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Sunday, August 02, 2020

Rutgers University Declares Grammar 'Racist'

If you’re looking for peak idiocy from academic institutions that are falling all over themselves to kowtow to the mob’s notions of “social justice,” look no further.
The English Department at Rutgers University has declared that proper use of grammar is a hidden form of racism because it disadvantages students of “multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds.”
Grammar is rather boring, so the department is going to sex it up with all sorts of fascinating additions.
The “critical grammar” approach challenges the standard academic form of the English language in favor of a more inclusive writing experience. The curriculum puts an emphasis on the variability of the English language instead of accuracy.
“This approach challenges the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues so as to not put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds at a disadvantage,” Walkowitz said. “Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them [with] regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on ‘written’ accents.”
“Variability instead of accuracy” means incorrect usage of grammatical norms. It’s nice that someone speaks a foreign language, but isn’t the whole point of teaching proper grammar teaching foreigners the proper way to speak English?


  1. I needs to axe a pacific question about that....!

  2. What will all the keyboard warrior liberal grammar police Do ???

  3. Of course, the onus is put upon English speakers who were taught to speak and write with proper grammar to make all of the adjustments for other than proper grammar. In other words, it's Affirmative Action for English speaking.

  4. 11:20 who cares slave, STFU or do something about it!!! We know you won't so again STFU

    1. And here you are not doing a damn thing but crying

  5. The power of division and the need to control(power players) unite to form higher education.When the students decide pig latin or esperanto is preferred that will be fun.

  6. Sounds like the push for ebonics again

    1. That's what I was going to say. EBONICS. Remember that fuss😂😂

  7. When I was younger I had a teacher with an "ain't" jar on her desk...kind of like a swear jar...we had to put a penny in the jar each time we said ain't or some other major grammar faux pas such as using double negatives.
    Fast forward to middle and high school where I was introduced to authors like Mark Twain and Maya Angelou who made ain't sound eloquent, they were also educated individuals who could get away with it. Typos aside, from what I have seen of responses here and the writing quality of others all around, we NEED old school grammar lessons. Declaring the teaching of it to be racist is foolish. This is precisely why I push for people to read more as avid readers tend to have better grammar. What is racist is the push to dumb down society by making exceptions for deficiencies based on culture. This accentuates the minor in minority. If proper grammar was good enough for writers like Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington who learned to read and write during a time which it was illegal for them to do so...why all of a sudden is it not good enough for the people today?

  8. Maybe we should teach our own citizens the proper way to speak English first before we hold others accountable!

  9. Why are people still going to college when idiots who barely have a GED just call them sheep and don't listen to their recommendations anyway?

  10. To the extent of teaching, proper use of the language is essential to transfer ideas, and technical theory.That was why 4 years of English in high school was needed to prep you for life. Wonder how a flexable application of grammer will effect legal documents.

  11. Stop sending your kids to these indoctrination stations and it will all STOP. Like anything else in this corrupt country. Stop the money?? Stop the bullshit.

  12. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 27, 2020 at 12:26 PM

    If these so-called students are truly academics then why the Hell aren't they smart enough to realize if they can't speak English and compose it, then they don't belong in that class. If I'm not to be corrected, Rutgers is one of the leading instructional institutions in the field of law. If some NOVA University grad now finishing at Rutgers hopes to be admitted to the BAR, it would appear they would be ashamed trying to do an oratory before the learned heads of the Supreme Court offering ghetto speak. More especially if opposing Counsel was a polished silver tongue who made them look as back woods and unprepared professionally as they really are.

    This is just as big a joke, as the success rate for defense and argument of the ACLU which is less than 40% is. This should tell you what you need to know about placing people who are substandard in important positions just because of who they represent in ethnicity.

    The theory is 'when I think 'I' know enough I should be passed on to who I hope to be'! What a joke. If I'm on trial for my life, I need the best and NOT a second stringer.

    I'm reminded of a proverb I learned in High School,'It is out of ignorance, he who is neither wise nor good is never the less satisfied wholly within himself'. Lets throw all the standards out that do still exist and let ignorance rain supreme. That would be easy and that's all teachers and students alike look for.

