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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany plays slide show for reporters with question for Obama

At a briefing on May 22, 2020, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany played a slide show containing questions for former president Barack Obama.



  1. Good post. Now go back and post on all the false information and doofus claims that have come out of these briefings.

    1. There isn't any. Fact check Einstein. You might learn something.

  2. Would make sense if O’bummer was running against Lying Donald. He is not. if Trump doesn’t get over his O’bummer fixationand realize this very soon he will be a one term president.

  3. Wow. How much glue does it take to keep those eyelashes from falling off?

  4. Communist troll alert. Right on time

  5. I think she does an amazing job. If you watch the videos the media has such hate. They are so bias. Trump does not get credit for so much of what he has done and it is very sad. The man needs a filter and can be rude. But he has done some good stuff and you will never hear of any of it.

  6. 11:13 AM - You seem to know them all, so why not save us some time and post them yourself.

    1. The fact is there are so many that there are quite a number of databases that have compiled them along with the substantive facts if you actually decided to read. Psst I actually did a list the other day that I nkticed was selectively chopped on the edit board. Not the first time.


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