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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sorry, Anti-Trumpers, It Looks Like the DC Circuit *Is* Concerned Over Flynn Judge’s Bias

This is one saga that should have ended eons ago. It should have ended when Attorney General William Barr filed a motion to dismiss the criminal charges against Michael Flynn, who was forced to plead guilty to “lying to the FBI” charges after having the screw put to him by the Mueller investigation; they threatened him with financial ruin. The judge in his case, Emmet Sullivan, who had called the former general a traitor over the Trump-Russia collusion myth, refused to drop the case. The prosecutor has resigned. There was no case. The motion detailed a lengthy history of the prosecutorial misconduct hurled at Flynn, with then-top FBI officials James Comey and Andrew McCabe looking to get Flynn no matter what.

To add another layer of intrigue, it does like pretty clear that Obama indirectly gave the order to have his people clip him politically. The intention of that January 5, 2017 meeting with his top national security and law enforcement officials, where he said to “get the right people” on Flynn when discussing how some these leftovers would protect the FBI probe from the incoming Trump administration is clear given the events that transpired afterward. Oh, and former Vice President Joe Biden was the one who suggested using the Logan Act to go after Flynn for having run-of-the-mill phone calls with now-ex Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, phone calls that even Comey said looked “legit.” This was a political assassination.

Now, the DC Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Sullivan dropping the case. He appealed and now we have an en banc hearing on August 11, but this move could end up “disqualifying” Sullivan from the proceedings. The DC Circuit seems to be worried about the level of bias exhibited by Sullivan and that he should be prepared to answer questions about that. I’ll have the lawyers explain the rest, like ‘Shipwreckedcrew’ over at RedState, where he adds how Sullivan turned this case into a total fiasco and one where a possible outcome is that Sullivan is removed from the case as he’s become a “nominal party”:



  1. But this stupid court recessed until December!

    They can't make a friggin decision about this before December?


  2. Biden graduated at the bottom of his law school class yet he remembered a never used, 200 year old law? They give him too much credit.


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