly as he was told.
    His boyfriend, Michael Robinson played football at Iowa and told his teammates that he had always felt like a woman trapped in a man's body. He is a transexual of course.

    Barry still reads the scripts written for him (when he can).
    He is seriously addicted to crack cocaine and is in hiding most of the time.

    Adolph Hitler was also a homosexual and drug addict.
    The Bankers like using compromised people to place into political positions.
    They are easily controlled.

    1. Hitler wasn’t homosexual some of his Brown shirts were and when he didn’t need them anymore he killed them

    2. 2:26
      It is widely written about Hitler’s compromised personality. He most certainly was a famous homosexual and drug addict.
      He did not write Mein Kampf

  11. Thank God, Obama definitely reminded me why I am truly thankful that he is no longer President and I do not have to listen to his vile, hateful, unpatriotic and divisive speeches anymore.

  12. Bama was only at the funeral for Lewis to trash Trump and campaign for sleepy Joe.

  13. The best part of that loathsome, carpet-headed, purple-lipped, ingrate, soulless spoiled-rotten Obama squirted into.....well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

  14. Obama is a common thug. Probably not even legally eligible to ever be president to begin with. Fact is, he’s been running around since his terms, telling everyone how he was the first Kenya born president of the US. It’s documented but MSM is not telling you because if they did, you’d realize you’ve been had by their lies and deception. Wake up, people.

  15. It doesn't matter how correct the poster is, Democrats are lock-step socialists brainwashed by their leaders. They can't see the truth. That includes your friends and neighbors that are Democrats. They couldn't care less about our constitution or the bill of rights. They have one mission, to overthrow our government and it's constitution, and replace it with a socialist one, no matter how many decades and generations it takes. It is a single minded mission that all Democratic legislation leads to. You have to hand it to them for their determination and never faltering from their mission, once elected. They don't give a damn about their constituents or their rights. Rather, they just want to take away those rights that our forefathers bestowed upon this great country they were forming, and replacing their with collective rights only, determined by the entrenched, permanent government. THAT is their vision of America's future. And if you're opposed to it? They don't care.


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