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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

FNC’s Carlson Criticizes ‘Weak’ Republicans in Time of Crisis — Accuses GOP Officials of Feeding Voters ‘Partisan Junk Food’

Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his show with a monologue criticizing Republicans for being “weak” in this time of crisis, and with left-wing forces seizes on that opportunity.

He cited his interview with Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) from a night earlier, and his push for so-called police reform and support of the Black Lives Matter movement as an example. However, he argued if the country were to be restored to normalcy and without an onslaught of radical policies from the Democratic Party, the Republican Party would have to rise to the occasion.

“If you want to be left alone to do your job and raise your family in this country, you will need a protector,” he said. “That protector must be the Republican Party. There are no other options. But it must be a very different kind of Republican Party.”

Carlson maintained it would be up to GOP voters to force the party’s elected officials to respond accordingly, to which he said he believed that they would. He argued Republican voters should insist on three elements. First, Carlson said that Republicans should be told to would work as hard as they can to “make America fair again” in the form of a “color-blind meritocracy.” Second, he insisted Republicans had to defend the First Amendment. Third, he said it was essential to remind Republican officials their party exists to serve the interests of “ordinary people.”



  1. Tucker Carlson for President 2024!

    1. I would vote for tucker, very smart young man, and not a politician

  2. Prior CNN employee - Tucker Carlson.

    Enough Said.

  3. 100 percent. I might switch to independent even thou I will vote Trump. Republicans are total wimps and makes me sick to be honest.

    1. Changing to independent will do nothing to change the wimpyness of the republican politicians, but it will restrict your ability to vote for a possibly good candidate in the primaries.

  4. As a conservative it is frustrating to say the least watching these milk toast representatives "roll over". What is the end game? We have seen it before with the likes of Romney who bowed out to Obama and "ol blue eyes" Ryan who caved as speaker. A lot of attitudinal shift going on.

  5. There is only one party and it should be named for what it is.....

    Sold Out To Lobbyists party or Scums for short.

  6. Tucker seems to think the race for President is over and Biden has won, he may be right because if Biden wins America the land of the free will be gone and we’ll be looking a lot like Venezuela . Have you noticed the food supply in grocery stores are still very limited? Suffering is coming

  7. Tucker is 100% correct, and I am NOT judging anyone, but for all the people that say they're voting for Trump, but consider becoming "independants" that's fine, BUT how many of you take the time to actually contact our Republican officials, and call them out to explain the IDIOTIC decisions they make? Though I agree with your thoughts, I believe that WE as republican voters have been WAY to silent, for WAY too long, and THIS is the result. I think that OUR republican officials (not all, but many) haven't had to explain their actions to their voters so they "assume" they already have our support, so they are more concerned with not offending any "possible independent" voters. The Independents, and the democrat voters DEMAND accountability much more than Republican voters. It seems we just vote then move on. We ALL need to never forget that no matter how much we support president Trump...he can't do it without the House & Senate! We really need to focus on those branches of government just as much and instead of just not voting, we need to make sure we work to find STRONG CONSERVATIVE representatives in the house & senate, and help Trump and the handful of good conservatives we have to drain the swamp. That's OUR responsibility, just as much ad its our officials responsibility. WE need to "step up" and not quit the party, but DEMAND accountability from our party! That WILL bring change.....Trump 2020!

  8. 7:21 - he saw how brainless they were at CNN

  9. I agree with Tucker. I have been saying this for years. Republicans have no backbone to stand up to these Democrat bullies. They will not fight for what they were elected to do and that is to fight for conservative values that benefit everybody. They allow stupid unrelated amendments to bills that destroy the whole idea of the bill. Republicans refuse to have a vote on a clean bill. They always allow the Demon Democrats to add their desires then claim they have to allow it to pass their bill.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Prior CNN employee - Tucker Carlson.

    Enough Said.

    July 2, 2020 at 7:21 AM

    Are you really that stupid? I think so!

  11. There's truth to what Carlson says. The Republican party needs a high colonic to flush out all of the cobwebs.


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