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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Navy SEAL who oversaw bin Laden raid says America's biggest national security issue is the K-12 education system

While some former US military leaders have had offered witty one-liners when asked which national security threat keeps them up at night, one former commander had an unconventional answer: "K-12 education."

Retired Adm. William McRaven, a former US Navy SEAL commander and head of US Special Operations Command, said he was "the biggest fan" of the younger generation of Americans and that education in grade school played a broader role in national security.

"When I was chancellor, I would have a lot of town hall meetings, or meetings with our alumni, and that question always came up," McRaven, who was chancellor of the University of Texas System, said at the Aspen Ideas Festival on June 29. "And they would always ask ... 'What's your No. 1 national security issue?'"

"I think my answer always surprised them," he added.



  1. Truth! Take heed, educators! Education and indoctrination are not interchangeable terms, so let's see more of the former and less of the latter.

  2. Scholl vouchers will solve this problem eliminate public education we don't need it we don't want it and it stinks. Turn the buildings in through reform schools that's what they are now anyway

    1. If you had spelled school right people might take you seriously smh. You don’t see any issues with a voucher system??

  3. BAM! He couldn't be more correct! EVERY parent should stand firm and demand accountability!

  4. Get you Children OUT of PUBLIC SCHOOLS NOW!!!

    1. ABSOLUTELY. Either that or they will be like the indoctrinated fool's you see protesting.

  5. You go to ANY school and you see more black or foreigners teaching??

    1. What about wine sipping communist?

    2. I guess they would be under

    3. I guess they would be under

  6. Judging by the state of US politics, he is 100% right. This goes for both sides of the political aisle, or atleast the die hard fans of either party, but I will pick on the conservative side since I'm here.

    Apparently you guys don't quite understand Math because you really believe Trump would cut the deficit and that "the tax cuts will pay for themselves".

    Apparently you don't quite understand economics because you believe that someone it countries like China that pay tariffs, not companies who import goods and indirectly, the US consumer.

    Apparently you don't understand history because you still advocate and want to hold in high esteem the confederacy, you know - the side that took up arms against the US, but cry foul when a man decides to kneel during the anthem as a peaceful protest.


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