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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Leo Terrell Reveals What Caused Him to Leave the Democratic Party

Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell, a prominent Democrat turned Trump supporter, has come under fire from his colleagues for refusing to support Joe Biden and Black Lives Matter. Despite that, Terrell said he isn't in favor of the modern-day Democratic Party and what they stand for.

"The Democratic Party in 2020 is as follows: it's been hijacked by Black Lives Matter and that's why I've shifted away from the Democratic Party. Two major reasons: One, Joe Biden made the assumption that if you're not black, that if you're black you have to vote Democrat. I find that insulting and offensive to every African American because we don't vote as one group," he told the Daily Caller. "Secondly, defunding the police is absolutely ridiculous. Democrats believe in law and order. Those are two major reasons I left the Democratic Party."

According to the civil rights attorney, the Black Lives Matter movement lacks any substantive policies and their only goal is to defeat President Trump. It was Biden's comments about blacks needing to vote for the Democratic Party that made Terrell question his values.

"When Joe Biden made that comment, I had to question my value and find out whether or not the Democratic Party and I still were compatible and we're not, because everything that's going on in 2020 with Black Lives Matter, with defunding the police, with making the assumption that if you're black you have to vote for the Democrat, that is not what I stand for as a civil rights attorney," he explained.

Even though Terrell believes the officers involved in George Floyd's murder were in the wrong, he still believes in law and order and the need for law enforcement.



  1. Support of Joe Biden has to be purely political, given his obvious and increasing disability. Standing for Biden is nothing more than standing for the party and a wink at Biden being the stooge for the likes of Pelosi, Schumer and the Squad.

    1. 9:24 we must look like a bunch of idiots to the whole world thanks to biden supporters. Seriously, how weak and vulnerable to attack does that make us appear to our enemies

  2. And Leo is black!!! I love it! More blacks need to listen to him. He knows what he's talking about.

  3. I can’t blame him because the democrats party....well... there isn’t a democrat party anymore!🤷‍♂️ They are the socialist party. The radical left has taken over and they don’t look ANYTHING like the democrats! They have absolutely no common sense! They want to burn down this country and rebuild it into a third world country. They say America is evil. Well SOCIALISM is evil!! It’s never worked and it never will! They can burn it down but it will never be rebuilt as good as it. And if Trump gets 4 more years with the senate, it will be better than its ever been!! TRUMP 2020! God bless you Mr. Terrell!! Thank you for thinking of your country before your pride! You have earned great respect from many people because of that!!❤️

  4. I can’t blame him because the democrats party....well... there isn’t a democrat party anymore!🤷‍♂️ They are the socialist party. The radical left has taken over and they don’t look ANYTHING like the democrats! They have absolutely no common sense! They want to burn down this country and rebuild it into a third world country. They say America is evil. Well SOCIALISM is evil!! It’s never worked and it never will! They can burn it down but it will never be rebuilt as good as it. And if Trump gets 4 more years with the senate, it will be better than its ever been!! TRUMP 2020! God bless you Mr. Terrell!! Thank you for thinking of your country before your pride! You have earned great respect from many people because of that!!❤️


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