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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Judd Gregg: The Coming Biden Coup

It is more than a possibility, and slightly less than a likelihood, that Joe Biden will be elected president in November.

Biden has made it clear that a woman will be his running mate.

What is becoming equally apparent is that he may be cornered into choosing a socialist or progressive as that person.

As he runs his campaign from his basement, allowing President Trump to stomp his feet and shout as he tries to mount a more traditional campaign, Biden has shown little inclination to take on his own foot-stomping base.

Thus the socialist/progressive wing of the Democratic Party is now center stage — and insisting one of their own be Biden’s vice presidential candidate.

That individual could be Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) or Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) or any number of lesser-known advocates for the far left.

The underlying agenda is becoming more and more apparent:

Promoting and promulgating - not merely accepting - the massive protests that have occurred in some cities, even when they have led to lawlessness, looting, riots and declarations of autonomy.

Searching out and destroying unbelievers in pursuit of a politically correct version of history, and doing so with a zeal that would have made Cotton Mather blush.

Removing statues of historical figures that are deemed unacceptable based on today’s parameters of social justice.

It is of course ironic that figures such as Ulysses S. Grant, Francis Scott Key and even those who make up the faces of Mount Rushmore — Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt — are now deemed evil by the progressive ideologues of the new Democratic Party.



  1. The ONLY way Democrats will win in November?? CHEATING. It's the only way. It's the ONLY way they know. Plus the SPINLESS GOP will do nothing to stop it. Yeah they will BITCH and moan. But that's it.

  2. Mr. Albero ,
    As we all know the country is a boiling hot mess about racial equality . The African Americans have taken it to a level that I've never seen before in my 78 years . They have become very violent throughout the country . The police will not respond to calls that are related to anything racial. I've watched videos of blacks assaulting young white girls and boys . Our tolerance is at a peak and I'm frustrated about what's going on . I've fought for this nation in 1967 . I've sworn to up hold the constitution and laws of the country . Fare warning , from this day on I will do exactly that , in any way I can . I will not let Blacks control my life or my family and friends.
    What can we do to stop this madness ? Trump has done nothing , what the hell do you suggest ? I hope you don't say wait a little longer , the waiting is over.
    I was trained as a 11 b recon, and an 11 h infantry soldier , I haven't forgot mt training .

    1. Get a gun. Sit back. And Wait. Come on grandpa. You don't remember the racial RIOT'S if the 60's??

  3. 8:39, I simply deliver the news. We have a President and his name is Donald Trump. He, (nor you or I) is/are perfect people. None of us are comfortable watching the history of America being destroyed but there has to be a good reason for any delay. I, like you, just haven't figured out why it's taking so long.

    1. 8:39
      You know better
      As a military person you agreed to defend the corporate interests abroad. You should know those interests are controlled by globalists bankers. Try reading Smedley Butler.

      The destruction is an important part of the transformation into a communist country. The elites will eventually stop the violence but not until the population begs for it.

      Out of Chaos, will come Order

      The Order will be a military dictatorship

  4. 8:39, I see by your age you should know how our government works...there is the President then the Governors at the State level and then all the POLS at the local level...the President is limited to what he can do as the Governors at the State level and the Mayors at the City level have jurisdiction in their areas...over their citizens.

    Most of the Destruction and Damage was done in DEM enclaves and President Trump had no authority to override them...When he did call in the NG in an area like D.C. he was chastised and the NG was sent back by the Mayor of D.C. Again; the president can only do so much...

    President Trump has spoken out against Everything that has taken place across America...he has offered Help over and over...IF these DEMS refuse his offers there isn't anything he can do about it.

    Prayerfully President Trump will win a second term and he will have more latitude to do more at that point...you sir, need to be patient and pray he wins...IF he doesn't win, you can kiss America good-bye, because we will then be entering a new phase called the New World Order...something I don't relish and don't desire for my future and the future of my children and grands...

    We are at a crossroads and must be awake, vigilant, active, and aware at all turns; not allowing ourselves to become complacent. Continue to fight the good fight and believe for a good outcome for our beloved America and her citizens.

  5. 839 so you were in the military for hour 50 years, what have you done lately? Crickets

  6. What should the President do? He is not a King.. I don’t understand why people are falling for the burning city’s and blm distractions. Blm is opening supporting Joe Biden. People get a clue.

  7. I won’t vote for Joey if the good president (Trump) was axed to be the running mate.

  8. Biden will be removed by the democrats after getting the black female in the vice president position.


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