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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Larry Hogan lights into ex-mayor, Obama and more in blunt account of 2015 Baltimore riots

Hogan, amid 2024 rumors, is releasing a memoir later this month

EXCLUSIVE: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, in his upcoming memoir titled "Still Standing," dispenses scathing criticism of former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby and others over their handling of the city's 2015 riots, an event that foreshadowed the widespread racial unrest seen in other American cities in recent weeks.

Several chapters addressing the 2015 riots were obtained by Fox News in advance of the book's publication later this month.

The Republican governor describes the rapid mobilization of the state police and National Guard as he and his advisers realized the seriousness of the situation brewing in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray in police custody, and he shares his mindset as he dealt with the crisis just months into his first term as governor. He also talks about the human side of attempting to heal the divided city, quoting advice he received from then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie about the need to be a "consoler in chief."

But Hogan, whose book has fueled speculation about possible 2024 ambitions, also doesn't hold back criticism of officials he says either didn't help the situation or made it worse, with Rawlings-Blake front and center.




  1. Poor Larry. He didn't say a word until NOW. No Larry you have been on the side of Democrats your entire tenure. Don't think you're coming back to the conservative side since the Democrats have DESTROYED themselves.

  2. Yeah I don't think so Adolph Hogan you don't get to roll over to all the liberals demands and then act outraged right before the elections. You had your chance.

  3. 10:30 am. I agree. He is starting his path to Penna Ave. Not buying it either. BS I say.

  4. The rest of the country would have no clue 10:30

  5. Wasn't he the governor then?


  6. Don't actually see much of a path for Hogan. Presuming the President is re-elected, VP Pence would have the inside track, if he wished to run. Pence was in the House for a while before being elected as Governor there before being tapped as VP candidate. He is definitely a conservative and a skilled speaker (reminds me of Calvin Coolidge). Hogan has a less compelling resume. Could he be Pence's VP running mate? Perhaps. But there are a number of men and women governors and senators with great records also. Let's get DJT re-elected first!

  7. Hogan is an opportunist. One has to laugh when he says he restored Bodymore to law and order. He is on MSNBC with Michael Steele, another scumbag.

  8. Loser Larry boohooing. Trump daddy will make sure he gets destroyed even before he runs! Can't shut his fat mouth!

  9. Joe another post that was not posted. Is this because you don't want criticism of Hogan? I stated all facts so you are your help is beginning to sensor others opinion if they criticize Hogan's faults.

  10. You're a Democrat. Just admit it and go home.


  11. Everyone that has posted just before me has said it all!!! I can’t add a thing.....thank all of you for showing Larry to be Larry....he won’t change!


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