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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Trump Threatens Anyone Caught Vandalizing Federal Statues With Ten Years In Prison

Continuing the tough talk on protesters and vandals whom he has accused of sowing unrest across the US while actively working to "destroy" our collective history, US President Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday to arrest anyone caught trying to tear down monuments or statues, and threatening to throw them in jail for up to ten years.

Trump added that the new order applies "retroactively", meaning the numerous clips of mobs of hysterical leftists toppling statutes and spraypainting derogatory messages can be used as evidence against potential defendants.

"I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the US with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act," the president said in a tweet on Tuesday.



  1. The people who do these things are broken.

  2. Seeing how the police are not supported and are patrolling with blinders on who will enforce it? Bill Barr? Mr Barr is to busy complaining about Russia hoax but not actually doing anything about because he gave a free pass to Biden and Obama who actually gave the orders.

    1. 10:45
      Barry and Joe are puppets.
      Their bosses (campaign financiers) call the shots.

      Wake up

    2. Barr will enforce this with an iron fist, after he jails Clinton and Biden and executes Obama for treason.

  3. The government who sends them to prison for 10 years for doing it is also broken.

    1. I agree 100%
      Flew over these commenters’ heads

    2. 11:35 You are part of the problem🙄 Your ignorance is astounding.

  4. Those laws were enacted to address problems like this. I'm glad that he's using them.

  5. 11:35 PM See 7:48 AM

  6. 11:35 PM - The penalty is up to ten years. Judges will decide the sentence based on the severity of the crime. Spray paint a statue and get 90 days plus pay restitution. Knock the nose off the statue at the Lincoln Memorial and look forward to doing the full ten.

  7. Trump Threatens To Enforce Federal Law.

  8. It is the right thing to do as the law was before all this not to destroy Government property and historic monuments fits the law that no one wants to adhere to anymore. You can't destroy all our history and memories because if you do then maybe we need to consider taking down MLK statues, and other black statues of your heroes because it is no less racist than what is being done to races other than those approved by Black Lives Matter. Be careful of what you sew, it can come back on you.

  9. Should have them exiled in a communist country for 10 years.

  10. I’m glad POTUS is now an acting Judge

  11. Northwest Woodsman: monuments/statues to “black hero’s” are few and far between because in our society, we do not celebrate crime and violence nor do we create monuments to mediocrity and failure. Elevating King to the level of a national hero was just pandering to blacks for political reasons. Try digging into King’s background and you will find that he was a scoundrel and far from being someone to look up to as a role model. One of his favorite activities was to hire a couple of white prostitutes and beat the h#ll out of them. FBI Director Hoover, had an extensive file on King based upon what was likely illegal surveillance. That surveillance not withstanding, demonstrates King’s perverted propensities and his communist ties. And let’s not forget his proven history of plagiarism with regard to speeches and his claimed “academic” documents.

  12. GO-Get-EM !!! Long Overdue !!!

  13. They will Learn > Prison Lives Matter !!! LOL

  14. Give them 20 years since they Only Really do Half their time !!!! = 10 yr

  15. Send them to Russia, where they have REAL Prison !!!!


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