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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Back to School"No Thanks" says millions of Newly Homeschooling Parents

With dehumanizing COVID-19 restrictions awaiting students at schools, many parents are opting to keep on homeschooling...

Next month marks the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year in several US states, and pressure is mounting to reopen schools even as the COVID-19 pandemic persists. Florida, for example, is now considered the nation’s No. 1 hot spot for the virus; yet on Monday, the state’s education commissioner issued an executive order mandating that all Florida schools open in August with in-person learning and their full suite of student services.

Many parents are balking at back-to-school, choosing instead to homeschool their children this fall.

Gratefully, this virus seems to be sparing most children, and prominent medical organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics have urged schools to reopen this fall with in-person learning. For some parents, fear of the virus itself is a primary consideration in delaying a child’s return to school, especially if the child has direct contact with individuals who are most vulnerable to COVID-19’s worst effects.

But for many parents, it’s not the virus they are avoiding by keeping their children home—it’s the response to the virus.

In May, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued school reopening guidelines that called for:

Strict social distancing tactics
All-day mask wearing for most students and teachers
Staggered attendance
Daily health checks
No gym or cafetaria use
Restricted playground access and limited toy-sharing, and
Tight controls on visitors to school buildings, including parents.



  1. GOOD!

    Don't let these libtard nazis corrupt your children!

    It's time to get rid of the government schools and the huge tax burden they enslave us with.

  2. This is communism in case the readers are asleep. Time to pay attention. This is what the previous generation fought against and voted against.

  3. People don't realize the strange blessing this coronavirus has given us. People have realized of better ways to do things. For decades we have been programed that we needed things. WE DON'T!! Don't need schools or teacher's that allow are kids to be brainwashed. Kids can't read or write graduating. Teach our kids to HATE AMERICA. The morons protesting in the streets is the PROOF. Don't need sports with whiney millionares who hate us and AMERICA. We have learned to get back in touch with our families. We've also learned how corrupt our government is. I think ball of us have learned to live without ALL THE THINGS AND PEOPLE WHO HATE US AND AMERICA. Yet we have people who say there isn't a GOD.

    1. I've noticed a big difference in myself and family. We do so much more together. My kids don't feel safe in school. The wife a several of her friends are thinking of setting up a home school area. Like school but safer. More enjoyable. Best of all?? They will actually learn.

    2. 7:43
      How many people have you had?
      I’ve had none.
      Did they taste good?

      Learn to write before making a diatribe about public education. You shouldn’t have skipped so many classes.

  4. Time for school vouchers to be a thing right now. There's no reason the union should control our children's education!

  5. 100k a year to have summers off and full benefits and now a full year off. Winner. Unless rioting or protesting stay safe and social distance because that’s free speech.

    1. I'm, tell me where to apply. I don't know a teacher making 100,000 a yr. You are telling lies.

    2. Also, teachers only get paid for the the time school is in session. They do not technically get paid summer off. They can elect to have their pay divided and held aside for them to get a paycheck during the summer but it is deducted out of their regular paychecks. The majority will also work a 2nd job during the summer.

  6. My children are grown and on their own now, so I don’t have a horse in this race, but this virus has impacted how parents look at schools. Imagine a 20-30% enrollment decline (home schooling, private schools, Christian schools) and the impact that would be seen school system budgets. Vouchers would certainly impact - I think if I was a teacher I would be real nervous right now

  7. Do you know who is responsible for raising your kids? YOU! That’s what this virus has taught us. Take personal responsibility. You have children, raise them. Personally, I think the coming Civil War is going to fall in line over those who decide to school the children at home and those who want the government to control everything.

    Prediction: Biden wins. 1/3 of the country takes the education of their children into their own hands, with another 1/3 in support of those families. Then, the Dem senate and house pass legislation to ban homeschooling. They send law enforcement into those homes to take the kids out, and then shots are fired. Civil war erupts.

  8. Then we should stop paying the tax that support the schools, shouldn't have it both ways


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