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Sunday, August 02, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Police Dept, double standards

Hi Joe,

This angers me with Salisbury Police Department.

Earlier this year, my son was traveling to work. His first week on his first "real" job. His beater car a Celica 1996 broke down (6:30 AM) on Riverside Dr just past Collage Ave as you are heading into town.

He called me and I picked him up to get another vehicle to take him to work.

I get a call from Salisbury P. D.within an hour. They advised me that I need to remove this car right now or it will be towed.

My son was at his new job and I was in the middle of doing my my job, so I could not take my car trailer to pick it up until 2 hours later.

Salisbury P. D. mind you, they were courteous, said that it must be towed IMMEDIATELY.

There was nothing I could do, so they had it towed at a $165 expense to me.

Last night, while traveling on Riverside Dr., we saw a disabled vehicle in the exact same location, exact same direction of travel, exact same side of the road as where my son's car broke down.

My son called Salisbury P.D. to inform them of a vehicle broke down and to advise them as per "their policy" that they wanted to remove disabled vehicles IMMEDIATELY from Riverside Dr.


My question is, with this inconsistency from Salisbury P. D. where do I go to get back my $165 tow expense that I could have taken care of within 2 hours not 48 hour?


  1. Victim mentality. You had a chance to call your own towing company.

  2. From the looks of the picture the vehicle was definitely in the travel portion of the road and should have been removed immediately. If the vehicle from the second incident was in fact in the same exact spot it too should have been removed immediately. It's not an issue of someone being refunded but a matter of someone else should have been towed as well.

  3. Stop your whining! Man up and don't worry about the other guy.

  4. Seriously this is not right coming from the police department. I hope these peoe get their money back.

  5. Snitch snitch snitch shame shame shame obey obey KNEEL.

  6. Sucks to be you.

  7. So tired of seeing these Hoax story’s so ridiculous.

  8. Some catch a break some don’t. I understand the frustration but why would he want to punish another broke down citizen for what you had been through. Did it help him or you to bring attention to the other vehicle. Best thing is to leave it alone. I’ve had problems with another department and no results. You’ve heard the expression, can’t fight city hall. Sorry for your unnecessary expenses.

  9. The problem here is simple. You are white. The other vehicle owner must be BLACK. There is the inconsistency. They gave him a ride home and a slice.

    1. So, Jesse Jackson, are you practicing your reverse racist tricks again, or is this another Salisbury University student??

  10. You are probably a Republican and that is why you were treated differently than someone else in the same situation who no doubt a Democrat! There's your answer.

  11. In court like everyone else. That's life. Don't call millenials snowflakes when it's boomers who take to the internet with all their problems.

  12. Typical inconsistency of the Jake Day regime

  13. You want to talk about inconsistency, look at the officers at that department, who are mostly supervisors that have truthfulness issues and the department continues to hide in their upper ranks. That department needs a new command staff

    1. And Jake is their boss .... poop runs downhill... open wide for chunky

    2. Yep, they have high ranking personnel who shouldn’t be cops any longer and the chief hides them in the department. They are useless for the city. The mayor allows it to, if the chief messed up and didn’t get rid of the commanders in question then she should go because surely there is a reason why she didn’t get rid of them.

  14. Bunch of sissy’s on here lol they are black point blank ... why didn’t your little message just say that.....

  15. Sorry for your bad "Day".
    (psst, I hope you can see between the lines)

    Save all change in a jar and you can make that $165 up within a year. OR a dollar a "day" for 165 days... (psst see I did it again)

    Bake sales help too - the school do it all....well used to do it ALL the time.

  16. This isn't the boys car pictured. It's the second car. Buick is not a Toyota. I bet the Toyota was in a bike lane. Got to keep those bikers happy.

  17. This story STINKS! Did you as the parent of the driver leave your number on the car for the cops to call? How did they know to reach out to you if the car was your sons? As you can clearly see from the WARNING that the writter obviously took off the other abandoned car since none of the information matches what the author has stated there is no owner information listed! The crybaby who clearly wrote this article is also not giving all the information!

  18. This is the problem with proactive policing. It never applies the law equally.

  19. It's clearly a WARNING. So basically nothing happened here and Karen is crying about.

  20. Anonymous said...
    In court like everyone else. That's life. Don't call millenials snowflakes when it's boomers who take to the internet with all their problems.

    July 29, 2020 at 2:43 PM

    Said the stupid Mellenial PUNK!! Leave your name, Puss and I will discuss your problems in person.

  21. I have an idea, post your complaint on FB and tag Jake Day. I bet there will be some fun comments.

  22. Call your attorney and spend another $165 to find out why.

  23. Double standard.

  24. Call the Salisbury Police Chief!

  25. #youaintblack it’s the new world we will live in

  26. I sense the presence of libtard trolls. Go back to your hovels and basements and plan some more stupid sh@#.

  27. I have to chime in now , we all know that the Salisbury police dept. is an inferior police dept. , having said that it has been a training dept. years so don't expect too much from them . They have a failed leader , a female who is by far the worse I've ever seen . Try again the "me too movement " maybe a bowel movement would be better. The county police covers most of the crimes with the same amount of officers . I think her name is Ducan , the over paid ignorant and completely incompetent female (I think she's a female you don't know these days) .

  28. Can only guess the son's breakdown occurred before the big shutdown. Doesn't sound political or racist to me.

  29. Bottom line is you had an officer that did their job. Then you had an officer too freaking lazy to complete a tow report. No vehicle should ever be left in the travel portion of the roadway period. The cop that tagged the vehicle that was in the roadway should lose a day. Lazy Lazy Lazy.

  30. Black good. White bad. Black probably had
    No insurance.
    Dead tags.
    No license.

    But they do nothing. Why doesn't the SALISBURY POLICE open a pizza joint?? Called "Can't do my job pizza"

  31. Ech. You guys are all idiots. Stop bitching already and pick up some trash by the side of the road if you want to help the community. Otherwise, STFU.

  32. The police were under no obligation to call before towing. That they did was a courtesy to the vehicle owner.

  33. You should have called Grants. I have been towed by them several times and didn't pay that much

  34. Police tows cost more because of an agreement with the city, something that most jurisdictions have.

  35. Defund the police!
    (just long enough for us patriots to clean up our society.)

  36. 8:04 you are an idiot no doubt!! First to defund the police would result in udder chaos! Second you don’t have enough “patriots” to clean up a city block much less an entire State. So, stay at home and just complain and let Law Enforcement do there jobs to the best of their ability and save yourself a beat down!


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