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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Biden Staffer Interrupts News Anchor Live on Air, Cuts Screen, Tries to End Interview Early Before Biden Can Embarrass Himself (VIDEO)

Joe Biden appeared virtually on Phoenix Channel 12 Wednesday morning.

The interview started off awkward.

The 77-year-old opened up the conversation saying Arizona is an important city.

Biden’s staffer interrupted the news anchor live on air when he asked about China.

The staffer ended the interview and cut the screen blank so Biden wouldn’t embarrass himself.

“That’s our time, thank you so much,” the staffer said as he cut the call.



  1. It's time to pull the plug on Biden bad when the staffer knows he can't do interviews, and his family and the Dems go on with this sinking ship, and fake demographics as to how well he is doing it is just like China the lies are to obvious and no one wants this Kool Aid anymore.

  2. And I thought Jacksonville was big!

  3. And this is the best they have to offer ?

  4. Charlie Brown lines up to kick the football. He runs and WHOOPS, Lucy pulls the ball back again, Charlie yelling ARRRRRGH and thump.

    The Dems are so proud!!.

  5. They can't keep this disaster of a candidate in hiding forever.

  6. Hahaha. Biden is so scared to talk longer than 10min. Pathetic.

  7. Not the way to instill confidence in your candidate.

  8. Assuming Biden shows up to debate President Trump, it will be Biden’s worst nightmare.

  9. Wait for it... wait for it...

  10. It was probably time for him to swim a few laps

  11. Biden can't answer questions that are not previously summited so his MASTERS can put answers on a teleprompter.

    Who wants someone as incompetent as that as a PRESIDENT? Who is George Soros, Michael Bloomberg along with the Tech companies and the other Millionaires Billionaires going to put in as a VP who will run the Country if they get their rigged election through?

  12. This election is more about Trump losing . . . Instead of DuPont (Biden) winning it.

  13. Folks, keep quiet, Biden is our best hope to get trump re-elected. Let this senile simple fool continue, we don’t need a real contender.

    1. You're right. It's the mail in ballots I'm worried about. If Biden get in?? This country will be run by the TRAITORS. THE SQUAD.

  14. Agree, 9:11, bu still, there's still voters out there that will chomp on that 60 year old Dem bait...

  15. Isn't Arizona a city?

  16. So they have people following Biden around to keep an eye on him and stop any interview that will expose his senility. What will they do when he enters the debate between him and President Trump? Oh, that's right. They are keeping this virus thing going so they will have an excuse to cancel the debate between him and Trump. Because they know Trump will wipe the floor with him.


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