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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Newt Gingrich: Kamala Harris is an anti-Catholic bigot

This says a lot about the strength of Biden's Catholic background under pressure from the anti-religious left

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s choice as his vice presidential running mate — Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.— is the most openly anti-Catholic bigot to be on a national ticket in modern times.

Harris’ record is perfectly clear. She is openly anti-Catholic in confirming federal judges, wanting to prosecute the Little Sisters of the Poor, closing Catholic Hospitals that don’t join her union allies, and favoring taxpayer-paid abortions up until birth (in fact, she has twice voted against bills that would ensure that babies who lived through abortion procedures get medical care).

In many ways, Harris’ bigotry against Catholics is a perfect example of the modern radical left’s ideology of “intolerant tolerance” that I outline in my latest bestselling book, “Trump and the American Future.”



  1. There is just nothing good about this woman..........or the pair of her and Biden.


  2. On most of these points she's in lock-step with Biden, who the press describes as a devout Catholic. He isn't as any genuine Catholic could amplify about.

    We are decades overdue for priests, bishops, cardinals to threaten rogue Catholics like Biden, Pelosi, etc. with excommunication for their actions favoring abortion.

    As to Harris, don't know if she had any religious formation growing up, or as an adult. Given her personal involvement with Willie Brown none is evident.

  3. She without a doubt is a racist as are all democrats. If you have 2 working brain cells it is very easy to see what is going on in this country.
    Bottom line is the democrat party is the party of rampant racism. The democrat party is the same as the KKK. They want all the destruction in black neighborhoods. The democrats like to see all the black on black murder. The democrats want more black children gunned down. This to try and prevent businesses from opening in black neighborhoods under programs such as Opportunity Zones. The more destruction the more violence the more black children being gunned down the better for the democrats. They would rather see black children murdered then any successes in the inner cities by the Republicans.

  4. Gingrich's failed presidential campaign still owes millions of dollars to tons of vendors. Newt's not exactly an honest guy.


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