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Friday, August 21, 2020

College to use tracking app that notifies if students leave 'COVID Bubble'

Violators may be temporarily suspended

Michigan's Albion College is requiring that students download a phone application that tracks at all times their physical locations as well as their private health data in order to battle the spread of the coronavirus, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Albion — a private college — is aiming to create a "COVID-bubble" on campus for the entire semester, the Free Beacon said. And if a student breaks the 4.5-mile perimeter, the app notifies the administration, and the student could be temporarily suspended, the paper added.

But as you might imagine, this plan has students and parents complaining about privacy invasion.

"The school wants my daughter to sign a form consenting to specimen collection and lab testing," one father told the Free Beacon on the condition of anonymity. "I have a ton of concern with that. ... Why is the state of Michigan's contact tracing not enough?"

The paper added that while students are required to remain on campus, professors and administrators are not. And Albion — when asked about this disparity and potential "COVID-bubble" loophole — declined to comment, the Free Beacon said.



  1. Another click towards communism.

  2. Heard VATech is making students sign a Covid document saying they will adhere to all the requirements in public...if not suspension. I followed up on that since I have a fam member attending and there was a problem earlier this week where a very large number of students walked to a local establishmment in Blacksburg..no masks no distancing. Blacksburg has a local hotline to call for "issues"...someone called and at least 17 VATech students have been suspended.

    Hmmmm school starts next week, suspensions already???

    Could be a lawyers DREAM!!!!

  3. 10:22 Yes exactly, and did you hear what the mayor did in CA??? He made the city turn off power to peoples house who had a party!!! And the city refuses to turn it back on until they are ordered to by the mayor... And I bet you they still have to pay their electric bill right even though there is no power!!!

    10:22 And you think this is bad, wait for the AI and digital currency to go 100% into full effect, and on top of that, you have these loser moronic retards begging for socialism and communism!!! And you retards can't see that once we step over the line of AI and digital currency, you own't ever come back from it and you will be tracked 100%, 100% of the time for 100% rest of life, and they are talking now to do what china did with social scoring, so shit won't work if your score is low, to the point your own elevator or door to your house won't open!!! Yeah lets wait for that to start happening before we decide to actually give a fuck to do something about it, per SOP you retard will just sit there complaining and letting it happen, and then once you are 100% truly a slave to the system you swear you hate, and have had enough of, yet refuse to do anything about it, will be to late... becasue that is SOP, to not give a shit until you can't fix it!!!! and that is why you all deserve the crap you get and will be getting soon, and same goes for you business owners who are cowards!!!! You won't last another year, mark my words, and that goes for you to JOE!!!! Since you are one of those cowards too, you won't make it next year when this is still going on!!!

  4. 10:40 No it is not, lawyers are to stupid and are forced by the BAR to do what the BAR says!!!! Ask Joe, his lawyer told him he can sue people who rate or review his business badly!!! Calling it defamation... That is the epitome of stupid!!!! And that is why all of your businesses are closing, and the ones who hung on, won't be here next year!!! You people are to stupid to see that this is not going away until you are normalized on it or give up all of your rights, or the AI and digital currency gets put in play 100% fully to track you for the rest of your life... And when you have retards calling in on you people, they are the ones who will bring about the mark of the beast, and everything that will take out humanity, becasue they choose to be stupid!!! And that is OK, they will burn in hell with the ones who are doing this evil!!!

  5. Dr. Desmarais is a "Six-Shooter." Only some that know him understand that term. You will see what that means when he gets the job done, and rightly so. Please don't underestimate him until then. As a county, we are ready to get things done, and he's the one to do it. Not only do I trust him with my life, I trust him to stand on integrity in this county. The people of Wicomico County are tired of the swampy politicians looking after their own interests. He is as selfless as selfless can be. By the grace of God, we don't have "Swamp Thing" as our new County Executive.

  6. They need that DNA so they can have a database of people to frame for crimes when they are too politically outspoken and for organ harvesting programs for the elite.


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