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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US

Protests following George Floyd's death could become one of the costliest displays of civil disorder in US history

From police injuries to financial losses from looters, the aftermath from weeks of cross-country protests is bringing some cities to their knees.

All told, the unruly demonstrations following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery could make it one of the costliest displays of civil disorder in U.S. history. In many places, the financial fallout comes as cities and states have drained their coffers trying to fight COVID-19. The end result for these cash-strapped cities could put them millions of dollars in the red and struggling for years to get out.

In Minneapolis, costs related to the protests could hit higher than $500 million. In Portland, Ore., nearly 80 nights of destruction have caused the liberal locale $23 million and counting. In Chicago, a city that's seen soaring crime rates and corruption at the highest levels, the damage done from the protests has not only hit high-end retailers but crippled hundreds of mom-and-pop stores trying to eke out a living.



  1. Okay, let’s watch the inept liberal Mayors manage out of this.

  2. They'll be begging their respective governors for money they don't have either. After that, begging Congress, then the Senate. The, back to square one, begging the President while insulting him (and America) 24/7.

  3. They already have ask the President for a bail out. That was one thing in Pelosi's stimulus that the Republicans didn't want to agree to almost a trillion dollars to bail out place that allowed looting and rioting.

  4. At this point in time if blacks can't comprehend that the democrat party is the party for racists then there is no hope for them. The democrat party is the party of systemic and rampant racism. This is a fact that is deniable.
    Their white woke "friends" protesting are the white supremacists and today equivalent of the KKK. BLM is a branch of the KKK. They are the KKK gatekeepers keeping the blacks in line.
    Almost all the destruction was centered in minority neighborhoods. Businesses destroyed that black people many without transportation depend on.
    The reason the democrat mayors of these cities not only allowed by encouraged the destruction of black neighborhoods was because of the in roads and positive things going on in them due to the programs and initiatives of President Trump, his admin and the Republican party. The democrat mayors pulled the police out of black neighborhoods on purpose, so they would burn and get destroyed. Don't fall for the democrat lies it was because the people were peaceful and had a right to protest. No the democrats want the cities to burn. They want blacks to live in conditions worse then shelter dogs and cats. Democrats do not want businesses to open in black neighborhoods under Opportunity Zones. When prospective entrepreneurs mostly minorities themselves see the crime and destruction they don't want to open businesses in these areas. This is the hope of the democrats. Deter businesses from opening.
    The democrats can't allow the inner cities to be revitalized and especially by the Republicans. They would rather the resident forever be herded up and corralled in the ghetto war zones with no hope.

  5. Their ultimate goal is not racial equality or elimination of any prejudice.

    It is the absolute destruction of the USA and our way of life.

    "They love our milk and honey, but they preach about another way of livin'...."

    There can be no other reason for politicians to allow such destruction and loss of economic activity.
    Don't the people who pay taxes and live normal crime-free lives, trying to make a better life for themselves and their families DESERVE to be protected from thuggery, arson, and murder??
    How do people who loot, burn, destroy, and kill get a pass from the politicians who's very first priority should be the security of the citizenry?
    Keep all of your guns loaded and within reach.
    Don't have a gun? Don't like guns?

    Keep cheering, then.


  6. Dem cities have painted themselves into a financial and law enforcement corner?

    Where's my giant, economy size jar of crocodile tears?

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Lack of money? Just raise taxes on the stupid voters who voted for even more stupid politicians. You get exactly what you deserve.

  8. Ask Soros to bail you out, he funded this crap

  9. And...no one cares. You reap what you sow.

  10. Take the $$$$ from Democrat's Party to Pay for all of it !!!!


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