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Thursday, July 02, 2020

Where will COVID-19 strike next? Latest projections suggest Delaware, Ohio and rural Colorado could be on the cusp of outbreaks as coronavirus travels up highways - and it could be WEEKS before Arizona can flatten its curve

Coronavirus has become a dire situation for states like Texas, Arizona and Florida - and the latest projections suggest it will only get worse over the next month.

Models created by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) PolicyLab and updated on Wednesday predict that cases will only continue to surge in these states, as well as 'spread' to towns and cities that neighbor those with significant outbreaks, including rural Colorado, parts of Delaware and cities in Ohio.

The researchers noticed a disturbing trend: emerging hotspots seem to be cropping up along interstates like I-95 as the virus travels US highways with migrating people.



  1. I DON'T believe any of these reports. period!!!

  2. However media and doctors have not linked 10s of thousands rioting, looting, killing, statues ruins and protesting causing it to spread? So weird. Must be those white peoples barbecues.

  3. The virus will spike anywhere that our President plans an re-election rally.

  4. Where will Intelligence release it next?

  5. When will you guys get it , covid19 is nothing more than a flue. I had it at 77 years old , a cough , a fever and feeling bad for a few days . This BS is nothing more than another political stunt to vote by mail , wake up idiots .

    1. Consider yourself lucky, Moron.

  6. "latest projections suggest" is where I stopped reading

  7. So let me get this straight. I 95 runs north from Florida, which has all of a sudden an "enormous" outbreak, through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, etc. and continues north. Yet the next "strike" predicted along that route is Delaware. I'm confused how it happens to bypass the 5 other states along I 95 and settles in Delaware????? Anyone?


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