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Friday, August 21, 2020

NYC Teachers won't show up unless Student / Staff members get Covid test

A New York teachers union announced that New York City teachers may not show up for school if every student and staff member is not tested for COVID-19 before entry for in-person classes, according to the New York Post.

Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers, said the extreme amount of testing is the only way to ensure safety and prevent a coronavirus disaster upon reopening.

"Every single person — both adult and child — that is to enter an NYC school must have evidence that they do not have the COVID virus," Mulgrew said during a news conference. "New York City must have a rigorous and intensive testing system in place. What happened in March cannot happen again."



  1. Teachers just don’t want to work and still get paid. Period.

  2. Makes no sense. Are they going to test daily, weekly? I assume these are asymptomatic, as in many cases, you have had it for days or weeks before symptoms become evident. I don't want to get it, but by avoiding life and waiting on a vaccine that may never come, it's just going to linger for years. So far less than 2% of the U.S. population has tested positive. It's bad, some will die, but it just needs to run its course. We can't keep everything shut down or working at 50%. We can't keep paying people to not work. We have to keep producing food and necessities. And we have to educate or kids and teach them to work, and not wait for something to be provided for them. Sooner or later the people who are working won't be able to produce enough to support the ones that aren't, and without education, there's no one to take their places in the workforce.

  3. This is why instead of giving the money per student this year to the schools give it to the parents. If they choose to send the child to school then they give it back.
    Only the lower income children are going to suffer from this nonsense. Some of us can afford to hire a private certified tutor to come to our homes and teach a full day. Most can not. if the government gives parents the money they can afford this.

  4. This is just the beginning. Next on the COVID script...shortage of turkeys and Hams for the holidays.

    Backup plan - Chinese, pizza OR anything else. Come on...really..bitchin cuz there may not be turkeys or hams? Hahahahahha

  5. And there it is: mandatory testing and next mandatory vaccinations.

  6. They just made the case for defunding the public school system

  7. 10:54 mandatory testing and mandatory vaccinations are two very different things. I don't understand why you expect teachers to be frontline workers and put themselves, their families, their own children and other children in the class at risk? All because you're tired of watching your own children?

  8. 11:54 because teachers are always whining how important they are. When push comes to shove they make up excuses which proves to all they aren't important My though if you dont' want to teach in the classroom w/students present then get the hell out and don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. It is that simple You are replaceable. For every seat there is another arse and don't you or any teacher who is using coronavirus as an excuse to not teach ever forget it..

  9. 1:14 sure, they are just beating down the doors to become teachers...why don't you become a teacher then? 11:54 you're exactly right. People want kids in school so they don't have to pay babysitters and daycare or figure it out. Your kids are your responsibility, we don't want them dead or out hear putting the community at risk. What you people don't get about a pandemic that your president let get out of control is astounding.

  10. 9:47 Tell that to Florida who will be releasing those GMO mosquito in the next few months, even though they have test proving the skeeters won't do what they are designed and modified to do... its called evolution and you can't stop it!!! Not even with GMO... They already admitted to this and they also admitted to not knowing what the affects will be to anyone or anything!!! And its against the will and wished of you got it, the people!!!! And yet you morons retards can't see that evil exists and evil does evil things!!!!

  11. Easy solution, fire each and everyone of them!

    Most of us that still have jobs have to report to work
    Who in hell makes them think that they are any better than anyone else to make such outrageous demands?

    Who in the hell do they think pays their salaries?


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