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Thursday, July 02, 2020

I Have Had Enough. Stop Erasing Our History.


  1. Funny how willing they are to erase history but they can’t get past slavery. Why not erase that memory too. That would solve everything. Selective erasing of history so they can play the victim.

  2. It's a shame the libs do not listen to these speeches!

  3. It's easier for them to erase history than it is to learn it.

  4. You people believe taking down a statue "erases history". No wonder you also still believe Mexico is paying for the wall. Dopes

  5. 11:36
    Communists erase history, not angry black people. BLM are just paid provocateurs - paid by the communist bankers.

    The Freemasonic creed is: Order out of Chaos

    First they create the chaos
    Then they will provide the order
    The order will be military dictatorship

  6. All of this pandering and kowtowing is not going to change anything a lick. Look at what is happening around the country; people are arming themselves because the kowtowing by the liberal left mayors and governors has taken any control away from law enforcement. It will come down to he said she said over shootings etc. And playing the black anthem at sporting events? Kidding me? We are one nation under God! All men(women) are created equal! We are ALL God's children! History is just that...history.

    1. You guys just make this up as you go along huh. There was a huge spike in gun ownership this year. It was due to the pandemic and happened way before protests started.

  7. The Bolshevik event in Russia was started by elite Jews in the banking industry. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin were all Jewish, like Karl Marx and his father who was a rabbi.

    Communism is an expression of racial elitism. The descendants of Judah consider themselves to be qualitatively better humans than all other races. That is why they are destined to rule over everybody.

  8. Another dead man. you need to to read the Lincoln Douglas Debates


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