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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Biden Embraces 'Green New Deal' In Newly Released "Biden-Sanders" Policy Platform

While Joe Biden was hanging out in the basement, his team was hard at work liaising with the remnants of the Bernie Sanders campaign people to craft a policy agenda that, they hope, will motivate the young people who came out in droves for Bernie to come out and vote for Biden.

And unsurprisingly, Biden's plan is a hodge-podge of mostly incompatible ideas obviously intended to pander to the white working class swing voters in the Midwest, and the young AOC-worshipping DSA members and crypto-marxists who powered Sanders to his second straight second-place finish in a Democratic presidential primary.

According to information released by the campaign, the outline of Biden's plan covers four areas: A push to 'buy American' and incentivizing American jobs, as well as embracing 'clean energy' (mostly via extreme policy proposals outlined in the Green New Deal), while also working to boost the "caring" economy - whatever that means. The Biden campaign said it would commit to bolstering child care and elder care, as well as racial equity.

Here's one quote from the policy paper released by the campaign:

Ensure the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions no later than 2050. On day one, Biden will sign a series of new executive orders with unprecedented reach that go well beyond the Obama-Biden Administration platform and put us on the right track. And, he will demand that Congress enacts legislation in the first year of his presidency that: 1) establishes an enforcement mechanism that includes milestone targets no later than the end of his first term in 2025, 2) makes a historic investment in clean energy and climate research and innovation, 3) incentivizes the rapid deployment of clean energy innovations across the economy, especially in communities most impacted by climate change.

He followed this up with a video promising to take "drastic action" to confront climate change.



  1. These are all the communist (Zionist) goals for the destruction of the US and the rise of Israel.

  2. These people kill me. You ride on someones elses coattails and expect the result you want. Bernie was different, and passionate about his issues. Everybody knows Biden is a corrupt old racist politician. Who likes child porn.

    1. 9:24
      You don’t understand at all.
      Completely clueless

      Biden is a crypto-DuPont
      He is Illuminati
      Descended from a bloodline that can easily accept demonic possession to gain earthly power.

      Biden is evil because his body is possessed by a demon.

      So no, he is not just a creepy old dude who enjoys porn (how do you even know that?).

    2. We know that by the way he has carried himself in public and private from what secret service has told us. Put that in your pipe and smoke it .

  3. Grasping at straws.

  4. 924 name a few items Bernie passed or piece of legislation for minority’s or climate in 30 years? Because he couldn’t when asked on the Breakfast Club pod cast. Matter of face “ I walked during civil rights in 60s” was his response. He is a carbon burning Private jet flying, suv driving, multiple home multi millionaire socialist that gave less then the average American to charity each year per snap shot of taxes. But don’t worry his platform is now Biden’s so YOUR SS will be cut.


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