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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Coronavirus Closings: 2 Ocean City, Maryland Bars Close Due To Positive Cases Among Staff

OCEAN CITY, Md. (WJZ) — Two Ocean City, Maryland bars announced they would be closed this weekend due to positive coronavirus cases among staff.

Fish Tales OC and the Purple Moose Saloon are both closed because they learned in the last 24 hours about cases among their staff.

In a message on Facebook, Fish Tales said it learned Friday night that three staff members tested positive for COVID-19.

“We regret to inform you that Fish Tales will be closed until further notice. It was brought to our attention tonight that 3 of our staff members have tested positive for Covid-19. Upon receiving this news, we immediately closed. We believe that we have set a positive example in our community following this pandemic thus far. We are eager to continue down this path by doing the right thing for our staff and customers. We will be meeting with health officials to go over the safest procedures to make sure all of our staff has been tested and cleared to work. We are so grateful for the outpouring love and support we have received from our staff and customers during these trying months. Just like we said before, Fish Tales will come back stronger and better than ever! Thank you for understanding that the health of our staff is most important during this time. We love you all and hope to be back open soon!”


Publishers Notes: Crabcake Factory has also closed.


  1. Do they really have it or are they part of the 60% FALSE positives from the half ass 'QUICK" tests that most are now getting?

    1. Not quick tested. Swabs sinus cavity and it’s horrible. Takes 7 days to receive answer. White Marlin has it also.

    2. "White Marlin has it also", you know that's a fish, right?

    3. 12:56
      Dogs can get it.
      Not sure about a fish?

      BTW, who cares if a fish has a virus?

    4. How about the ticks and fleas on the dog. Can they get it as well and transmit it to us? How about mosquitoes? ;>) I'm petrified...

  2. I'd be concerned where the test are being taken. Most testing sites are using test that purposely give a false positive. Odd how most of these areas have been pushing for continued shutdown.

  3. Carriers coming from all parts of the land. Coming to a city near you.

  4. Cases at trimper amusements as well not being made public.

    1. And never will considering the reckless attitude of the OC leadership and business owners. As long as you pay your tab before you die they have no worries about CV19.

    2. You have read it many times, all will exposed !!!!

  5. Phase 1 here we come.

    Rickie u got your July 4th...at what cost?


  6. More positives with no symptoms. Almost seems like most positives have little to no symptoms. Oh wait, we've known that since day 1.

  7. This is what happens when so many people ignore the precautions that have been reccomended for months on end now. It’s gonna get a lot worse until everyone starts wearing a mask and stops congregating in crowds. The longer people resist the more painful it’s going to become. Even commenters on this post want to blame false tests or anything else they can think of to try and wish away the severity of this virus. Very sad.

    1. Would you like to pay everyone's bills. You act like people who own restaurants or salons, etc are working because they don't believe covid is an issue. People are open and working because they have bills to pay. Stop judging people when it is obvious you still have a paycheck and most don't. Cutting off the economy will cause more issues then people getting covid and rolling the dice. Please put yourself in someone else's shoes.

    2. Putting dollars before public health and safety has always been, and will always be, a losing strategy.

    3. Then what is your solution? My questions stands. Who will pay my bills. I don't have a choice but to work. I bleach between each and every client only allow one at a time. Etc. I do not have the option to sit home. Who will pay the bills? At some point the economy IS more valuable then ones Heath. It is the circle of life. If one can't eat what is the point. The death rate has fallen. Drastically. Most people I know with a so called positive has zero symptoms or very little like just lost of taste and smell. I can't say every restaurant is taking it serious but the places my kids are working this summer are taking it very serious at the expense of the business owners. Who will pay the bills? What is your suggestion? I'm assuming your paycheck hasn't been effected. If everyone's pay was stopped, bet you would have a difference in opinion. No one gets it until it comes to their front door. My heart goes out to all these business owners who have worked their butts off and are on the verge of losing everything. And just so you know, alot of them give back and do alot for the community. I am not working during covid, and I do take it serious, because I want to or I'm a money hungry person. I am working because my kids need food and the mortgage needs to be paid. If you would like to take care of those expenses for everyone, I'm sure more people would love to sit home and enjoy their summer gardening and having family time. All this crying. What are the solutions.

    4. 🎻 🎻 😢 😢 🎻 🎻

  8. Gonna spread like wild fire in Ocean City Now. This was only a matter of time. The FDA cites 80 percent accuracy for the abbot point of care test. The PCR test that most get are even more accurate. I think the 60 percent number that @12:11 is quoting come from a article posted on here where some lady was talking what a CVS lady told her. I commend these places for shutting down though as I'm sure this is a real hurt on their bottom line.

  9. Be the Shepherd not one of the SHEEPLE...USE THE COMMON SENSE GOD GAVE EVERYONE or we are all done for as a civilized nation

    1. People have forgotten about GOD, that is the problem!

  10. Closing a few bars is a lot better then entire state.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I'd be concerned where the test are being taken. Most testing sites are using test that purposely give a false positive. Odd how most of these areas have been pushing for continued shutdown.

    July 11, 2020 at 12:12 PM

    These areas voted for Trump.

    1. Bet you will vote for Biden and his China buddies. you know the ones that started the virus.

  12. 1:00
    You sound like a child.
    Do you believe everything you see on the Tell-A-Vision?

    Get a clue:
    Coronavirus is widespread and there are 7 strains. Initially the tests were for Coronavirus. Almost everyone has Coronavirus in their bodies. Haven't you had the common cold?

