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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Whistleblower Claims Chinese Communists Pay Vatican $2 Billion in Bribes

ROME — Exiled Chinese dissident Guo Wengui alleged this weekend the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “allocates $2 billion a year” to pay off the Vatican for its silence concerning Chinese atrocities.

In a June 20th interview on The War Room, Mr. Guo said the CCP earmarks massive sums each year to win the allegiance of foreign countries including the Vatican, Italy, and Australia. Among them, the Vatican receives up to 2 billion dollars from the Chinese Communist Party every year, he said.



  1. I am sure, Romans were corrupt to... Especially these days!!!!

  2. Nothing new there helped the nazis too..they certainly do not represent JESUS..a man made corrupted rotten church. So far from biblical truth so what do you expect. They bend with the times to me just as guilty as the MSM..and i was raised catholic but was reborne

  3. Well, this is sickening to hear. Is nothing sacred anymore?

  4. Believable

    How would we ever know for sure?

  5. Of the world's two most institutionalized pedophilia cults, Catholicism is to corruption what Islam is to violence: no religion in history does it better.

  6. Ever since this Pope. Nothing good has happened for the Catholic Church.

    1. 9:46
      Where have you been since Vatican II?

  7. Not hard to believe, considering the hundreds of years of pedophilia hidden and vehemently denied by the Vatican.

    1. STFU. It's not just the Catholic Church douchebag. You Baptist are just as bad.

    2. 10:09
      You are a nasty person
      Should be ashamed of yourself

    3. Please explain the Baptist Church downdfall. I truly have not heard of any!

    4. The Baptist Church have been down for year's. Why do you see them on every street corner. Like 7-11's. Phoney church with phoney people. Praise the Lord to your face. Stab you in the back as you turn. Just look at SALISBURY. The Baptist hate everything. Including themselves. But they love Gays. Just look at your gay loving leaders?? Pushing gay everything.

    5. What's wrong 10:30?? Truth hurts?? Don't sit on your high horse. All religion have had PEDOPHILE. Look at the Baptist of wicomico county pushing everything GAY. Look at the county and city council?? ALL BAPTIST. ALL PUSHING GAY AGENDA.

    6. What's wrong 8:30?? Truth hurts?? Don't sit on your high horse. All religion have had PEDOPHILE. Look at the Baptist of wicomico county pushing everything GAY. Look at the county and city council?? ALL BAPTIST. ALL PUSHING GAY AGENDA.

  8. Can you imagine how much they (China) pump into Democrats pockets?????

  9. The Catholic church has a very checkered history,from the Inqusition, charging taxes on parishioners and accepting donations to grant annulments to the wealthy. Their past history would read like a Mafia history but with less murders!

  10. Catholasism is corrupt to the core. It's about power and politics, with Jesus sprinkled on the side. Way off to the side. Indoctrination at its finest.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Need to get money to pay off victims of pedo priests from somewhere. Rampant throughout the priesthood worldwide and very costly.

  12. My father was an orphan. He would tell me stories of how he was mistreated by the nuns and priests. I had my doubts. How could holy people act that way. Imagine my shock - wow.


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