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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Noted environmentalist pens article apologizing for 'climate scare' foisted on public for decades — but piece is taken down reportedly just hours later

'Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem.'

Michael Shellenberger is no slouch when it comes to environmental issues.

Besides his TED talks garnering more than 5 million views, he's a Green Book Award Winner, a frequent contributor to publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Scientific American — and he also authored "Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All," which was released Tuesday by HarperCollins.

But Shellenberger said a Forbes article — "On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologize for the Climate Scare" — based on his new book was soon "censored" soon after it went up Sunday. The Daily Wire reported that his piece was taken down from the Forbes website "a few hours" after it was published. The Forbes site on Tuesday showed where Shellenberger's article should be — but only says it's "no longer active."



  1. "No longer active," a euphemism for censored.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: He doesn’t fit the narrative and must be silenced.

  3. Arguably the biggest hoax ever perpetuated on the world is the man made global warming hoax.

    1. COVID 19 is the biggest ever with 120k deaths out of 340 million people and half were in nursing homes. 450k die a year for nicotine. 250k medical malpractice.

  4. So believe in luciferians yet?..or still in denial that this is the heart of the current global situation

  5. This guy went to a Quaker school and has NO scientific degrees. Baseless argument.

  6. I wonder how much they paid him to do this.

  7. Everything the left does is a hoax

  8. It's very convenient to keep environmentalists chasing CO2 so that the big polluters can get away with poisoning our land, rivers and air with chemicals and everyone is too busy with climate change to notice.


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