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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Fact Check: Barack Obama Falsely Claims Seniors Depend on Post Office for Social Security

Barack Obama and a number of other Democrat officials have falsely claimed that senior citizens depend on the United States Postal Service to receive their social security checks.

Claim: “Everyone Depends on the USPS. Seniors for their Social Security,” Obama said in a tweet.



  1. So is he a liar or is he stupid?

  2. Obama is twins to Pinocchio

    everything he says is a lie

  3. Would somebody just stick a muslim penis in that white-hating pig's mouth please? It's obvious that's what Obama has always been about. Who am I to deny that carpet-headed mollusk's greatest pleasure in life?

  4. No boodeee cares anything about BO or his thoughts. A complete failure. Failed member of senate, failed member of our WHITE House.

  5. Think you can only get direct deposit for SS

  6. Everybody does direct deposit! He needs to take MaGilla Gorilla on another vacation!!

  7. It is hilarious to me when folks here actually choose to try to factcheck. Lol


  8. An extremely high percentage of Social Security checks are paid electronically to the recipient's bank account. That's been true for quite a while.

  9. One of them is just as dumb as the other. I remember 8 years of chaos when the Bobbsy twins were in office. What an exercise in lunacy. When these dumb asses who are Democrat dupes say what a great thinker he was I say bullshit. The only difference between him and Biden is the package. Two peanuts!

  10. Shows how out of touch the Democrats are.
    Got a question: Who was it that vetted his birth certificate? Comey? Would also like an african american to sue over Harris' eligibility as an anchor baby.

  11. I really don't know why he even stayed in the WHITE house cause its really WHITE.

  12. What’s false about the fact that many don’t have direct deposit? Many people receive their medications through mail, payroll checks, food stamps benefits etc. Once your online shopping items are delayed for months or your bill payments get delayed maybe you’ll understand this way of cheating was the worst thing he could have done.

  13. SS is only direct deposit. So, once again, obummer, you are wrong, like always,.

  14. It's technically not a false statement. Even if most seniors receive social security through direct deposit, there's still the small minority that has checks mailed. He didn't say ALL seniors rely on USPS for SS checks.

    1. very very small if you have a bank accout you have to have direct deposit or NO CHECK

  15. This is one reason this fool should have never been elected. He has that limited intelligence attributed to people of African decent.


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