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Thursday, July 02, 2020

Washington Post opinion editor says white men have threatened to protect 'their women' and called her a 'monkey' after she tweeted white woman are lucky black women aren't 'taking revenge'

The Washington Post opinion editor who said white woman are lucky black people aren't looking for revenge has shared images of the threats she says she is receiving from white men.

Karen Attiah posted a tweet Wednesday morning showing an apparent text from an unknown number telling her to 'be careful with hate' and that 'revenge only begets revenge'.

It warns Attiah that her comments would 'wake white men who will protect their women'.

Another email she shared referred to Attiah as a 'monkey' and an 'ape', telling her she was angry 'because white women are beautiful'.

It comes after the editor was accused of inciting violence for tweeting that white women are 'lucky' black people are 'just calling them Karens and not calling for revenge'.

'I explicitly said Black people *ARE NOT* calling for this [revenge],' she wrote, as she shared a screenshot of the message she received, which she claims is from a white man.



  1. Call the police ohhh that’s right you don’t believe in that. Lol

  2. The Post does not have the b_ _ _s to fire her!

    1. WaPo is CIA

      They are running a Psyop

  3. 8 billion people and she gets two messages calling her names after she threatened entire race and gender. Kinda like the ratios of covid deaths


  4. She needs a new employer where her lack of impulse control and hateful frame of mind will be less embarrassing to her employer. Let's put the shoe on the other foot: she's now a white woman writing about blacks. Think she'd still be employed?

  5. Proves she's a bigot. Says she got and email and claims it came from a white man. No proof, nothing but it sure shows her bigotry.

  6. You all keep up with this left wing crap. Cancel culture, Victim culture, BLM, baloney. You think that you are gaining ground because we have not reacted. We are trying to be tolerant of your marxist b.s., but you should know there are limits to our patience. When we have had enough, you will regret your decisions. While you and your Antifa friends arm yourselves with bike locks and bricks, we have spent years arming ourselves with guns and ammunition. Keep playing your stupid fantasy land games. The day is coming. We will end it.

  7. If the shoe fits.... you am what you am!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: No real comment on this except that after viewing Karen’s photograph, I agree with the white men who allegedly made derogatory comments regarding her appearance. Although, I must say, she appears smug and self assured even though she is the only one who would find her attractive.

  9. If the shoe fits, she can wear it. This is the reason I won't even allow these carpet-headed race of hobgoblins in my home; the Crybaby-Americans are consumed with utter bloodthirst against us white males.

  10. My woman doesn't need my PROTECTION. She can shoot and fight as well as any man. Bring it on DOPIE.

  11. She is an ugly skank.


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