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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Walmart, Best Buy, CostCo will require Mask for all starting July 20

Following in the footsteps of CostCo, Best Buy and Starbucks, moments ago Walmart - the world's largest retailer - became the latest national chain to require all customers to wear masks.

"As the number of confirmed cases has spiked in communities across the country recently, so too have the number and types of face covering mandates being implemented," Walmart said in a news release Wednesday. About 65% of its more than 5,000 stores, including its Sam's Club locations, are located in areas where there is government mandate on face coverings.

"To help bring consistency across stores and clubs, we will require all shoppers to wear a face covering starting Monday, July 20. This will give us time to inform customers and members of the changes, post signage and train associates on the new protocols."

The change will be enforced on July 20, and comes even as there is federal mandate to wear a mask exists, however the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says everyone "should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public" adding that "face coverings are meant to protect other people."



  1. Anyone noticed this virus came from a communist country with a mask law.

  2. I thought this was in place all along

  3. Food Lion it is!




    It's over, folks. 2 weeks, flattened the curve, death rate waaaaaay down.

    Just stop.

  4. I will be at Food Lion, Thank you.

  5. Tell customers to wear them over their noses too

    1. Senior
      You wear it over your nose.

      Don’t worry about the rest of us.

      If you are a scaredy-cat then stay home

  6. We need to revolt and throw the masks away
    It has only become a political ploy

  7. Masks have been required at Food Lion for months.

  8. If you're against wearing a mask you're a coward. Seriously, grow up. I wear an N95 for 12 hr shifts to take care of you idiots who continue to get infected.

  9. If you really want to honor our healthcare workers you'll stop whining about the small inconvenience that is a mask and just wear the damn thing. You're all like the villager from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; "HELP I'M BEING OPRESSED"

  10. Cool, no mask - no treatment when you become infected.

  11. I'm going to stop wearing Band-aids when I have an open cut that's bleeding. It's my God-given right to bleed where I want, ain't no government man gonna tell me different. That right there, is how stupid anti-maskers sound.

  12. I grew up not understanding why the world views America as such a stupid country. In the past 4 years I have truly come to learn why. The idiots are emboldened and coming out of the woodwork. I wish the silent majority would shutup again because damn are you lowering the average intelligence of the nation.

  13. More conditioning of the public by the communist tyrants.

  14. Which walmart are they talking about. Every time I go in Walmart it is mask on going in, mask off coming out and everyone in there has been wearing a mask. Nose covered or not, makes no difference since it has been proven that the mask itself will not prevent getting the virus. I still say all this hype will go away after the election.

  15. Food Lion requires it as well

  16. I'm confused. Hasn't this been in place for months now?

  17. be free from face diapers now...and for you dummies who say if we get sick shame on us; fine...if we get sick we have therapeutics to help us. good grief, go mask free and get a real life...resist, resist, resist...as you are being played and brainwashed daily.

  18. I thought we were already doing that.


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