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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Harris Passes Bi-partisan H-2B Language in Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01), in conjunction with Reps. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) and Henry Cuellar (D-TX) successfully inserted language in the 2021 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations bill that will allow DHS, in consultation with the Department of Labor, to release additional H-2B visas in fiscal year 2021 beyond the statutory cap of 66,000 should a labor shortage exist.

Congressman Harris made the following statement:

“I am pleased that the Appropriations Committee adopted our bi-partisan amendment to aid local small businesses that rely on seasonal labor. Next summer’s labor market is currently unpredictable given the COVID pandemic and ensuing economic recovery. This provision will merely give the executive branch the flexibility to release additional temporary worker visas should there be a demand next summer, which will give some assurance to the countless seasonal businesses in the tourism and seafood processing industries across the First Congressional District. This program utilizes temporary workers to support American jobs and is important to the economy of the Eastern Shore.”


  1. Good ole Andy letting more Chinese spies into our country. Isn't he wonderful?? LMAO

  2. Is it my imagination - is Harris doing more for you than Hogan.

  3. Wait a minute??? I thought City Fail just said they are going to get workers from Puerto Rico next year.....

    (snicker snicker)

  4. Harris isn't doing anything for us. Tell me what Harris is doing different than Hogan?? Both do nothing for Maryland. Unless lining their special interest pockets.

  5. Time for Harris to retire next election cycle...

  6. Good ole Harris. What has he been doing to help President Trump?? I haven't seen him come out and support President Trump. Haven't seen him come out and talk about the crooked Democrats. I guess our dentist is part of the Deep State??

  7. This iron in the fire will end your political career, Dr Harris. Bye bye

  8. good article but i have one question where i can buy online Seafood


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