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Saturday, August 15, 2020

1,374 Days Later, Hillary Clinton Complains to Town Interns About Sexism, Russians in 2016 Election

As President Trump was announcing a peace deal between Israel and United Arab Emirates, Hillary Clinton was lamenting the 2016 election to a group of town interns on Thursday.

Clinton sat with a group of young workers for the city of Greenburgh, New York, and demonstrated she still isn’t over the election that was held 1,374 days ago.

She was asked what the most challenging and rewarding parts were of running for president.

Clinton said it was a “great opportunity” to be “welcomed into the lives of so many of your fellow Americans and citizens.



  1. Granny Clinton will be sharing her secret recipes before long.


  2. Could she become governor of GA when Stacey Abrams accepts the VP slot? Asking for a friend.

  3. Most people don’t remember Hillary (apparently) as she campaigned in 2016. Her health was failing obviously and her mind had slipped. Go back and watch some of her performances in front of cameras prior to Sept 11, 2016.

  4. You know women never let you forget when and how you pissed them off. She's a typical hen. Think about poor Bill. No wonder he was up everybody's skirt. You married guys know what I mean.

  5. I am shocked when looking at her face. I don't believe women her age look like that - it must be all that Chardonnay. Alochol will do that too you - aging. OR she can't sleep. Too many haunting situations in her life.

  6. Deport her 2020 to Siberia !!!


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