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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Buchanan: A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

Speaking at Mount Rushmore on Friday, and from the White House lawn on Saturday, July 4, Donald Trump recast the presidential race.

He seized upon an issue that can turn his fortunes around, and the wounded howls of the media testify to the power of his message.

Standing beneath the mammoth carved images of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, Trump declared:

“Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials, and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.”

These mobs are made up of Marxists, criminals and anarchists. Their cause is a cultural revolution. “Their goal is not a better America. Their goal is the end of America.”



  1. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/bombshell-report-says-trump-ordered-cia-to-share-counterterrorism-intel-with-russia-despite-no-discernible-reward/


    1. Of course we should share counter terrorism intel or do you think we should sit on it and wait until another crazy Muslim sets off another bomb

  2. Worrisome what America will look like or become if the left wing radicals regain the White House and Senate. The polls are problematic; so hard to believe that so many intelligent people would prefer socialism, despair, third world country status, loss of liberty and freedoms, and social divide of the radical liberals. This is the progressive outlook they proffer? No thank you.


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