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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Who Didn't See This One Coming! Hogan, Maryland Governor, Plans Book Tour as He Eyes 2024 White House Run

Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of a solidly Democratic state, who has drawn attention for his criticism of President Trump’s coronavirus response, writes at length about the experience.

WASHINGTON — Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, a popular Republican governor who has drawn national attention for publicly challenging President Trump on the coronavirus, announced on Tuesday that he was starting a virtual book tour for his new memoir, elevating his profile as he considers a presidential run in 2024.

Mr. Hogan, who flirted publicly last year with a primary challengeagainst Mr. Trump, instead took the helm of the National Governors Association, where in recent months he has been at the forefront of an often fraught relationship between the Trump administration and governors around the country struggling to confront the pandemic. Mr. Hogan, 64, recounts the experience at length in his book, and said that it had reinforced his interest in seeking the presidency.

“After this November election is over, regardless of who wins, there are a large majority of Americans who are completely convinced our political system is fundamentally broken, and they’re going to be looking for something different,” Mr. Hogan said in an interview about the memoir, titled “Still Standing: Surviving Cancer, Riots, a Global Pandemic and the Toxic Politics that Divide America,” which is to be released on July 28.

“We have an election coming up — we’ll see what happens there — but I’ve been leading the nation’s governors through one of the biggest crises in our lifetime,” he added.



  1. Wow a Democratic - Republican

  2. Glad he didnt run this year only because we need a full time gov. With that said, political stancces aside, no Hogan's leadership skills clearly trash what we have seen from Trump. Before you go cryin, just know you folks have long ago shown your judgement is trash. You call yourselves true conservatives but havent batted an eye as Trump blew an even bigger hole in the national debt and deficit, and this was before COVID

    1. Learn some basic writing skills.

  3. There are worse people running for president every election cycle...

  4. HA HA HA What a joke. Adolph Hogan is another Romney. He is not a conservative Republican. Hogan has give in to the Democrats that rule the State of MD like a chameleon he says one thing and does another.

    Hogan has done nothing he has promised. Hogan has never stood up to the "BULLY" Democrats. Hogan has no backbone. He never need nothing about the virus until Cuomo pushed his buttons.

    Hogan is a spend and tax Politian taking after his Democrat buddies. Hogan has robbed money from the Maryland State Employee Retirement Fund to spend on his peeves / desires and never challenged the Democrats when they also robbed the Retirement Fund.

    Where did he get the money for these Korean virus test that was never approved by the FDA and probably still in quarantine / hiding?

    Where did Hogan get the money he constantly gives to Baltimore because of their years of mismanagement?

    I will vote for the JOKER in BATMAN before he ever gets another vote from me.

  5. NIKKI HALEY 2024

  6. Watching Trump ramble on Fox news RE his second term is worrying. The guy has literally no plan at all.

    1. To have a plan one needs a functioning brain.

    2. Which neither of you have. Obviously.

  7. A white male ? He helped create the cancel and doesn’t have a chance in 2024 as white male.

  8. He is piss as a Governor and he thinks he will be president never!!! He drinks the same kool-aide as fake Jake.

  9. I believe in social distancing away from our governor. I'm staying at least 125 miles away from him.

  10. Oh Poor Lockdown Larry. You are going to be so hurt when the Democrats you sold your soul to by being an anti-Trumper leave you high and dry by voting lockstep the Democrat that opposes you. A sad ending for a Maryland Rhino. Well, maybe you can hang out with Mitt Romney.

  11. His eyes are blind if he tries to run..another RINO libturd traitor

  12. Said the same about Chris Christy years ago.

    Whatever happened to him? Is he still in line on that bridge?


    1. He was cleared of any wrong dealings reference the bridge

    2. 4:51 doesn't get out much. Or he can't read.

  13. Let his fat head get deflated. People in Maryland hate him. Nobody outside of Maryland knows him. He's lucky to get a dog catcher job.

  14. Save your money, everybody!

  15. book tour? first time I ever heard of a book tour for a coloring book! what an idiot!


    He will make O'malley's run look like a great success!

  17. Larry once you moved from the corner onto the fence (playing both sides) that put an exclamation point on your political career. Good luck with the book...you will need it.

    I hear there's a mayoral need in OC.

    (Snicker snicker)

  18. Got an email from Hogan today about the book. Responded his endorsement of Jake Day cost him all my support

  19. These people that think they are relevant are sad. This cat is going to be as embarrassed as O’Malley. What was it, hanging at the airport while running for POTUS and the herds were walking past him. Marty was the only one that knew he was “important” lol

  20. He'll never make it to 2024. That fat bastard will either have a heart attack or a stroke. Fake Republican.

  21. Transgender @ Salisbury UniversityJuly 11, 2020 at 2:10 AM

    I thought Mayor Jake Day was going to run for President

    we love pole dancing for Jake

  22. Yep, it's all about Lockdown Larry. He will bomb just like O'Malley did. No worries.

  23. "Conservative Republican," my ass! Hogan is nothing more or less than a R.I.N.O.; a sickly looking, sickly looking R.I.N.O.

  24. Chris Christy did a lot for New Jersey and was a leader, Hogan is fodder for the bird cage bottom.

  25. Nothing but a Immigrant lover who cannot marry an American much less Buy American!

  26. The sequel to his book will come out after the election and will be called "What Happened I thought the MSM Loved Me"

  27. Immigrant lover! No American woman wanted him.

  28. He has a proven track record of getting things done. He is old school, willing to work across the isle towards progress.

    This new style of politician that stonewalls and refuses to negotiate gridlocks the system and nothing ever happens.

    Maryland is in far better shape because he was elected.. and he is able to garner support of liberals!

    To win the White House, the Republican party needs a leader like Hogan.

    I don't care if you like it or not, all facts and evidence point to a pretty bad loss for the GOP this year.... and a candidate like Hogan will be good for the country, and the GOP.

  29. What was the title of Hogan's new book,"Why I am a Rino" written by Chemo Larry.

  30. HOGANS self perception of his importance far exceeds his National support.He won his race for GOVERNOR due to very poor left wing and very liberal opponents.THE TERM RINO COMES TO MIND.FORGET IT LARRY-TAKE YOUR PENSION AND GO FISHING.


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