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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Carlson Warns of Inaction Against ‘Totalitarian’ BLM — ‘Don’t Be Surprised When They Come for Your Church’

Monday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson voiced his disappointment in President Donald Trump for not taking action to deal with the civil unrest around the country.

After laying out the threats posed by the actor ginning up the unrest, which includes the so-called Black Lives Matter movement, Carlson warned against inaction.

He also said given the remarks on social media from BLM activist Shaun King, religious institutions were threatened by the BLM.



  1. I am assuming that the President is waiting for the enemy to make a much stronger move. Cut off the head of the snake, then cut up the body.
    The Republic needs AG Barr to take down the Deep State traitors.

  2. Hope your paying attention and praying, because its always been about GOD since 911. These attacks are not random these are attack by the NWO attack dogs they fund prop up and support. So now we are seeing Soros, clintonest, and UN money at work along with foundations of all the leftist orgs. All united against GOD AMERICA and freedom.
    The real luciferianism agenda behind this wave becomes very apparent and should scare you to take a knee for JESUS

    1. 8:32
      Who are these Luciferians?

      It is the descendants of the Sadduccees who murdered Jesus Christ. The Illuminati banking families of Europe who financed both sides of WWII. The Central Bankers. Talmudic Judaism. Chabad Lubavitcher

    2. 6:44
      Speaking truth to power!

      Thank you my friend

  3. The intelligence agencies are running these Psyop against the US and World population.

  4. The lawless one will be revealed soon.

  5. Sounds interesting, looks like it may sting a little before this is over.

  6. Each night I pray that God gives sight to those who are blinded by lies.
    I pray our kids see the TRUTH and that those who are deceiving are exposed for what they are. Until this happens there will be chaos.


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