    Testing positive for a virus without symptoms simply means the person has contracted it and the body has kept it in check. The immune system has checked the virus so there are no symptoms.

    Get it?

    Stop worrying so much.
    Take that stupid mask off.
    Get on with your life.

  13. When it is a given upfront, that 3% of the test results are inaccurate along with a person testing positive and then cleared two weeks later only to test positive again 8 weeks later surely indicates the testing fiasco is for real. Get on with life folks, or curl up and die with your test.

  14. Is it true the Crab Cake factory was closed by the Health Department. I saw the police there and figure it wasn't a decision made by the owners but were forced to close.

  15. Ok 12:12PM & 2:40PM show me proof what what you say? And an OAN or Washington Examiner article doesn't count.

  16. I was at an unnamed venue on Route 50 last night listening to a ‘county western’ singer and so many in the crowd were coughing that it detracted from the music.

    1. Why don't you tell where you were last night if you truly believe this bullshit

  17. With so many different license plates from highly infected placed, I dont think we have heard the beginning of positives in ocean city. This coming week I would not be surprised if we hear a lot more places with positives. Be interesting to see if the places have the nads to admit it

  18. If you were an asymptomatic COVID positive carrier, would you want to be responsible for passing it on to someone who ends up in the hospital on a ventilator or maybe dies? Everyone says for older/more susceptible people to stay home. Well, they do need to get back to work or at least go to the grocery store. It's not that much of a hardship to wear a mask when you're around others in public.

  19. Don't worry, a stable genius told me it was going to disappear on its own.

    1. Nothing to disappear, it's a hoax

  20. Now include Buxys, Dry Dock 28 and Blu crabhouse to the list of establishments closing down Rickie!!!!

    Kiss the airshow goodbye.

    1. A lot of businesses put dollars ahead of public safety. That never works. Now they will pay the price.

    2. Again, would you like to pay the bills. People are not putting money ahead of safety. They are putting food, and insurance and house rent 1st. You people are so crazy. How about have some sympathy for people 'forced'to work. Not everyone is able to qualify for welfare.

  21. I'm not going to say "I told you so", but one of the first places to close by the Health Department was the one making all the noise in town. You don't badmouth the town!
    I called that shot weeks ago, right here.
    Here's the next prediction:
    All of the places that have closed, claiming it is because employees "tested positive", were actually closed for not completely following the health standards and regulations laid down by the state.
    The Health Department fanned-out around town yesterday and today. Watch for many more closings.

  22. If you don't want your business to be closed don't get tested!! It's a farce anyway. Likely you won't have any symptons...ever.

  23. deaths/hospitalizations have declined, so now the goal-posts have been moved to 'cases' keep the economy stagnant up until the election. cases among the low risk build 'herd immunity'. . . it's up to the high risk demographic to use proper precaution, it's not up to the entire population to lock-down our lives.

  24. 5:07AM said:
    "...At some point the economy IS more valuable then ones Health..."

    If you can honestly answer just ONE question I have, then I may come over to your way of thinking.
    You said you have children. My question is this:

    Economy is more important than health.
    That said, which one of your kids would you be OK with to sacrifice for a better economy in your home?
    The youngest? Oldest? The boy? The girl? How about your wife?
    Which one?

    1. This is such a stupid question. Which one will be fed when there isn't enough food? I guess we could start there. And my guess is the wife (or husband would starve first) so does that answer it for you? The thing is kids don't seem to be dying from it. You can't believe ruining an entire economy is worth the less then 1 percent death rate. I don't think you understand what is coming. I hope you never find out the hard way.

    2. Also, when Covid 1st was an issue; all of my children except for one was out of work. One was laid off, the rest gave their hours to those that needed them more then they did as all hours were being cut. After a month or so, they all asked to go back to work. I was hesitant. They all agreed that it wasn't worth it to survive, if they could not live. I have a son who has some immune issues that would be considered high risk. He is willing to take the risk. All of them understand the consequences of a broken economy. It is their choice. They have decided they all wish to continue to live until their time is up. I will ask them your question when we are all together and see what they have to say. I'm sure they will agree that their mom and dad would take the hit first. We all understand the risk, but we all have bills. You are welcome to stay home. But we have the right to work and buy food. My guess when asked your question, is they would all die for each other. That is because I have raised them with a heart of gold for others. To love God 1st. To always do the right thing even when it is the hard thing. And all of them understand the risk. Freedom isn't free. It never has been. Freedom always has a cost. My guess, every single one of my kids will tell you even at their death, it was worth it. Death will come to us all at some point. I appreciate my kids. They have taught me alot. With your statement. We wouldn't even have a military. It is called a risk to sacrifice. Everyone knows what that is when they sign the dotted line. My family signed the dotted line. And you are welcome to stay home. For everyone else, thank you for visiting these businesses and doing your part.

  25. My pharmacist told me not to bother taking the test unless you are symptomatic. He said the test is totally unreliable giving out false positives to people that do not have the virus.

  26. 11:53
    Oh my goodness
    It hasn’t come to human sacrifice, has it?

    Your post is scaring the bat shoot out of me right now. Say it ain’t so!

  27. What I am reading from you is that you are willing to give up a family member in order to "pay the bills".
    To send them into danger, life-threatening danger, to keep your lights on and the refrigerator full.
    Glad you're not MY dad.


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