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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Biden Touts Catholic Faith A Month After Vowing To Crack Down On Nuns

The Democratic National Convention’s Twitter account posted a video touting Biden’s Catholic background on Sunday, exactly one month after Biden vowed to strip a group of nuns of their right to refuse providing contraceptives that violate their Catholic beliefs.

In the minute-long clip, Biden talks about meeting a group of nuns in St. Peter’s Basilica, saying they “epitomize everything…about generosity to other people, about reaching out, about making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper.”

“That’s what, in my experience, being raised as a Catholic and being educated by the nuns, that’s what those lovely women I’m talking to symbolize to me,” he continued, punctuated by soft music and footage of Biden with the Pope and with smiling nuns



  1. So Joe, how about abortion. Catholic Church is all about the sanctity of life. Are you truly a hypocrite?

  2. The same thing Piglosi does. She pulls out the religion card whenever it seems to work for her.
    Like Trump said a long time ago, Nancy is a fake Catholic.

  3. Considering that the Pope is against abortion, all Democrats that support it should be excommunicated!

    Start with this sorry POS!

  4. Biden has been made an "Honorary Priest" for his pedophilia ways with children.

  5. When you go to Mass?? Watch how the priest give you a sermon on why you should vote for Biden. They will say they aren't telling you who to vote for. Just who not too. I've seen it every presidential election.

  6. Keep Biden away from ALL Females !!!!

  7. Joe is the biggest liberal pushing abortion. How can he have any kind of faith, and kicked out of the church!


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