  13. Basically this movement is admitting that a certain group of people are not intelligent enough to speak English.
    Too lazy to tie shoelaces. Too lazy to wear a belt.Too lazy to use a turn signal. Now, too lazy to move their lips and tongues to properly pronounce a word in order to speak proper English. Just grunt like a caveman.
    Good luck with the job interview with grunts and groans during the interview.

  14. Just do your fkg job and leave the baggage at the door!...smh..mho

  15. 11:29 I need to axe you to be more cibal in you responses to da posts!

  16. We will be forced to entertain grammatical laziness until classic and contemporary literature become unreadable by the masses, furthering social divide.

  17. It's funny how everyone picks on southern hillbilly hicks for the way they talk but you never hear them demanding that the rest of the country speak the same way as them

  18. and we further dumb down education aka edumacation

  19. I’m standing On my circle at Walmart observing anyone in violation of social distancing. However I was in Utah last week and wasn’t required to wear a mask for anything so I couldn’t shame anyone But that doesn’t matter I’m back. OBEY

  20. I ditin do nufin.u got dat.

  21. 12:28 - they are already being dropped during the interview process - just by their verbal communications! It's too easy!

  22. James Earl Jones cried grammatical tears all the way to the bank.

  23. 1:00 PM - Perhaps, but you're just here to antagonize those who give a damn.

    1. Isn’t that exactly what you did ? What was your point and objection to the commenter ? Who cares

  24. The Dumbing Down Continues...so sad for our Country...IDIOTS all.


  25. Funny in a truly sad way. Rutgers has generally been thought of as a 'near' Ivy League university. No longer, and they've done it to themselves.

    If they choose to admit students unprepared to do college level work they can either remediate them with classes to bring them up to speed, accurately grade their efforts, or lower their standards. Apparently they've decided lowering their standards is the most expedient approach.

    Remediating might not succeed and the remediation would be on the transcript; stirring the hornet's nest of giving accurate but lower grades to underachieving minority students needs no elaboration; giving an elevated grade vs. the sub-standard work is a fraud on the student(likely clueless) and on future employers, and ultimately Rutgers' reputation. But those directing this step backwards will be retired by then. Since all students take one or more English classes they've diminished all of the university with one fell swoop.

  26. This is an effort again to cater to the Low IQ individuals with dark skin.
    Sad really.

    I am so glad that I was not born stupid with a low ability to learn a Language.
    I am glad to be a Caucasian person.

  27. Section 8 growing and greatJuly 27, 2020 at 6:38 PM

    Day be tellin... da Truf

    .... see Y'all

    needs to learn hows to speak Ebonics

  28. Shall we all speak in ebonics, so we can be understood by all?

  29. They are ahead of the curve. They know that Ghetto Rats are going to get free college (paid by the federal govt). They have to lower the standards so they can fit in.

  30. All need to be shipped back to the old country(Africa), live without a written language, live in a grass and dung hut and eat bugs!

  31. They’re slowly outlawing free speech... one right at a time they’ll lure the ignorant into submission and slavery hidden in the idea of equality and racism

  32. Rutgers never said grammar was 'racist'. Look it up on Snopes. Rutgers does use a lot of fancy words, so you wonder if they even know what they are saying.

  33. Like many whites they whip up some Grammar though when they quote scripture. I wonder if they even understand it ?

  34. I’be agreein.
    U be agrein.
    We be agrein.

  35. July 27, 2020 at 1:00 PM - Got any suggestions, or are you just a tiny troll living under the conversation bridge, popping your ugly head up whenever you feel a fart coming on?

  36. English is too hard for blacks to speak properly.
    The majority do not have the wherewithal or intellect.
    They do not possess the patience or mental stability for education.

    Sorry to say, it’s obviously da truf.

  37. Hey, lunatics! Why do you assume that minorities can't learn to speak correctly?

    Parents, think very carefully before you send your kids to a college run by the mentally deranged!


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