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Thursday, July 16, 2020

It’s Just A Mask


  1. Been preaching the same since feb..Looks as though BLM and ANTIFA have won this battle , don't know about the war.

  2. Mask or no mask, the least people can do is be respectful of personal space. Whether or not there is a pandemic going on we should always have the right to tell others to step back without it being a political problem.

  3. Well I guess I am just going to starve because I am not taking their vaccine whether they claim it is for the greater good or to go in a store. Better start setting traps for the wildlife around here. Reckon I'll be eating them.

  4. Really? In 4 months America became socialist. The government now controls the means of all production, distribution, and exchange.

    I bought gas this morning. With cash. I got change.

    Vaccines are to stop me from getting covid, and to protect those who can't get immunized.

    Masks help reduce the risk of asymptomatic infected from spreading this.

    NO ONE in the government said that violent crowds were ok, neither did they support them.

    Strange silence here on the protests on quarantine... oddly this joker overlooked that.

    All of the guidelines have been based on scientific discoveries, AND as knowledge has grown, policies have changed.

    No one is afraid of their neighbors.

    This video is the fear tactic. This video what is spreading doubt and fear and propaganda, and is weaponizing and politicizing this pandemic.

    It's absurd and ludicrous... but hey, this guy is dressed as a clown.

    The STUNNING IRONY here, is that this message has been censored over an over, for no reason other than it refutes the propaganda posted. Censorship, is what socialists do.

  5. Epic Joker memez. The sign of a truly intelligent gentleman. Gamers rise up!

  6. 10:16 , take a hike , step back and look at what you said . Outside is everyone's space , if you want to step back do it . I may want to hug you , probably not , but comment on something educational.

    1. So if you are making someone uncomfortable by standing too close to them you think it is your right to continue to do so because it is everyone's space? You may like getting touched by strangers but not everyone does. Personal space is as much about respecting others as yourself. It is also about personal safety preference and not just a virus.

  7. 196,202,000 people killed by their own governments since the last pandemic (Spanish Flu) only 100 years ago, because they would not take the ruler’s mark, accept their mandates, hate the right people, bow to the king, agree with the heard, or comply for the “community” ….That does not include the war dead, throughout all the conflict in the 1900’s government whips up?

    The Red Terror (Russian: Красный террор) was a period of political repression and mass killings carried out by Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in

    The Cambodian genocide was carried out by Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot, who radically pushed Cambodia towards communism. It resulted in the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people from 1975 to 1979, nearly a quarter of Cambodia's 1975

    In 1958, Mao launched the Great Leap Forward that aimed to rapidly transform China's economy from agrarian to industrial, which led to the deadliest revolution in history and the deaths of 20–46 million people between 1958 and 1962.

    The Holodomor was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. It is also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, and sometimes referred to as the Great Famine or the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33………Ukrainians would not “get the shoot” or go along so Joseph Stalin cut of railways, bridges, roads, and worst of all communication. Over one winter, 3 to 12 million people (nobody knows because the people keeping records died and any serving documents were systematically destroyed) starved to death or killed each other for food.

    Words from someone that has seen democide 1st hand……..

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me…………

  8. Really? In 4 months America became socialist. The government now controls the means of all production, distribution, and exchange.

    I bought gas this morning. With cash. I got change.

    Vaccines are to stop me from getting covid, and to protect those who can't get immunized.

    Masks help reduce the risk of asymptomatic infected from spreading this.

    NO ONE in the government said that violent crowds were ok, neither did they support them.

    Strange silence here on the protests on quarantine... oddly this joker overlooked that.

    All of the guidelines have been based on scientific discoveries, AND as knowledge has grown, policies have changed.

    No one is afraid of their neighbors.

    This video is the fear tactic. This video what is spreading doubt and fear and propaganda, and is weaponizing and politicizing this pandemic.

    It's absurd and ludicrous... but hey, this guy is dressed as a clown.

    1. Wow looks like someone has their head in the sand. Trust the government they only care for what's best for you.

  9. Lucifer in charge now!

  10. 12:37
    You are parroting the MSM lines, the official story.

    The rest of us realize the MSM is lying.
    About everything.

  11. John 3:16, now is the time to store your treasures in heaven where they don’t rust rot or corrupt for this world will surely pass but heaven is forever.

  12. Holy Crap !! That Laugh !!! Spot On !!!

  13. We are told to wear a mask to protect others. I'm a fairly healthy 53 year old male who smokes. I was infected in June. I had all of the symptoms. They were so mild, I thought I had a cold. If it were covid, I should be in really bad shape according to the media hype. No, it couldn't be covid I thought. But it was I later found out. It affected me no worse than 90% of the population would be affected. It was gone in a week. I now have immunity to it. There have been no documented cases of reinfection as far as I know. So why am I being told to wear a mask, along with all of the other people who have immunity to it now? We all will eventually get it. If you are afraid you're going to die if you get covid, then I suggest you take the necessary precautions and live in isolation. Does the world have to stop eating peanuts because some people have peanut allergies? No! THEY make sure they dont eat peanuts. There is no reason to disrupt the world and change our lives for the 1% who won't survive covid. I think the responsibility to avoid infection, falls on those who's lives are in jeopardy, and those who have fallen victim to our governments attempts at creating mass panic and fear in our society. Not on the 90% of us that covid will have little to no effect on at all

    Educate yourself, then form your opinion based on the facts. Not on what you've been told by organizations that have ulterior motives which aren't in OUR best interests. IT'S NOT JUST A MASK!!!


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