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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Lori Lightfoot Rejects National Guard in Chicago After Night of Looting

Chicago officials announced Monday morning that police would be placed on high alert, with 12-hour shifts and expanded patrols throughout the city after the Magnificent Mile downtown was attacked by organized looters overnight.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot stopped short, however, of calling for the National Guard, which had been used to protect the downtown area after an initial wave of riots in late May. There was no mention of federal law enforcement, either.

(Update: At a subsequent press conference, Lightfoot, standing alongside Governor J.B. Pritzker, said that “both of us believe this is not an incident that requires the National Guard. … We do not need federal troops in Chicago. Period. Full stop.” She added that President Donald Trump should help by enacting “common-sense gun control.” If Trump wanted to help, she said, he should not “rattle the saber” but rather enact gun control, which she said would provide “real safety.”)

Superintendent David Brown told journalists at a press conference (carried live on the Facebook page of local ABC affiliate WLS-7 TV) that the looting was triggered by a shooting on the South Side of Chicago, when a 20-year-old suspect who was fleeing police fired at officers in pursuit. After officers returned fire and injured the suspect, who was hospitalized and is expected to survive, a crowd gathered.

“Tempers flared, fueled by misinformation as the afternoon led into evening,” Brown said,



  1. The momentum BLM had in the beginning is starting to fade and people are getting tired of these parlor games. This entire thing has become political and they are being used. Just as democrats enslaved blacks with various BS handouts this is just another way to keep them down.

  2. The best "gun-control" for Chicago would be to repeal the current laws that infringe on ordinary citizens rights. When everyone "may" be armed, the thugs will think before they pull any of their thuggery!


  3. If you believe the 'shopping spree' was triggered by an arrest of a gunman shooting at cops then you believed Susan Rice's video explanation for Benghazi, Hillary's missing email trove was notes about the gym and Webb Hubble's daughter's wedding, Kerry's DD214 and the Kenyan's birth certificate.

    Some gang banger got shot so let's go pillage the fanciest stores in the region. Makes perfect sense. I'm not buying it until Jussie weighs in with the facts!

  4. Yea...I’m sure all of the guns in your shithole of a city are legally owned.

  5. Don't you just love the left and their 'Agenda Babble'? Lightfoot says that President Trump should enact gun control, as if that will stop the anarchy. Chicago already has some of the most stringent gun control in the nation. How's that working out?

  6. She does realize that Chicago has the strictest gun laws around right... None of them are helping so she wants more laws. Criminals aren't following your laws you have already. She needs to rename herself to lightheaded as there's nothing but air between her ears

  7. Wait!!!! What???????????

    Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Broke Up Gay Beach Party; Failed to Protect Downtown.
    Lightfoot commented angrily: “It’s called a pandemic, people. This reckless behavior on Montrose Beach is what will cause us to shut down the parks and lakefront. Don’t make us take steps backwards.

  8. Gun Control:

    When law-abiding citizens give up their ability to defend themselves against those criminals who laugh at the citizens for doing so.


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