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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Breaking: Trump Admin Wisely Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data — Information Will Now Be Sent to Central DC Database

The Trump administration announced new guidelines on Wednesday. Starting today hospitals will be ordered to bypass the CDC and send ALL COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.

This comes after TGP’s Tuesday report on the likely fraudulent numbers coming from the CDC.

The CDC is just the latest government entity that has become politicized by the American left.

The CDC is pushing shoddy policy based on propaganda and opinion.



  1. I suspected this from the beginning. Older people with underlying health issues such as heart and lungs dieases dying where reported as death from Covid-19. This virus is a hoax - more people die from the flu. CDC is also holding up return of cruise ships. Anything to destroy the American economy. The virus does kill but Democrats have used it to their advantage. Let's get back to normal.

  2. Great. What pandemic? If we don't talk about it and hide the numbers it won't exist anymore. Job done. Just ignore the refrigerated trucks heading into Florida and Arizona because the Morgues are full.

    1. I agree. More important issues to work on like saving Confederate monuments and flying the Confederate Flag at NASCAR events.

  3. Centers for Damaged Credibility.

  4. Once Trump and Pence said CDC guidelines for opening schools are too strict, it isn't surprising that this happened. Accusing the CDC of being political about the virus is the pot calling the kettle.

  5. most people dont know that the CDC isnt a government agency

  6. In a second, term Trump needs to fire the head of the CDC, Fauci, and Birks.
    While taking the database from the CDC helps, it is still GIGO if the hospitals/states continue to lie.

  7. Don't forget the people listed as coronavirus deaths...but were actually gunshot victims.. there's ba bunch of those!

  8. 12:29, those are beer trucks, you numbnuts!!! LOL

  9. 1:00 believes the liars are Birx , Fauci, the hospitals, the doctors, etc. It reminds me of the joke about the parent who watched the school's marching band and asked, "Did you notice that everyone was out of step except my Johnny?"

  10. Yes - no one has died - it is all a hoax.

  11. 1246 - right, most people think CDC IS a gov't agency.


  12. 12:29 It's lies and theater and does a good job on low IQ people.

  13. It's about time. Someone finally gets it. It's time to defund the CDC. EDUCATION. EPA. COMMERCE. DEPARTMENTS.

  14. Oh boy, I knew I would come here and find commentary from clowns that know ZERO about how this data is gathered, processed, and presented. You read one article from some chump random site and now you have such an informed opinion about the decision. Too funny!

    1. 3:25
      You forgot to tell us your opinion.

  15. What did the pot call the kettle?
    You can't even say the color!


  16. Thank God we have Trump to create an alternate government agency to replace a government agency that is a failure. We are now saved? Don't get me wrong, the CDC is a TOTAL failure, just go there
    and try to find actual death rates for this year compared to the last 4 years. Just go, you will not get numbers.

    So will Trump's crew do better? Who knows, but it's obvious the CDC and th WHO need to be PAST TENSE to the USA.

  17. The CDC is federal it is part of the US Public Health Service.

  18. Trump said he wanted to slow down testing. What medical sense does that make? Test no one so we can have 0 positive tests.


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