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Thursday, July 16, 2020

This is What “Vote Blue No Matter Who” Gets You.

Let’s talk about how Andrew Cuomo continues to fail New York State.

In the midst of a global pandemic, historic economic crisis, and the largest civil rights movement in history, the past four months — needless to say — have felt like nothing less than a blur.

My home state of New York, and downstate in particular, as we all know was hit particularly hard, with tens of thousands of people succumbing to the deadly virus. In spite of the fact that he oversaw one of the largest outbreaks not just in the United States but the entire world, I must admit that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ability to position himself as a national hero in the eyes of the media throughout the duration of this crisis was an incredibly well crafted coup of the narrative surrounding the virus’ impact on the state.

Over the course of the past few months Cuomo has certainly made his share of controversial decisions, not the least of which was mandating that nursing homes in New York State accept residents positive with coronavirus. But even with the good ideas, such as mandating that nursing home staff be tested twice a week (now once a week), Cuomo still managed to allow his mediocrity overshadow even the best of intentions. It should come as no surprise that there was no state aid offered to the nursing homes to help cover the costs of these tests. At the nursing home where I’m currently employed, it cost the company that owns our facility upwards of $60,000 dollars a week. An amount — it’s worth noting — that has been staggering in part because Cuomo, in his infinite wisdom, mandated a fifteen dollar minimum wage while slashing the medicare budget that pays our checks by one million dollars for the facility where I work.

But as we have entered in to yet another month with tens of millions of people throughout the country currently unemployed, many of whom are unable to put food on the table for themselves and their families let alone write their rent checks, yet another example of Andrew Cuomo’s devastating mediocrity has emerged, and with brutal consequences.

As many might already know, the Governor placed a 90 day moratorium on rent payments that has now been extended another two months. Unfortunately, as to be expended, these measures don’t go nearly far enough. The money, of course, will still be due.



  1. And vote Red no matter what landed us a president who every day spews out either outright lies or false information. Go figure. You would think you guys would finally get that the point is to ditch partisan politics. Vote on strong honest leaders who support the majority of your views.

    1. Ok Einstein....You made a point...but NO FACTS? Your opinion means nothing without facts....idiot

    2. Absolutely know your candidate! Plenty of people in names only rino’s and dino’s. Vote for the best person for the job! That’s how we get past all the bs

  2. Let's see. Choices: Hillary and Joe Biden. Uh, no, I'll keep these cards and double my last bet. Whatcha got?

  3. I keep hearing people accuse President Trump of lying yet no one elaborates on what he lied about. Now it isn't difficult to list Obama's lies. "You can keep you lr doctor". We all remember that. There are many others I'm sure you have heard. So please stop saying Trump lies unless you give us some food for thought. My guess you don't have any.

  4. 10:13 AM - Strong, honest leaders who support the majority of YOUR views are who?

  5. Name some of the lies you speak of that Trump made. I thought so...............there aren't any!


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