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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

L.A. City Council Passes Motion to Replace Police with ‘Crisis Response’ for ‘Non-violent’ Calls

The Los Angeles City Council passed a motion Tuesday to replace Los Angeles Police Department officers with unarmed “crisis response” personnel to be assigned to “non-violent calls for service” such as “neighbor disputes.”

The motion, introduced by Councilmember Herb Wesson and five colleagues on the 15-member council, would:

INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with assistance from the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Housing Services Authority and in cooperation with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and other relevant government service providers, to develop an unarmed model of crisis response that would divert non-violent calls for service (mental health crisis, substance abuse, neighbor disputes etc.) away from LAPD to the appropriate non-law enforcement agencies.

INSTRUCT the CLA to analyze and report back on programs utilized both domestically and internationally such as CAHOOTS in Eugene, Oregon as well other models of crisis intervention.

An explanatory paragraph says, in part:



  1. What a great idea (sarcasm)

  2. SHARIA to follow.

  3. Creating a tax payer funded agency to handle non violent calls under the guidance of law enforcement? Makes perfect sense to send a unarmed person into the projects for a neighbors dispute that could turn violent as you ring the door bell. Then the cops get called anyway. So ridiculous

  4. Those Liberal Jack A$$es have lost their minds!

  5. Don’t most start out non violet? This little experiment won’t last as long as the call.

  6. Just wed sass it, it won't be long belong before one of these 'counslers' get beaten to a pulp or worse!! That is guarenteed.

    1. What?

      Be sassy on Wednesday’s?

      I’m trying here. Need a few more English words

  7. Hahaha. This alt to be good.

  8. If you dopes could actually read, the world would be a much less scarier place for you. LA is NOT talking about eliminating police. They mention creating this intervention force that is intended to actually take the onus off the police to deal with non-violent offenses. See in the real world, people actually take a logical approach to a problem and think of solutions. Those solutions usually require a change in approach because sane people understand that one cannot expect to see a change if they don't update their approach. If you are not willing to actually listen, learn, read, think critically, sit the hell down somewhere and stop poisoning the air with the crap coming out your mouth.

    1. No one responded saying they were getting rid of the police so maybe you are the dope. Can you read? You obviously don't listen because your response doesn't fit. It is people like you who are so rude that problems won't ever have a solution. Who exactly will be willing to go to that non violent call in a dangerous area unarmed? So many calls are non violent in the beginning. Who determines what is non violent? Who will cover the lawsuits when one is shot and killed for being sent into a non violent situation?

      Is this not a discussion board? The only poison I see is your response. Thinking critically involves compromise and seeing both sides of the coin. Not just your side. And your side must be right so everyone else is stupid? Come on, at least try to be a nice person.

      What is the problem you speak of? What is the solution? I thought the problem was white cops are racist? How does sending a person unarmed gonna fix that? What a joke. I am all for taking the pressure off police officers if it is deemed they handle calls they shouldn't. I am not so sure sending an unarmed person into a situation that could escalate quickly is the solution.

    2. 1:07....Cheers from 1 rational person to another! My first sundown adult beveridge will be in honor of YOU!

  9. Anyone who sincerely believes that "neighbor dispute" or "domestic disturbance" represent non-violent calls is deluding themselves. When emotions are involved (as they usually are when altercations occur between parties who know each other well) there is an escalated chance of violence. It's time to wake up and push back before the brown shirts start coming for all of us because we don't parrot the party-speak!

  10. Every other week we hear of a policeman or policewoman wounded or killed in a domestic dispute. Let's see how the social worker goody two shoes make out with the violent couples.
    Just send them in first to see if the domestic dispute is violent and maybe we will save some officer's lives.


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